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The Golden Shot

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  1. well we got a letter from the Council saying they were sorry and that Equita have been told aswell so all sorted now
  2. Thanks for the advice chaps, my wife phoned the council and told them, they asked for a letter to be sent to the finance dept explaining that the person has never live here and they would then deal with it, i'll keep you informed if things change
  3. Hi, just need some advice please, this company have been sending letters to my address to someone, we have been sending them back unopened, this morning I thought whats this all about, i opened it and low and behold they are after unpaid council tax arrears from this person, I've phoned and tried to explain that they can not have access as i have firearms on the premises, the numpty on the other end said that i was threatening him which i found really odd as i had just tried to explain that the person that owes the money does not live here and they will not be allowed in, they have asked for a copy of a gas bill to prove who lives here, I don't feel that we should do this as they could look on the electoral role, and under data protection they could do what they like with the utility bill. P.S. I've got the managers number if anyone wants it his name is Paul Saunders
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