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Everything posted by DizzleFizzle

  1. Thanks guys, I'll go and have a word with my Lettings Agency and see if they'll give in a hand in all this.
  2. Sorry to bump this, but does anyone have thoughts or advice? Anything?
  3. Now as shown in a previous post here there has been a debt issue with some previous tenants but I have not heard about anything else until now. I have had a letter through addressed as "FAO Occupier/Landlord" at my address from LCS Civil Enforcement/1st Locate. This letter basically goes on to explain that they have undertaken an investigation into Utility supply at my address. They DO NOT mention any client's name or any amount of money that is possibly owed. The letter goes on to request a bunch of details about the current occupier, the date of occupancy, the previous tenant and the Landlord's details in order to apparently "conclude" their findings and "eradicate" myself from the investigation. Now, I'm unsure what to do with this. Do I ignore it as they seem to be fishing for details and any debt at the address certainly isn't mine? Do I give it to the Lettings Agency whom are the property managers for the property I am in? If I ignore it will there be further reprocussions? If I give it to the Lettings Agency I run the risk of them passing all the details across which I'd be unhappy about as I have said any debt isn't mine and I have all bills, agreements and paperwork associated with my tenancy to prove it (I got nothin' to hide!). I'd be grateful for any insight or advice you guys have!
  4. Excellent, thanks for your help! Just one more thing, is their third point true, that if I get any more letters from their DCA attack dogs that I should just ignore and return to sender as the debt is not attributed to me? Thanks again amigo, much appreciated!
  5. Hi, Apologies if something similar has been posted and I haven't been able to locate a post with someone in a similar situation to me. Basically, I have moved into a property (rented via a Lettings Agent) and setup my British Gas account and given them readings, setup direct debit etc, etc a couple of months ago. Now, a bill came dated up until my tenancy started but it was addressed to THE OCCUPIER (obviously the previous tenants didn't register with British Gas). I ignored this, but now I have received a letter from their debt rottweilers wanting payment (addressed to THE OCCUPIER also). I phoned British Gas and explained to them that this letter had been received and they informed me of the following: That I'm only legally obliged to only pay bills that are in my name. That they wouldn't cut my gas off because my account is the "active" one. That if I get anymore to ignore and "return to sender" and they will go about finding the correct people with whom the debt is. First off, is all of the above true (especially 1 and 2)?? I suspect the third one isn't, and also does anyone have any advice on what to do? Can I just ignore any more letters that turn up and just "return to sender"? Is there anything I can do to be proactive and stop these people coming after me for this debt that isn't mine? Any advice or help would greatly help me and I've got no idea what to do from here. I'm also expecting more trouble as bills for electricity and water are appearing for the previous tenants but those are in their name (can I ignore these as well, or is there anything I can do proactively here too?), so as I said any advice would be awesome. Thanks.
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