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Everything posted by MisterV

  1. In answer to Summerbreeze it came from Optima offices in Bradford, envelope says 2nd class
  2. Havent replied because im still digesting whats been written, going a bit fast for me, need time to catch up lol
  3. Received copy of CCA today... http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0001-1.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0002-1.jpg Any thought? Not sure about the date issue that was mentioned about the DN Thanks Might be my fault here folks , there is a date after it says.. "In order to remedy this breach we must receive a payment of £xxx by 30th May 2009.." Perhaps I was a bit over enthusiastic with the white stuff - sorry. Just didnt want to leave any traces.
  4. Hi Links to DN and terms and conditions sent as part of CPR request. They appear to be the new T&C's. (after 2007) Default... http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0002-3.jpg T&C's http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0001-4.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0003-4.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0004-3.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0005-3.jpg Thoughts and comments, as ever, greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks Pompey, will scan the DN and Terms & Conditions links up this afternoon.
  6. Should I send a copy of the court form to the claimants solicitors or just the letter above? Still with Northampton
  7. Will post up the DN and Terms & Conditions they have sent ASAP. Would I still submit an embarrassed defence to the court as the CPR request is unfulfilled? (Needs to be in by Monday 20th July)
  8. Received today, a copy of the default notice and a copy of the current terms and conditions and a promise to send the statements in due course.
  9. Thanks PF, grateful as ever. lets see what this week brings.
  10. PF - Would it be possible to send you a private message? Theres something id like to ask but maybe it would be better out of the public domain. (Its reasonably straightforward).
  11. Just read your thread pretty much through from start to finish PF - WOW So many things to consider, what a journey you went through. Inspiring and exhausting at the same time. Take my hat off to you. Need to think about all the implications for my own situation and then perhaps you could help me on a few points. Need to lie down now lol
  12. Thanks Pompey, your help is invaluable will give them another 14 days.
  13. Thanks for that - do I have to tell the court they have failed to meet the deadline I set? Shall I write back to Optima and give them a new deadline - say 14 days? Sorry to ask dumb questions but this really is a steep learning curve.
  14. Surely the longer they take to produce the documents the less likelihood they have anything credible to present in court? , therefore isent that weakening any case and preventing it from continuing or reaching court?
  15. Thanks for that, so should I give them a further deadline or just wait and see what they come up with? Also, how to I tell the court what is happening?
  16. Hi all, Sent the CPR request and have had a letter back from xxxxx legal services saying that they cannot comply to my 7 day deadline as they have had to request the documents from their client. As soon as they have them they will send them. Surely I need to advise the court of this delay and have the date changed. Is there a standard letter? Do I have to acknowledge the letter they have sent? Thanks
  17. Interesting comments, how do we check a DN for unfair charges? You learn something new everyday on this forum and i realise how much help I need.
  18. Thanks folks, letters going off tomorrow. Will let you know what happens
  19. Date says 12th May, is it the date at the top of the letter?
  20. ok, I will ask for all documentation. Wonder why it doesnt mention the CCA in the POC? What is 14 days plus service? Sorry to ask all these questions, picking this up as fast as I can!!
  21. Wonder if you could have a look at the default letter (link above). Would appreciate any comments. Will send a CPR request as suggested but I am not entirely certain what to ask for. I have typed above the Particulars of Claim, but it doesnt seem to mention any specific documents other than the default. Should I ask for all documents - CCA, default etc. ? Thanks, couldnt do this without the support.
  22. Thanks... Particulars of claim are "The claimants claimis in respect of a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 whereby the claimant provided the defendant with a credit card and in return the defendant agreed to pay at least the minimum payment given in the statement. A default notice was served on the defendant which expired on 30/05/2009. The defendant has failed to comply with this. The claimants claim of £***** is the sum owed plus accured interest as at 30/05/09. Demand for payment has been made, however the sum due remains outstanding". Send the CPR 31.14? Will scan and post default ASAP Thanks, link to default letter... http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo147/martpammy/scan0001-5.jpg
  23. Hi all, I have recieved court forms from Optima Legal acting for MBNA through Northampton Court and I intend to defend the claim as i believe my CCA is invalid. Sending off the form todau allowing me more time to prepare my defence (will need help here folks, please) and am reading other threads in this section. I have a question.... Does a default notice have to be served before court action can take place? All I seem to have been sent is "Notice of arrears letters" and a letter headed "Important Default Notification" that says...As your account is £*** in arrears, failure to bring your account up to date will result in the eventual termination of the agreement and the registration of a default at the credit reference agencies. A default will register on your credit file for the next six years. Only other letters ive had are from Optima threatining legal action. Your thoughts much appreciated.
  24. Watching this with interest summerbreeze, im in a similar position, MBNA have made me an offer of 40% of outstanding balance . I offered less and am hoping to meet them somewhere between. Let me know how things go for you. If I can be of any help let me know.
  25. After the usual round of letters, phone calls and postcards i have now been contacted by phone with an offer of full and final settlement of approx 40% of the outstanding amount. Whether it says F & F on the letter is another matter. I made that clear it was the only way i would be prepared to accept it. Im tempted to accept this offer (can perhaps just afford it) but as ive read on other threads, they get as little as 10 or 12p in the £ if they sell on to a debt collexction agency. My question is - does anyone have any experience of negotiating a settlement like this? Whats the minimum they will accept % wise? Thanks in anticipation. Does anybody have any experience of threats of charging orders against property?. Although these debts are classed as unsecured, charging orders are apparently on the increase and being used as a threat, and can be obtained on credit card debts. Interested to hear your comments and experiences.
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