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Everything posted by blooo

  1. Thanks for the reply But that is not fair vehicle 1 has nothing to do with it, he caused the mess...and it could have been staged someone could have made it for a laugh, esp since they dont have insurance they dont care. So vehicle 4 is to blame? I know its the truth but it actually hurts a lot;(
  2. Hi I would really appreciate peoples advice on this matter. Thanks. A vehicle ( Vehicle X) was on a dual carriage way (40mph) behind it was 3 other vehicles. This vehicle was on the outside lane (right hand lane) and then decided to break so sharply to turn left!!! The road it wished to eenter was soo tight, and had a width restriction, and there was a speed camera at this location. After breaking this vehicle realised that there was another car on the left lane blocking the entrance to this side road, and so couldnt turn left. But by this time the 3 vehicles behind this vehicle collided. No damage happened to this vehicle and ran away leaving the other 3 damaged. The vehicle behind Vehicle X (2nd car) got damaged from behind, because the vehicle behind it (3rd car) hit it. Then the car behind vehicle 3 hit the rear of vehicle 3. Not much damage occured to vehicle 3 from behind. But a large amount of damage occured to the front of vehicle 4. This all happened because the first vehicle braked sooo sharply, imagine a road that is 40 on a Right hand lane and he wanted to turn left EXACTLY where this little side road was. I want to know is vehicle 4 at fault? Which vehicles are at fault? Enough breaking distance was left between vehicle 3 and vehicle 4 behind it but since the level of breaking was soo severe this occured. As I said vehicle 1 ran away, but was chased by another vehicle who witnessed them driving in a reckless manner further along and nearly caused at least 2 more accidents. Also, they got a number plate for the car, and the colour thats all. It was suggested they dont have a licence, but no one knows obviously. Also, checked VRM seems no insurance possible aswell. Please your help is much appreciated as this has caused a great deal of stress. Thanks and any advice appreciated and what procedure to follow....Thanks so much people.
  3. thats where i was told this broker comes in...? Sorry Im a complete novice!
  4. Can I ask, what does my income have to be like to get a mortgage? I know it depends on the price of the house, but as a guideline.... How long should I have been with my employer and roughly how much is the earning meant to be on a house worth 235k... I know it is vague but any guideline? cheers
  5. What is AFAIK? I was told to get a broker....if I cant get a mortgage. What does this mean? Cheerss
  6. Well I thought they may refuse to give me student loan/bursary...as a result. I work part time, so I dont earn that much. I was told to get a broker....if I cant get a mortgage. What does this mean? cheers
  7. Thanks Michael. Can I ask, If I am a student but want to buy a house and work part time, would that be a problem? For example if I applied for a student loan and that from my LEA?
  8. Hi I am new here and have a question. Silly as it sounds I would really appreciate it if someone could give me advice, and answer questions I had about buying a house. It will be my first time and really don't know how it is done....sorry!! Thankss
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