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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. hello there, well i have eben a lurker for a wee while now and i just thought i would tell you about my pro with the bank of scotland, which up until recently i have had no prob with, but all of a sudden i have getting charged left right and centre even when i have money in my account. Last week i got charged £90 because i i had 3 different cheques come off but i was only £1.34 over drawn, so although i had enough in my account for two of the cheques i was short on the finaly one by £1.35 so they charged me for all 3, and of course because i went over drawn i will now get charged another £28 at end of the month, it is pure profiteering which i am going to mention in my letter which i copied from the templates i might also mention writing to the papers see what they say anway enough of my rant away to post my letter wish me luck jen
  3. i am with clydesdale and i only ever get a service charge if i go overdrawn, on looking through my statments i can go months with no charge then hit a few in a row, at first i thought i was when i used a cheque but looking back it is def when i went over drawn, so i am claiming it all back. hope that helps
  4. I am in Aberdeen to, but just starting out i am waiting for the clydesdale to sent me my statments then i will know where i stand better.
  5. i just got a letter form the clydesdale bank it says " i confirm that we shall provide you with copies of your bank statments covering the last six years under the right to access under the data protection act 1998" I wont be getting any info about manual intervention as "this is not data which you are entiled to recieve under a data subject access request and accordingly no such disclosure will be made" So i have had no real problems (so far) not sure if is all the complaints from here or not but think they might be getting the message. Now waiting with highlighter pen at ready for statments.
  6. update ,just got letter back from my branch saying they will provide me with copies of my bank statments covering the last 6 years (i only asked for 5 but im not complaining), so i have had no problem so far with that, they wont provide any data relating to manual intervention as according to them this is data i am not entitled to recieve under a data subject access request. dont see that as too big a problem as far as i am concerened they havent got any manual data as they have not had to do anything, a stupid computer has just printed stuff off and charged me lots. so i will let you all know when i recieve my statments highlighter at ready. thanks jen:)
  7. I am a newbie here and i would just like to say what a great web site this is. I have been charged by the clydesdale bank for about the past 4 years (my hubby is in Uni) the final straw came yesterday when a cheque i wrote was returned to my child care provider as i had insufficant funds in my account, thing was cheque was dated 17th it was returned on the 18th i was always under the impression it took several days to clear in a bank, it allways did when i put money in! Anyway i was charged £35 and £22 irregular borrowing fee and because they sent me a computerised letter at the end of the month i will be then charged another £20, it driving me mad so i have taken the first step i have written to the bank and included my £10 (just hope they dont bounce it)to get my statements to find out how much i have charged over the past few years, a fair few bob i would think. i will keep reading all the faq untill i see what they send. this web site is a great service, the banks have been ripping everyone off for to long, i will be passing on all i have learnt to my hubbys mates (all poor students) who not doubt will be very interested in it.thanks alot jen
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