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Everything posted by tru.playaz

  1. Basically i thought i had grounds to terminate the contract as they sold my details, i told them this and they sent final bill, i never paid
  2. Hi, cut a long story short i told tmobile where to go three months before my contract was up back in 2010, they sold my details to a company called t3, they constantly harrassed me to join them and after asking where they got my details from they told me they bought them off of tmobile! I called tmobile to explain this and that someone was selling details, i beleave this was even in the press! I said im cancelling my contract and left it at that! They sent me a final adjusted bill including an early terminationn fee, i didnt pay and never heard from them until they sold my debt in 2012 to sigma, now i havent responded to them i have court claim issued, please help as i dont know what to do, shall i file my defence and hope for best? Or take up a dispute with tmobile as this was left and never chased just sold. Many thanks
  3. Hi, thanks for replying, yes i recieved a bill from belmont thornton, and didnt pay as i couldnt, now im worried they will send off court papers to liverpool county court as the 7 days they gave me are up.
  4. Hi Just a quick one i arrived home from holiday tonight and have a letter from daniel silverman claiming to be working on behalf of belmont thornton regarding a debt of £156.33 for them winning my case, now my questions are, do belmont need to write to me to say they have passed the matter on to a third party as they didnt, and can daniels silverman add on £80 supposed legal fees and 72p interest? Any help would be appreciated as im calling them first thing. and the timescale they gave me was 7 days and i was in cyprus for those seven days. thanks in advance
  5. Ok so i got a letter back from capital one saying blah blah blah the charges are fair and they will not refund, what next?
  6. Hi, not too sure if this is the right section, but need some advice really on what i need to do or am entitled too, I was on jobseekers for over 2 years when the reccession mess hit, and was ok on this until i decided enough was enough with no help getting a job what soever i went self employed and took out a deal with the dwp where if you go selfemployed they give you £50 a week for 16 weeks, this means your not on jsa anymore, now the 16 weeks is coming to an end and my buisness is not making enough money yet to live on let alone pay any bills, how am i to manage and what am i suppose to do, the 50 a week keeps me from defualting on my bills as i live at home i get food for me and chlothes aren't really an issue. any help would be great, id be better staying on jsa
  7. Hi do you know who i send it too at cap1? the same address as the sar?
  8. Nice one ims, done it all now so will send first thing monday, just hope tsb send me theres soon as i can see its gonna be alot more..
  9. Ok coolio, got letters from both saying they recieved and are processing, and recieved my full accout summury from c1, i looked and have 39 £12 charges, could you advise of the next step? Many thanks again for your help.
  10. ok i send the sars off, but i dont know if ill be successful as i sent a 10 pound note, they never mentioned not too on the phone when i asked for address
  11. Ok i will do this today and update, do u think i should carry on paying my monthly installments as normal?
  12. ok i have around 80% of statements going back to 2007
  13. Ok so here goes, i maxed out my £3500 cc with lloyds tsb well over 3 years ago, this was not always that limit, they seemed to up my limit after id maxed it each time, could be unresponsible lending? my issue is my average payment was never above £75, then all of a sudden jumped to at least £90!? And i have been paying this for as long as i can remember with my balance still showing £3300????? I'm getting fed up with it as its my only large bill every month, i have been charged no end of late fees even under the old £35 tariff! now im going fight this all the way but im gonna try and claim my charges back, any ideas on the first step, and a general guide would be great, they have had at least £8000 from me over the years on this balance so any help to get rid would be great, they even blocked my credit card when i told them i was struggling, taking away the last few quid i had, i wanna stick it to them so get me started and ill keep you updated, im not scared and will stand up in court and take all the harrassment i give as good as i get with mugs like these! Many thanks in advance, i couldnt care less if my credit file is ruined i earn enough money to care about what there moron companys say about you, its not right, also i plan on hittin Cap1 with the same, not to get out of the debt but have played ball for too long, now lets see what they got, cap1 seem to harrass me even tho ive never given this number only called them from it, and have many recordings saying they will remove it but havent.
