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Everything posted by intree

  1. the problem is we have a new mortgage deal in December and any adverse credit will cause us problems I would rather get the mortgage and then do that, Harveys offer £75 and then Creation is saying not their problem they won't release the last reports as they will be implicated but can I obtain these under CPR 31 now or after issuing the claim? Please, can this post be moved to the legal area, as I don't want to repost, not getting many responses here! thanks
  2. Hi We bought a corner sofa, via credit from Creation Finance, from Harveys. The Furniture has been declared by them as having a serious defect, leather colour running. They offered a credit note or replacement which were rejected as we have no faith in them anymore while they have attempted to complete repairs twice and failed, they will not now release the second report confirming this. Please can we be advised: Under the Sale of Goods Act 2015 we have rejected the sofas and requested they reduce the price and settle with Creation Finance, they have offered us a collection of the furniture and they will pay off the payments and loan to Consumer Finance, we have stated this is going to cause undue problems as when they remove the sofa we have no sofas unitl they are made by another Company, on this basis the refund has been rejected, they offer just £75 compensation and said go to the Furniture Ombudsman. We have issues as we would like to take this to Court and ask for the following advice Are Creation Consumer Finance jointly or singly liable under Sec 75 CCA 1974, If so how do we now pursue them as they have confirmed the fault is nothing to do with them and washed their hands of the issue, THEY CONTINUE TO TAKE MONEY FROM OUR ACCOUNTS. How do we issue a claim against Harveys under CCA 2015 for a substantial reduction based on their own reports one of which they now are not releasing? All help kindly appreciated as always. Thanks I do apologise if i have posted this twice but not sure how this works as need a response as soon as possible!
  3. Hi We bought a corner sofa, via credit from Creation Finance, from Harveys. The Furniture has been declared by them as having a serious defect, leather colour running. They offered a credit note or replacement which were rejected as we have no faith in them anymore while they have attempted to complete repairs twice and failed, they will not now release the second report confirming this. Please can we be advised: Under the Sale of Goods Act 2015 we have rejected the sofas and requested they reduce the price and settle with Creation Finance, they have offered us a collection of the furniture and they will pay off the payments and loan to Consumer Finance, we have stated this is going to cause undue problems as when they remove the sofa we have no sofas unitl they are made by another Company, on this basis the refund has been rejected, they offer just £75 compensation and said go to the Furniture Ombudsman. We have issues as we would like to take this to Court and ask for the following advice Are Creation Consumer Finance jointly or singly liable under Sec 75 CCA 1974, If so how do we now pursue them as they have confirmed the fault is nothing to do with them and washed their hands of the issue, THEY CONTINUE TO TAKE MONEY FROM OUR ACCOUNTS. How do we issue a claim against Harveys under CCA 2015 for a substantial reduction based on their own reports one of which they now are not releasing? All help kindly appreciated as always. Thanks
  4. surely Sec 9; 10 and 11 will be important under the Consumer Rights Act 2015? The suite cost over £4500 its not second hand, why should we have to accept a non-guarantee repair on a Sofa which is not fit for purpose? so what about the advice in post 6?
  5. Hi Just received this response despite their own report indicating via the report the damage was caused by a manufacturing defect - please advise I have taken a look into your invoice history and can see that the a complaint was made to ourselves with regards to your furniture on 18/09/2017, as your goods were delivered on 13/03/2017 this then confirms that this was reported outside the first thirty days from delivery. With this in mind and as per the Consumer Rights Act 2015, we do offer a repair in the first instance. Of course, should the repair fail, we would look into further resolutions for you, however at this point we are in a position of deadlock. Whilst we realise this may not be the answer you wished for and we can appreciate you may not be happy with the outcome of our findings, however our decision remains the same and is full & final. Alternatively, at this stage we would advise you to seek further advice; Harveys (a trading name of Steinhoff UK Retail Ltd) is registered as a full member of The Furniture Ombudsman which is approved by government to provide independent alternative dispute resolution services to consumers. We follow The Furniture Ombudsman’s Code of Practice which means that their decisions are binding on us. You are now entitled to contact them if you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint.
  6. Thank you dx100uk please can you direct me to a template for the Credit company to make sure they are aware and do I stop paying them or just complain at the moment!
  7. But they have sent me a report where they have confirmed that it was a manufacturing defect and not due to any other thing, they have also confirmed they can only carry out a cosmetic repair, the defects have been confirmed by their own appointed technicians!
  8. thanks dx100ukt would we have any remedy under the consumer credit act for faulty items sold?
