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  1. That’s very helpful thank you. I’ll see what the next few weeks bring...
  2. I can’t remember - it was 2006, I have trouble remembering what I did last week that was all they sent, the T&Cs page they sent didn’t look like it was part of the original document. I also had a current account with them and loans that were repaid before I got in to financial difficulties. the current account was joint with my husband - we had an overdraft which wasn’t t repaid. Cabot have this too and frequently get confused and mix up the two amounts in letters. The amount varies drastically- they seem to have forgotten it was a joint account as well. I sent a ‘I do not acknowledge this account’ letter to them (Cabot) initially, not a CCA, regarding the CC a few weeks ago following a letter from them threatening legal action and they sent me a letter regarding the current account! Totally different amount and account number! Lots of reference to dates I didn’t recognise and no paperwork to back it up?! i don’t trust them. Do I just ignore this and wait to see what their next move will be? Sorry for taking up your time, thank you for looking at it all.
  3. Yes my signature and the correct address at the time, part of it anyway - the rest was hidden under the sticky note I'm guessing. Ok so it is a copy of the CCA?
  4. Thanks dx yes it is the FD cc. The last payment I made was in June 2018. I have scanned the 'agreement' which looks an awful lot like an application form - this is exactly how I was sent it but with all personal details erased. It also had a statement of payments (of £1 per month since January 2009, which I've not scanned as it's just pages of £1 payments. I only ever paid the £1 to first direct and never changed the payment details, despite regular requests to change it - they clearly got them all anyway. They all have my correct address now. FD_agreement.pdf
  5. Hi I have recently received a copy of my CCA for an old HSBC CC debt. This was apparently bought by Marlin in 2014 and I had previously (before it was sold to Marlin!) asked for a copy of CCA so it was in dispute. All had gone quiet until February this year. This is all complicated by the fact that in 2008 I was advised by Payplan to offer token payments to everyone. I paid these by standing order and had actually forgotten about them. These continued until 2018 - I know! So it's not SB and wont be for a while Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Cabot (claiming to be acting for Marlin - same company!) have appeared again with several letters so far and have recently involved their legal arm (Mortimer Clarke solicitors). After sending them a CCA last Friday, as they were once again threatening legal action, today I was sent a copy of a CCA, the print was dated February 20 interestingly. The time they decided to contact me again. I am prepared to go to court over this if necessary. I can only pay what I can afford. As I owe a lot to other companies, some of who may have given up - I've only had a pre court letter earlier this year from MBNA who I asked for a copy of the CCA and heard nothing since, I really don't know where I stand with repaying any debts. I don't know what I owe or to who anymore. I have limited funds at the end of each month despite working full time. I had a small payout for PPI which I was considering putting towards the debts but was advised not to! Now as a lot of them have gone quiet again (for now) I don't want to get in touch with them. With the CCA which all looks as it should. They (Mortimer Clarke) have enclosed an income and expenditure form which they have asked me to complete in 14 days. The total amount is £3 k. What should I do now? I wonder why this has only just appeared after all this time. I can't give them £3k as I don't have it. If I did have it, then that wouldn't be fair to the other people I owe money to. I am tempted to just ignore it and wait for them to take me to court I've just looked again at the CCA and it looks like whoever has photocopied it has stuck a 'post-it' note over the credit limit and repayment details, so obscuring a lot of the wording on the form.
