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  1. Hi guys I have sent of the letters with £1 and so far some have acknowledged the the letter. First Direct want to have a new agreement signed even though we are on a payment plan and say if we don't sign the agreement they will pursue us for the balance. I see these as bully tactics and not going to let them win. I have response to SAR from HBOS credit Card and they have sent me a copy of the form signed in 1994 and nothing else. The application for under the Consumer Credit Act refers to T&C overleaf for which they not sent me a copy. What should I do now ? Desiuser PS I am using this forum for advice and action and not paying anyone I would rather this forum benefit then some comboy companies.
  2. Can anyone point me to the 12 days rule ? Is this a new rule as I think its 40days for Data Protection. Has anyone got a template for asking information with CCA. If I can get some of the cards written off it will would help a lot I have tried negotiate with the lender but they were playing hard ball and making charges. In my desperation I have found this forum. I am hoping to bring the balances down even if I can get them frozen it would be an achievement.
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