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Everything posted by hightail

  1. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. It was the term 'alleged contract' that confused me. I was trying to explain that I don't dispute the contract but I do dispute owing any money on it. I'm stubborn enough to fight it through but this company is so unpleasant that I will believe people pay up without checking. I've just had two phone calls in 10 mins where they don't identify themselves and immediately claim their system has frozen and they'll have to call me back. Best I get those letters off pdq
  2. BobbyH - I'm certainly getting plenty of help and I'm very grateful. PGH7447 - I'm not disputing I had a phone contract. I did and I paid it every month up to and including the final settlement. I have no idea where this supposed debt has arisen or why it has suddenly done so over a year after the contract was ended. I'm only assuming it refers to the contract I had as I've received nothing in writing. It probably seems stupid to fight this over £42. Maybe it would be easier and cheaper in the long run to just pay it but I don't owe it. I get the feeling this CSL company rely on people paying them money by credit card over the phone just to get them to go away. I wondered if it was some sort of [problem] at first but they are obviously legit.
  3. Thank you so much. They've managed to get me so worked up about this. I guess I'm going to have to get some professional advice to get it sorted out. I told them that they should take me to court if they really believe I owe the money as I have the evidence that I don't owe a penny. Their response was that they don't do that - they send people to my house to collect it. Luckily I won't be immediately affected by this being on my credit file as I don't have any plans to apply for credit for the forseeable future so I have time to get it sorted. I can't even see where the amount has come from - it's not a month's line rental or any of the amounts on the monthly bills.
  4. Just phoned that number to ask for the address. They insist I give the reference number which will just get me into another protracted discussion about paying money I don't owe. They are a lovely bunch of people for sure. I have all the paperwork from the phone contract and bank statements etc. to show I have paid all the bills. Is there any way of getting them to believe me?
  5. Thanks bobbyh. They do look the most likely. I have asked for their address when they phone and they tell me it would be easier to just give them credit card details over the phone etc etc until I give, tell them to put it in writing and put the phone down - until the next time.
  6. Google was my first port of call but I can't find a company called Credit Solutions with this phone number and I do need to make sure I write to the company that's bothering me. They definitely refer to themselves as CSL on the phone but if I Google CSL I get something completely different. As of today they are threatening to send someone round to collect the money and I have no idea why they think I owe it. The phone contract was ended correctly and I owed nothing.
  7. I have been hounded by phone for the past three weeks by a company called Credit Solutions Ltd. They claim I owe £42 unpaid on a mobile phone contract. I did have a contract but it was properly ended with 30 days notice and paid up in full over a year ago. The phone company did overcalculate the final payment (tried to charge me another month's line rental) but this was corrected and everything sorted. I tell Credit Solutions Ltd to put it in writing and include details of the amount they claim I owe but they just continue to phone. I need to write to them but there are many companies with Credit Solutions in their title. The phone number for this one is 02087634562. Does anyone have their address please or could tell me how to find it.
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