  14. K Here goes, firstly on calling Lloyds and pressing the Button admitting u have financial difficulties, ull be transfered to a suppssedly professional, well I can assure u after six hours of calls and hangups and not getting anywhere these clowns ain't pros, they could not grasp wat I was trying to explain, well cut a long story short I called to see if I could get a interest freeze on a£3500cc, as I'm on jsa and still making the £80 min payment on time, and my balance never going down, I explained I could go down the lines of a debt managemnet plan but don't want too as I can afford all my bills, I only rang to see if there was anything they can helpe with! Well way happened next shocked me and I feel I need to warn others as too not make the same mistake, now I only called up to see if it can be done, I never rang declaring myself in financial difficuties but the lady said if u want us to help we gotta do this income and outgoing part of it, now I've been more carefull latly and quiried weather any third parties would see it or if it will affect my acct, now collette (needs training on the matter) said no it's fine!! Now after doing the outgoing report, she's turned around and said oh we are going to block ur acct, after spending ten mins argueing with her she hung up on me,now after many calls later um still livid and want to warn others, Lloyds financial difficulties option doesn't help u out, it gives them a reason to freeze and credit accounts you have so u can't blow more of there money, they have all details of outgoings in income so if you do do a thirdparty dmp they would prob not play ball if it didn't match up to wat u told them??! They do not do a dmp they pass u onto cccs, and don't help with anything, so if u treasure ur last £100 available credit and want to keep this for those emergencies, then my advice is do not worry about keeping lloydstsb updated cause it's more hassle, I was paying payments fine and jus asked if there is anything thy can help me with, they basically say no and kick u while if down by blocking ur credit!!! Be very warned, oh i the ceos direct email if anyone wants it.... Soz for rambling but I feel better already, all i want to add is, 6 years ain't that long, and unlucky wel**** finance!! Oh an a quick word to provident.... Bumped!!! Haha
  15. Hi, i took out a loan back in 2008 and had x3 months payment holiday at the start, i was told i wouldnt get the loan unless i took out the lpi (PPI) so i did. now on paying my monthly fees up to date i lost my job and tried to claim, suprise suprise they dont pay out as i was an agency worker. so i decided to cancell my ppi. all i thought was ok untill i recive a new agreement in the post. the original agreement was borrow £1000 pay back 49.10 over 35 months with total of 1718.50 to pay back. now the new agreement has come and this is over 25 months(even tho my old one has 22 left) and the payment has gone down to 48.73, with a total payable of 1218.25, now if you add the total ive paid them for the last 12 months, 590.10 this comes to a total of over 1800, which is a 100 more then i had with the insurance yet this new one has no insurance, now am i missing a trick here or wat??? please help
  16. Hi can anyone shed some light on the outcome of the chrges case ??? I am in the process of claiming mine back but have recived a generic letter telling me blah blah blah they are right in charging me these! Any help ideas, updates would be helpfull - thanks in advance -
  17. yes it was a yellow pcn council issued by bloke on moped - and yes have mis laid this ticket - due to new car -
  18. just been talking to HFC on the phone who have advised the £50 fee will be taken off the account and the default hasnt been registered - i have asked for this in writing -
  19. Hi I received a £20 parking fine after i parked in a 2 hour bay near my work - now im not disputing the fact that i did but i am disputing the fact i got the ticket at all - i work in a small place called stony stratford in milton keynes, this area is terrible for parking and as i start work @ 10 all of the car park spaces are gone early - now one week they had to shut off a whole car par due to re surfacing the local road - no this car park holds about 20 places and was shut - so this left all these people that would of parked here no choice but to park in the 2 hour bays - i put this all in writting to the council and they have sent a letter back stating that the signs in the area are fine - this has nothing to do with my appeal as i didnt mention the signs nut went down the lines if why would they ticket cars still knowing full well there is no where else to park - this is a yello pnc which i have lost - any advice would be great -
  20. just thought id update everyone, i sent out the cca and 1 week later recived a letter advising me they are not dealing with this account anymore and sent my po back out to me - id like to think that is the end of it but i do not think ill be soo lucky - any adivce on next steps would be greatful -
  21. Hi, Just a quick quiry with an issue im having after cca credit security - they have sent a letter 40 days after cca request saying they agreed to hold the account for a while which has lapsed - i called them to quiry as i havnt recived the cca - now credit security are claiming its not down tothem to supply even tho they have took on the debt - i have told them im not dealing with them until they can come up with the cca - any help would be appreciated as to who i should be dealing with and what to do next? Thanks in advance -
  22. Hi i recived a letter from HFC thismorning dated the 7th october - this letter was basically saying i had defaulted on my account and they had added 50 onto my account - i called the number and spoke to someone to see if this was the case and sur thing he told me 50 had been added but couldnt give me any info on the default itself - now the thing is i was in arrears with them but had a letter dated the 30th september advising me i had till the 14th october to pay the 47.75 arrears - now i payed the arrears on the 1st october of 48.75 - then x2 days later payed my 35.55 payment to cover october - this payment was on time and my account was up to date - as i cleared the arrera well before the 14th october given by them - yet they have sent me this letter which i got on the 23/10 dated the 7th stating the default ---- is this even leagl as the letters do not give any real date to work to and do they have a leg to stand on as ive kept all recipts letters and names of correspondences -
  23. Hi i cannot seem to find a letter to send provident/ moorecraft to request my cca, does anybody have a link to one or even better a nice letter designed for provident themselves?? Thanks in advance, Keep up the good work.
  24. Hi, Id like to start by praising this site, it has been so usful to myself in many areas. I didnt relise this help was here just a few clicks away. In 2007 i took out a provident loan as my friend was doing one as well, i done the usuall door step paymens and payed the first one fine, then as it seems they like to give you a top up, so i took up there offer. Cut a long story short i moved, then went to collect some post where i found a letter from moorcraft i think, stating i owed the full amount as id not been in contact blah blah blah... I am going down the lines of requsting a copy of my cca, as i done this on the phone do you reccommend i also put this in writitng - they put my account on hold - does this form the basis i have requested the cca and should i start the 12 +2 + 30 days from the phonecall???? Also at this stage i am dealing with the dca, would you reccomend i contact provident and requset this or just deal with the dca????? I will update all the way through my dealings with provi as i know how much 1 thread can be. Basically i have managed to sort all my finances out, but sorta forgot about provi, i know its bad as they are prob one of the worst - id like to try and get this debt cleared- -any advice on what to do next would be great. Thanks in advance -
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