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Everything posted by blooo

  1. OK can someone direct me to a template letter in writing to them asking for my money backk...? Thanks
  2. UPDATE; The TV which was rejected for the claim should have been sent back to me, but instead has been thrown in the bin without my consent. The service centre say that the insurance did not tell them, I contacted mastercare who say that since it was beyond economical repair there is nothing I could do with it, however, previously when they rejected the claim they said I might be able to get it repaired independently and so they would organise for it to be returned nealry 7 months later I still havent received mmy TV. I was threatened and told that if I take this matter further to court then I could risk being blacklisted on all insurance companies...(even though previously I was told they a re not an insurance but rather a service agreement). At the end of the day it was still my TV just because they rejected the claim does not make it their posession does it?? cheers
  3. Hi I ordered a set of sofas from Argos in early June and was told by the beginning of july I would get a call to confirm the delivery date and that everything was fine with the order, just need to confirm delivery times/dates.. I received a call a few days ago saying they cant send the sofas as their suppliers have confirmed they have nonein stock/none in production..now they said you have 2 choices either to choose a different set of sofas at the prices published in the new and crrent catalogue (which cost much more than the one I ordered) since the ones I ordered were taken out of the new catalogue. The second choice is to get a refund...Do you think this is fair? I am now left to either buy one of their expensie sets which cos a lot more than what I was going to pay for the set I ordered...they know that and wont reduce any priice of any other set I choose... Thanks
  4. yes I now know! Can you please help me to get my money back if possible it was a very large amount nearly £200 was paid...
  5. OK alrite sorry for being silly will do as you say...if it does get to court tho Ill mention your usernames....that'll surely make me not liable to anything!! lol. Just joking. Thanks!!!
  6. lol. your meant to advise me not be in despair like my self haha
  7. No I am not ingoring the advice. I said a part of me is saying just pay up...like a voice in the back of my head. I am taking the advice on board but theres just an element of doubt/worry, so dont be upset please m8!! lol
  8. thing is Its not my own home i.e. other people live with me. So I do not want them to come in and take my house mates property....or make me look bad!! I am not rich and I am not stubborn..lol. Just part fo me wants to pay the fine and avoid the hassle but what if I get another then another...Huh!!
  9. The reason I know I should get my money back is that, this company is still in business and are still continuing to issue these INVOICES/PCN'S whatever you want to call them. It is private land for NHS/permit holders only or something like that...I dont know what else to say....
  10. can they force themselves to enter?
  11. what if they send debt collectors. What do i do?
  12. As I found out that its a fake 6 months ago and havent had the time/expertise to do soemthing about it...now I would like to try...but I dont know exactly what to say/write...
  13. Hi I had a ticket issued 2 years ago. Allegedly parking in private land (NHS paernit holders onlY). I think photos were taken by THE PPC. They threatened baliff action...I paid a really hefty fine. Please advise me as to where i stand...can I claim money back? Is there a template letter asking them to pay up first..? Thanks
  14. So why can councils issue fines, and PPC's not? So why do people even bother to pay parking fees in PPC land? They too can just ignore the fines? haha I am just trying to understand it all as I am a bit worried tbh with u....
  15. If they end up sending me to court what happens? Also would they send a baliff round first?
  16. OK thanks very much...will ignore them! Thanks peeps!
  17. thanks very much I appreciate yur prompt reply. I appreciate your help, but at the same time I am worried that they will take this further and contact the DVLA and get my details and send me an invoice/BALIFF....can this happen? I dont want to have a criminal record! lol But I will take your advice and not pay.
  18. Hi I have a PCN issused as seen under details it says for 'Pay and display ticket expired'. This is incorrect, as I was carrying a disabled person and so I had a valid display badge shown, with the time set correctly and I only stayed in the parking space for 1 hour, so not over 3 hours. I took photos of the car and the time plate at the time, and the PCN was issued 30 mins after I had parked. Firstly is this a legal PCN? Secondly, the offence it states is a total lie. Thirdly, I read somewhere here that it must state 'Date of Issue' at the top, which it does not. Thanks!
  19. I did so on the phone when they called me and did a phone interview...who are HM investigations..?
  20. Sorry for not being clear. The vouchers are product replacement vouchers (they find a product with the same spec as that insured and then give you vouchers to that value) to be redeemed at one of their stores. They gave this for the first TV but as I said the 2nd TV was written off and no money/repairs/vouchers given. Cheers
  21. Hi people Would really apprecate some help here. I had a warranty for 3 items with Currys mastercare/whateverhappens. One TV was written off as the screen cracked and they gave me vouchers. Then a second TV was also dropped by accident 1 month later and I know it sounds silly but it really was not intentional the PLasma and LCD TV's cost loads originally so Why would I even try?? Anyway I reported it and they didnt comply with the T's and C's as they toook so long to fix/replace and then nearly 3 months later they called with an investigator who says that he only claimed X amount of times and my claims history is hurrendous with other items covered by that company, when it is NOT. So he said 2 TV's with a cracked screen, thats too much im refusing it on the basis of abuse/misuse/ neglect. When the damge was internal so externally the screen is fine it is just the glass inside that is cracked becuase of the drop....I was initally told vouchers would be given for the 2nd TV then they changed their mind... He also told me that its a service agreement not insurance agreeent so they could refuse to cover at nay time or something like that... What rights have I got.??? Please really need your hlep this 2nd TV cost loads and due to hosue work was dropped on the stairs. The first TV I was given a small amount of vouchers for it so lost out anyway, why would I damage the second intentionally...? He just said that so they can say under section bla bla we cna refuse....they have no proof it was abuse/misuse or neglect.. Thanks a lot much thnaks for your help
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