  9. Hi we bought a 4500 corner sofa and 2 seater in March 2017, in Jun 2017 developed spotting, long story but they sent out a furniture specialist who did a report and indicated Manufacturing defect! We confirmed to Harveys that we would like a replacement or refund and the problem was there within 6 months, they stated they will send out a repair company for cosmetic repairs - we rejected this based on the " cosmetic repairs" which may not be permanent, they can not guarantee a permanent repair and they have confirmed there is a manufacturing defect. We have written to them rejecting the Sofa and asking for a refund and also a replacement from another brand of sofa manufacturer, they have not responded, the suite has been bought under a Consumer Credit Act agreement which is interest free, please can we be advised what action we can now take under both the CCA 1974 and under the Consumer goods Act 2015. Thank you
  10. On pip or going to be in the transition - contact your mp contact your MP IF YOU CAN NOT SEE HIM/HER ON THIS PETITION: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/824
  11. On pip or going to be in the transition - contact your mp contact your MP IF YOU CAN NOT SEE HIM/HER ON THIS PETITION: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/824
  12. On pip or going to be in the transition - contact your mp contact your MP IF YOU CAN NOT SEE HIM/HER ON THIS PETITION - the delays and incompetence of the PIP and the assessment process needs to be reviewed : http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/824
  13. they are all disgraceful, it shows who really cares about the poor and the disabled who are being victimised, I hope everyone will send this link to their respective MP and ask them to sign and if they don't, next time they come petitioning for their vote tell them to get lost, Its people power which matters so PLEASE WRITE TO YOUR MP NOW.
  14. CONTACT YOUR MP IF YOU CAN NOT SEE HIM/HER ON THIS PETITION: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/824
  15. Thank you for your response, the IIDB and the pension was awarded in 2011, I am going to use this information to put forward when the assessment is completed.
  16. Thank you so much for such a detailed and helpful response, to my problems, I am most grateful to your for your time and care RMW, I will take all the advice you have given. Thank you
  17. Thank you for your fast response is there any advice on the other points, please can I be advised if his pension for IIDB at 60% for life will carry any weight or his ill health pension from his employer (which is peanuts by the way) which does confirm he has medically retired? or will they not consider these facts?
  18. I am posting to get some advice, in regards the DLA TO PIP transition, as I have heard a lot of concerns with the medicals. Basically, My husband stopped work 9 years ago due to mental health PTSD caused by his work accident, he was retired from work in 2009 due to permanent ill health with a work pension and (after many appeals and a long fight) he was awarded a Industrial Injuries Disablement benefit for life assessed at 60%, this was in 2011, he was also awarded short periods of DLA, he was assessed for HRC Care and low rate Mobility for indefinite period (this I understand replaced the life time awards). He is placed in the Support group for the ESA he receives and he is 50 years old. My concern is that in 2011, he was assessed by his Psychiatrist and put on long term medication, and then transferred back to his GP as they have long lists for patient in Leicestershire for mental health care under a Psychiatrist, since that time his diagnosis has changed to Schizoaffective disorder with Anxiety, he does not go out, answer the phone or even associate with anyone much. I don't know when his transition will take place but my concerns are: 1)Will he be required to attend a medical and can they refuse to do a home visit? 2)what will happen is they come to do his medical and he is not answering their questions or able to, due to his illness? 3)I AM THE appointee used by the DWP for his benefits, so will this be honoured and what if they say not I can not fill in his forms etc. I know my husband is not able to speak to them on the phone, he will not even answer the kids phone calls, let alone the DWP? He does not go out, and sleeps due to his condition and medication most afternoons, only will ever eat if he has food prepared and we can not go out, as he sweats profusely and causes embarrassment if we have tried, to take him to a café etc.! I am concerned that his condition will worsen due to this assessment and any help is greatly appreciated so I can prepare for this transition to PIP. The GP is not very good, and he has a CPN but as he does not go out, they have not bothered to come and see him, just giving a card just in case there is a emergency as they are short of staff, so don't know what support they can or will give in the application, he is on medication, which is taken 3x daily only if he is given this and supervised. Thank you
  19. they are FMB members but have failed to invoke the dispute resolution process or the warranty, I have just about had enough of this builder and his shameful actions to date!
  20. Thank you for the advice, I am not sure they are full members as I can not find them on their website, but they do advertise they are! I will obtain a quote and submit this together with a estimate.
  21. thank you for the advice, I have the photographs, also the contract and their web site confirms they are members of FMB and they give a two year warranty, they are making the allegations against me to just frighten me and have no foundation, I can only take this to Court as its important that they realise they can not do this and then wash their hands of a bad job, what other evidence would you suggest? Thank you
  22. well I AM going to issue a claim in 14 days as they have a 2 year warranty and have not even bothered to honour that, in any event the work they did was defective and covered up, I signed off the work I could see, based on the work I could see! I signed as they wanted me to do this then and there as they were working in London and did not want me to sign this at a later stage (as I suggested 14 days) they stood around and then I signed based on the cosmetic finishes which I must say were looking good!
  23. Claim won all payments paid in addition high court writ fees and also the charges for our time in the end the result was secured but no thanks to the court, in general just make sure all the paperwork is correct before you issue a nd just stick to the facts and you will win as long as you have proof and stand by the claim in full - then you have to escalate to the high court and enforce it, through the bailiffs
  24. Thanks for the response I have contacted the insurer and their loss adjusters they have confirmed that as the loss assessor was appointed by us and they in turn appointed the builders, they paid based on the Loss assessor indicating the work was completed, accordingly they advise that the matter rests with us to take up with the builder as it is their workmanship that is at fault and as the workmanship has a 2 year warranty they need to honour this (which they have not) or refund the money to allow the work to be completed, hence the complaints to date and the action we need to take in Court.
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