  6. Quite! I have not tried to avoid paying the debts. I just have not had the money to repay them and now I am not 100% sure who I even owe the money to - they've been passed on that many times. I guess CAB etc advise people as best they can. At the time I thought I should take their advice. I also had pressure from family members who probably knew even less about it all than I did, 'must avoid being taken to court and getting CCJs at all costs'! I would do things differently now, and wouldn't get in to debt. I don't even have a credit card to my name these days but hindsight is a wonderful thing
  7. Doing it myself - PP apparently didn't deal with token payments only payment plans, they just helped with the initial letters etc. I know I'm an idiot. After setting up the standing orders - I just left them to run. I am pretty sure I didn't stop them until 2019 which is even worse! I'm well aware of the fact that they won't be statute barred until 2025. I am getting all the threat-o-grams again since stopping the payments, which I expected. Most of them have been passed to several different DCAs over the years, while in dispute although I suppose by paying them they are not in dispute? I don't know. I have still been burying my head in the sand over it all if I'm honest, and trying to keep them from taking me to court. The one that's worrying me is the Egg Loan one that I've had no recent paperwork for that I'm pretty sure hasn't written to me since 2010, they were part of my initial token payments but I cancelled the standing order as I thought that was the debt bought by Apex, so that might have been as late as 2013. I have also had recent offers from almost every DCA, some offering me a 40% discount off my balance if I settle with them. I had a pre-court letter from one of them (MBNA - letter from Shoosmiths) but I have asked for a copy of the credit card agreement, which I have not yet received. That was towards the end of last year.
  8. Yes dx I did know about this debt but somehow get confused and thought the one that was passed to Apex was this one, it wasn't. That related to a different Egg account. It was only on sorting through all of the paperwork that I realised my mistake. I paid them all token payments until 2018 as that was what I had been advised initially by CAB/ Payplan back in 2008. When you have someone advising you one thing, other people saying if you pay them something then they won't take you to court - something I was terrified of at the time. Not now though, bring it on, I would just rather they don't go down the 'backdoor CCJ' route.
  9. Thank you for replying. Yes I did receive a default notice from Egg in October 2008. I think at some point in time I got this debt confused with one that was passed to Apex, but that related to a different Egg account, this one just slipped through the net.
  10. Hi I have been sorting through all of my paperwork as a lot of DCAs are contacting me frantically since I stopped paying token payments in 2018 (I ignore them). They have stepped things up since Christmas so I decided to at least collate everything in order of debt, it's taken a while. All of my debts are old, relating to 2008/9. I was advised by my local CAB in 2008 to pay token payments, which I did. I lost track of who had which debt, and it all got very confusing, I was suffering with stress and on anti-depressants, my head was all over the place. I moved house and last year decided to try to sort things. I was advised on here to let the DCAs know my current address and to stop paying them! I must have missed one somehow as while sorting out the mountain of paperwork relating to debts, I have found long lost Egg Loan paperwork (last correspondence in 2010), at that time it had been passed from Egg to Mackenzie Hall. I have not paid anything on this debt since around 2010. They never produced a credit agreement, or rather they did but it related to a previous (repaid) egg loan! I have moved house twice since 2010. Obviously they did not have my change of address as I had totally forgotten about that one. I regularly check my credit file and no CCJs have appeared (yet). My question is, what do I do? It could be that it was passed on again but I've not received any letters. It must by now be statute barred but how do I find out who has this debt without the clock restarting? I am suddenly in a panic, I literally have every bit of paperwork for everything except that. If anyone can advise what, if anything I should do it would be greatly appreciated/ Thanks and sorry for long-winded post. Mum2Four
  11. No problem - yes I have followed your advice - letters sent The Catalogue debt - Simply Be (JD Williams) was around £300 back in 2008, they have never registered a default on my credit file, they have recorded that I have paid £1 a month but my account says 'up to date'. If they had recorded the account as defaulted when everyone else did it would have disappeared from my file 4 years ago Is there anything I can do (apart from pay the balance - which would not be fair to the others?)?
