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Everything posted by coledog

  1. I still think that your GP is key to this and providing the evidence that you have been unable to work for a particular period so entitled to benefits. The GP should be able to request information from the hospital. BUT you must actually be making a claim yourself by phone if possible and get the ball rolling. ESA is actually a lot more flexible than JSA as you can make a back dated claim for ESA but not JSA. I suspect that you could now make a JSA claim if currently 'fit for work' but make a 'Wholly backdated ESA claim' (that is DWP terminology so ask to do this) for the period when unable to work based on the evidence you have provided. Send any evidence you have to DWP and keep copies, they tend to loose stuff!
  2. Hope everything is getting sorted. Muck Hall are long due a good kicking! I just love looking at your Avatar!
  3. You can make a backdated claim for ESA as long as your GP puts the date you are claiming from on the sick note. Explain to DWP that you are making a backdated claim when you apply. They may tell you the limit is 3 months but I am not certain about this. Why did you not get a sick note when you had your accident? The GP could probably have signed you off without the stuff the hospital have failed to provide. You will be able to claim ESA as long as the GP provides sick notes - it is up to you and them to agree when you are fit to look again. The 6 weeks recovery after an op is only advice and recovery could take longer. You get ESA for an initial period of 12 weeks but then will probably have to have an ATOS assessment.
  4. I still have mine! And as I rang them, also have the 'correspondence' they sent via FL. All carefully lodged with OFT now. Also don't forgot that they tried it again with 'Silverpoint' delivery service.
  5. This 'idea' was designed to get you to reveal your phone numbers and possibly email address
  6. No - you can claim ESA straight away but need a sick note to confirm that your condition has worsened
  7. In that case you need to supply evidence to DWP that your condition has worsened since the decision was made and effectively make a new claim. Get a new sick note from your doctor highlighting the changed medical condition and definitely see CAB or similar
  8. Has this been to appeal in front of a judge and doctor or just to DWP review?
  9. Sorry - have you just failed an ATOS assessment and DWP decision or has this been to tribunal?
  10. Do you own a property? Have they applied for a CO? More info on your circumstances and what happened about this previously needed. Hi and Welcome by the way
  11. Your options are: ESA Income based benefit Inform DWP that your condition is worse and meets the descriptors for the support group Sign off benefit and reapply after 12 weeks with a new sick note I do not know the details of your condition or situation so cannot advise more than that - have you looked at the DWP descriptors to see if any apply? i.e. loosing consciousness?
  12. EVERYONE here must contact OFT and make a really strong complaint. OFT cannot deal with individuals but do have the power to take action against companies like this if there are ENOUGH COMPLAINTS.
  13. Make sure that you appeal the decision whatever happens to set the tribunal process going and you will still receive your basic benefit until this is heard or DWP sort this out. Do what you are doing and keep all this evidence. I have recently won two appeals for my husband and self. What I have learned is that it is now getting impossible to get points for physical incapacity. Both my husband and self have physical and mental health problems and we both won at tribunal on the mental health aspects ONLY, the judge saying they could not award points for the physical conditions. In my case, I have arthritis and when I had the ATOS medical was recovering from bone surgery - I also got the 'could mobilise in a wheelchair' line even though this would be highly inappropriate and not practical at all. My husband has multiple medical conditions which have a direct result on his mental state. I am also learning that ATOS are only part of the problem (although a very big one) and the DWP descriptors themselves need seriously looking at!
  14. Why it is important to keep the complaints to OFT rolling http://www.independent.co.uk/money/loans-credit/payday-loans-firms-raided-by-watchdog-8201373.html
  15. It is worth copying any complaint to OFT as they are looking into the whole pay day loan industry and need to be bombarded with as much evidence as possible. Also they will be interested in the behaviour of the DCA in this case. True that they cannot deal with individual cases that is FOS or Trading Standards
  16. Hi irishgirl Please learn from this that in future NEVER deal with a DCA over the phone, request that everything is put in writing and hang up. GOLDEN RULE NEVER give your bank or card details. If you must pay, do this through a Standing Order or internet banking payment - insist that the company give you their bank details. I think that this DCA has abused their position, whatever they say, and I would be reluctant to pay them anything - IMO. Have they sent you any documentation proving that they have any right to collect this debt? Who was the original payday loan with? Keep on at Sandander and quote the FSA guidelines to them. Send them an official complaint if necessary
  17. Hi I have asked the site team to start a new thread for you so you can get some help with this
  18. Still acknowledge and defend in full, you do not have to submit a defence or reason as yet. You can do this on line, follow the instructions on the claim form. You do not have to submit a defence until a month after the date of service plus 5 days as long as you acknowledge within 14 days. If you are unsure of the dates, ring the court and they will tell you exactly when everything has to be submitted. The defence can be looked at when you have all the info. You can still come to an agreement if they appear to have a 'watertight' claim but I very much doubt that they have! What exactly have TR sent? Can you scan it with personal details removed?
  19. It looks like TR will be sending you (and the court) a more detailed POC - so look out for that. Have you acknowledged the claim and said that you will defend it in full? You MUST get all the information that you can from M&S
  20. Morning Sorry been offline. I have asked the site team to start a new thread for 'jack' otherwise this will get confusing
  21. Agreed Reply that you are disappointed by their reluctance to settle this claim and you will consider a settlement in the region of £xxx to finally settle this matter or you will instigate court proceedings for the full amount and present their recent correspondence to the court. Remember, they will have to pay for any court costs on top of whatever you are awarded.
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