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Brick Driver

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Everything posted by Brick Driver

  1. Nice result. DVLA removed the clamp off the car this morning. The chap had recieved instruction from the DVLA to remove it. I asked about it and was told that the car is legal. Whatever happened to community spirit eh? Well, thats one neighbour off my christmas card list.
  2. I've had one of my cars clamped today for being reported as "Abandnoned" by a friendly neighbour. Spoke to the clamper chap who was quite a sound chap and offered to remove the clamp if I could pull the car away from my neigbours wall. At the time I couldn't because I have no keys for it yet. The car is SORN'd and parked on a lane giving access to the rears of the houses. It is not causing an obstruction to anyone. Only problem is that this chap likes to park 3 of his 4 cars along this wall. He even admitted that he notified the police who inturn notified the DVLA. Spoke to NCP chap who said that I had done nothing worng but as the instruction had come from the police he had to leave the clamp on it. Spoke to police who were about as much use as a chocolate teapot and had no record of being informed about the car. I now have until 5pm tomorrow (3rd July) to make arrangements to move the car or have it removed to NCP's compound. All this because a neighbour can't park his car where he wants to. I sould add that the road is not maintained by the council or anyone else for that matter. Yet the car has still been clamped. So any suggstions? Appart from actually sitting in the car when they come to tow it..... And they have clamped the steel spare wheel which means that 3 alloys are removable and I just need to break into the boot to get the 4th. Probably worth more than the car too....
  3. Thanks for the reply. The earliest calls call are around 9:30am and the last of the calls is usually around about 8pm. In fact the 14th call of the day has just been made as I type this.
  4. My wife has had a company called CAP (i think) trying to contact her over an old debt. They have written once and because the debt is nearly 6 years old she hasn't replied. However, every day this company has called at least 12 times as indicated by BT call minder. Would this be classed as harassment?
  5. Thaks for the reply. In refference to the hardshirp rule, isn't this where you can apply to the cours to have the stay lifted if you can prove hardship? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
  6. I've run a search but I've not really found a definate answer to this. If you account is in credit prior to charges being taken which result in your account being taken overdrawn and further charges being added, can I claim these back using the hardship rule? Basically, I have recently separated and because I was looking after my children full time I didn't work. So the bank putting my account in the red was not really what I needed right now. Also I notice that Natwest isn't one of the banks listed as taking part in the test case so can I proceed to claim back off them? Thanks
  7. Thanks again. I've gone through the agreement and as far as I can see it dosn't say anything about holding card details.
  8. Thanks. I'm not denying the damage done. I'm more than happy to pay for the damage. However, I'm not happy at the way they have just used my card details with out my permission. They already withheld my depoit of £100 and 1 month later they have charged my card a second time for the remainder of the cost of the repair. Can they do this?
  9. Hi all Long story short. Basically I hired a Van and as I was moving it out of the lease companies yard I brushed the side of another one of their other vans. They were parked so close together that I struggled to get out and no help was offered to pull the van out by any of the lease companies staff. I paid for the hire of the van using my master card so they had my card details on their file. Without informing me of the cost of the repair (if it has been repaired), the lease company have used my card details that they held after payment for the lease of the van to pay for the damage without asking me first. Where do I stand on this as there is nothing in their small print saying that this is what they do? All I recived off them was an invoice and a recipt that said "customer not present" in the signature box. Cheers
  10. Hi all, I recieved one of these SD letters from Hamptons (dated 18th March) this morning (26th March) caliming that I owe them £3158.31. Now working my way through all the legal bull that accompanied the letter it states:- For completion if the creditor is entitled to the debt by way of assignment Original Credito: Barclays Bank PLC 28/10/2006 Assignees: Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd 28/10/2006 Now I'm trying to figure out what is what here. I did take out a lone with Barclays in 2003 (i think) and was stupid with it. So they closed my account and added my overdraft into the ammount I owed them. Is it worth stalling them by applying to Barclays for statments and claiming back charges that are bound to be on there?. I haven't heard anything off them until this letter this morning. Does the date of assignement refer to the date it was passed to Lowell by Barclays or the date I took out the loan? Because I didn't take it out in 2006. Not only that, I beleive they cant bankrup me because I live in rented accomodation and I have moved three times since taking out the loan. I am not on the electrol roll nor do I continue to bank with Barclays. So how did they find my current address. Was it a breach of the DPA by someone? Anyhow, I have not replied to this letter nor have I contacted them. So is it best for me to send a CCA letter or apply to have it put aside? Last point. I can remeber reading somewhere that if a DCA makes a letter look like an official court letter you can report them to the finacial ombudsman as this is illegal. I find that this "demand" closley resembles official court papers by using a similar layout and font.
  11. I work for my local doctors service and we use a fleet of 9 307 1.6 hdi SW's. Off the top of my head one car caught fire, two gearboxes have fallen out, 6 turbos, 4 clutchces, 7 wheel bearings, 3 CV joints and 1 drivers seat have needed replacing. All the cars have suffered electrical problems and all cars are under two years old.
  12. Travel city Direct is owned by an Icelandic company called Avion. Avion also own Excel Airways but as Excel do not operate the 747 jumbo you will be traveling on an Air Atlanta Icelandic aircraft. Excel tend to be one of the better charter airlines. However, some of their flights are operated by Air Atlanta which is where problems arise. I have delt with these airlines in my previous job and only found Air Atlanta to have problems. The jumbos they use are the -300's which are getting a bit long in the tooth these days. However, and I don't mean for any disrespect, you get what you pay for.
  13. Quick question that has probably been answered many of times on here but which address to I use when I enter my claim with moneyclaim? Is it their registered office or the one I have been sending my letters to?
  14. First you need to find out why the flight was cancelled. If it really was outside of their control then there is not a lot you can do unfortunatly.
  15. How long have you had the car? Once you have reached half way though the contract you can return the car at no cost.
  16. I think I read somwhere that if they notify you with in a certain amount of time they don't have to offer any compensation. They usually provide you with a money off voucher. Read the T&C's and see what it says.
  17. Then claim off the insurance. If the illness was diagnosed after the time of booking they will pay out the full cost of the holiday.
  18. Fiat don't come bottom of the JD Power customer surveys for reliability and customer service for nothing.
  19. It could be the thrust bearing making that sound (gets worse just as the gear is engageing). The only other thing I could suggest is to check the belts and tensioners. If one is slightly slack it could be slipping causing a squeek. If you are having trouble starting check the alternator belt.
  20. I have different accounts with several banks. The Lloyds account is just a basic cash account so is no major loss if they close it. You would think that they would have taken note what with the ammount of people claiming back these charges. Oh well, fingers crossed for the both of us eh?
  21. Recived the "No sod off and this is our final reponse letter today". Shame the LBA wene off on Monday. Oh well best of luck to Lloyds.
  22. Thanks for that. I have drafted up this letter to send. What do you all think? Dear Sirs, I received you letter dated 31st August 2006 (ref: CHHXXXX). I find the following comment made by yourselves to be one of ignorance and arrogance:- “It would appear that this account is a low priority to you”. As you should be aware, I have informed you that this account is in dispute with regards to unlawful charges levied by Lloyds TSB on a number of occasions. Please take this as a further reminder. Yours Sincerely Mr B Driver
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