  12. Thank you for the response - I swear I started a new post so not sure how my old posts found their way here. The old posts are not particularly relevant as my question related to full and final offers, not the situation I was in ten years ago although the debts remain the same I am sure people are quite capable of finding old posts from my profile should they so wish? Sorry, it's made it quite hard to find your reply - and people probably think I am nuts for regurgitating a ten year old post! (which I didn't!) Also what do I do about the catalogue debt that was never - although they have accepted reduced payments for ten years (now stopped) they had never placed a default on my credit file? Thank you, any help appreciated
  13. Hi I realised my debts were out of hand around ten years ago. All were unsecured loans & credit cards. Since then I have been paying a token payment to all of them (13 creditors) - I found this forum, but still continued with the token payments with the mind set of 'it keeps them off my back' - it's pretty much worked but is not a permanent solution. I CCA'd all, one eventually came back saying they wouldn't pursue me for the debt and the account would be closed. 1 out of 13! I continued with the token payments as I was too afraid of what might happen, silly I know! All but one of my debts have dropped off my credit file. The one that hasn't is Simply Be, a catalogue to who I owed the least amount of money, but advice from pay plan was to treat them all the same and offer token payments which I did. They still show on my credit file and looks like they have never 'defaulted' my account. Financially my situation is not improved, however I have recently got around to reclaiming PPI (most of my cards didn't have it, but two loans did) and now have a small lump sum. I received a letter from one (creditor) saying they would uphold my PPI claim but as I had debts with them they would suggest I use this towards my debt, despite the fact they sold my debt on?! My question really is do I offer full & final offers to the 12 remaining creditors even though only one still shows on my file? I owe £27K and only have £3.5K available, a drop in the ocean! Is there anything I can do about the one that still shows on my file - is this even allowed, why did they not default me when I started the token payments in 2008? I have also moved house several times, so it does worry me that I could be taken to court and not know about it - should I write to the DCAs (all debts are with DCAs and not the original creditor) and tell them where I am, will that start a flurry of attempted 'collection activity' all over again? It's quite nice not receiving any letters or phone calls I don't know what to do really - I just did one of those budget sheets from a free debt advice company and still have nothing left each month Worryingly my credit score (with several companies) is amazing - it really shouldn't be - I would never lend money to me! Am I worrying over nothing, I think i've just got used to it - I know the debts haven't gone away, they can't provide the credit agreements so they are technically unenforceable but because I stupidly have continued to pay token payments they won't be statute barred. I was hoping I might have won the lottery by now but no such luck Any help/ advice would be much appreciated (sorry for the rambling post!). Mum2Four
  14. With regard to the wage overpayment, I used to work in a payroll department of a large organisation (public sector, without being too obvious!) and as with most large payrolls (in excess of 30,000 staff) mistakes happen (often not notified of leaving dates, hours decreases etc). Our stance on collection of overpayments was generally to write to inform the person then negotiate repayment with them - taking into account what they could afford, and even the ones we were pretty sure knew they were overpaid and could afford to repay the amount (as they we aware it was happening in most cases before it was even picked up by anyone else) were allowed to repay in installments. We also had a few decide to leave the country to avoid repayment, in which case I think they were referred to collection agencies - but how they got on I have no idea! The Payroll/ HR departments are generally sympathetic to individual circumstances - most people have no idea how much money they should be paid each month so therefore do not notice when overpayments are made. I was overpaid while working for said Payroll Department, but knew as soon as I saw my payslip so paid it back right away - I couldn't have claimed I'd not realised! Have you spoken to anyone in the department with regard to paying back the money? I assume this happened after the job had ended? (usually the case!). As has been mentioned above, if you explain your circumstances then £1 a month would be acceptable particularly if the payments had been swallowed up with bank charges etc. Depends how reasonable the managers in HR/ Payroll are. Mum2Four
  15. Hi nickswansea I am in a similar positon regarding simply be/ reliable collections. They've not produced a valid CCA but I am paying all my creditors £1 a month (as advised by the CAB and payplan) in any case. Reliable collections claimed they could only accept £4 a month at first but I stood my ground and eventually they accepted the £1 payments. I owe them such a small amount in the great scheme of things and all the other creditors were fine with £1 a month. If I had the money I'd have paid them as I am sure is the case with you. Remember you can only pay them what you can reasonably afford, if both of you are unemployed this is £1 a month and no more. I have invited them to take me to court in the past but sadly they declined and instead accepted the £1 payments I was offering, strange that! Don't ever speak to them on the 'phone either. Insist on everything in writing. Good luck! Mum2Four
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