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  1. Sorry - I am new to this and it amazes me. I think it would be virtually impossible for them to get a figure that the Data Protection people would be happy with (as it is not accurate, being 50% of an estimate) - and so the same would apply to a court. Also - check your ex letting agency - as they are issuing data when they are unlikely to have been registered with the Data Protection/Information Commissioners Office. Here is the link to check... Information Commissioners - Data Protection Public Register So if your letting agency is not registered - Scottish Power is acting on illegally forwarded information, as it is the duty of Data Controllers to maintain a list registered with the Information Commissioners office. of the information they keep and the third parties who will see that info. It also means a £35 bill to register for the letting agency. This in turn may mean that Scottish Power is acting on information it is not entitled to hold. Checking what Scottish Power can hold on you - and where it can obtain the information from is here (Purpose 3) Information Commissioners - Data Protection Register - Entry Details Although its pretty broad, and it lists "suppliers of goods and services" there is nothing pointing specifically at renting property.
  2. Thanks for your reply. I can actually tell you all my charges, which were from 2002 when I had moved house and was low on cash - at the same time a friend I rent a flat to forgot to pay his rent - and the Clydesdale Bank charged me thirty pounds something for going overdrawn. I find the idea they could trash my credit file quite alarming, as I still have mortgages, and these need to be redone every three to five years to keep the rates decent. If after finding any contact I had entered into that was unenforceable - this brings two questions to mind... 1. In non mortgage credit I only owe Barclaycard. If this is unenforceable, how could they trash my file if I kept paying while it was being decided? (Or would paying make contesting the agreement impossible). 2. The former credit cards (who I have had from many people - but the only one that was heavily used and still running is Egg) are all clear of debt. How could cards that have ended agreements with nothing outstanding, or with a current agreement standing at zero, be used to trash my credit file?
  3. In Scotland there is a theatre company called the 7:84 - founded in 1966. Its name was from a statistic that 7 percent of the population owned 84 percent of the wealth. 7:84 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia As time passed the 7 percent decreased as the 84 percent increased until a solution to this embarrassing statistic was found at the end of 2008. 784 Theatre HOME When the 7:84 - now basically a shower of yahs and lovies - went broke.
  4. I came here about a year ago when I had received a bill in my fathers name (who died in the 1990s). I was quite shocked how two letters claiming money by sheriffs officers could just be sent out basically threatening to take money or goods for a 'debt' that never existed. Having lurked for a while, I started posting again recently as it seems entirely unbelievable the abuse and law breaking being directed at people by the predominately now public owned banks and those they pay to harass people. My finances are OK. I have a Barclaycard from the early 1990s that currently has 6000 debt, and an egg card with nothing on it - but its been as high as £15 000. From what I have read its likely my Barclaycard records sill not comply with the CCA, so without being in default, is there anything I could do to just tell them they can sing for that money? Also - the Egg agreement started probably not long after they started. Now if that agreement did not comply with the the CCA too, then would all the interest they had taken from me be illegal and refundable? I am in the process of transferring my banking to a credit union, as I am disgusted with what I have read here - but liked the idea if having a pop at them as I left.
  5. Yes - sorry - that was what I had intended. The main purpose was to show you can use the exact same underlying principle against them - but where it is far easer to prove. My former law lecturers will be turning in their graves. But then again - if they spin enough they will bore a hole to where most dead lawyers end up anyway.
  6. Its a [problem] close enough. pcnnw.co.uk Read their page it says its sent to the OWNER - yet as it is contractual it would be the DRIVER who entered into the contract. They call it PCN to try to make it sound official. They copy the diagonal lines on real parking tickets to make it look like its official. Here are some fliers from their site... Blank postal orders, how do you pay for them in the post office? PRIVATE LAND! - so its not a "penalty" - its a contract. But if they make you think its legal - and scare you a little - then you will pay. They can take as many pictures of the car as the car as they want - they might even eventually get a job with Top Gear - but they would need a picture of the driver, and to show the driver was aware they were entering into a contract to ever take anyone to court. Yes - to the DVLA - not to a shower of opportunist thieves. "may" - but remember they need to show who the driver was - and you are under no obligation to say. Send the sarcastic letter i did above - so it gibes you the chance to make up the rules just like they are trying.
  7. Morrisons does Jaffa Cake clones, that cost 89p or 90p for three x 12 packs (in a big yellow box). They are as good as (and probably are) the originals.
  8. Firstly - what they are claiming from you is CONTRACTUAL - it has nothing to do with normal parking tickets or breaking the law. Secondly - by entering an appeal - you seem to be accepting that there was such a contract (which you would have entered into by the action of staying over the time they claimed you would own them money) as why else should you waste time and resources replying to some chancer who claims you owe them money. Do you reply to all the spam emails you get too? Thirdly, by replying they will see you as a soft touch - so someone more likely to spout money when pressured. If you do feel compelled to reply - their "appeals procedure" is just taking their bait. Try reversing the tables something like... Effectively its using the exact same technique as they are trying to falsely obtain money from you - and would be a lot easier for you to get show they accepted YOUR offer by failing to show you had been parked where they claimed for so long.
  9. Sparrows like worms - Blackbirds like bread - Tits like melons! Ima Polajisin
  10. DCAs can add anything they want to a debt, but it has the same legal standing as you subtracting money from a debt. They try to scare you, as like now you are questioning whether large sums can be added against you at will, from someone who has effectively no more legal standing than anyone else. It would be like saying - my mum has just added £1000 to your debt too.
  11. Sorry - it looks like you cannot post links to that cottages site...
  12. They will now try to scare you into paying. But they could never win in court unless you fail to appear - as they could not show you were there over your time. This is unlikely to bother them though - and you will receive more letters as they are cheap to send - but its massively unlikely they would take it further.
  13. The main fraudsters being paypal themselves. My account has been frozen since I said I did not want it taken out of the UK (about 30 months ago). The claim they do not know who I am - after calling me - writing to me - asking my bank details - and............................... So £200 down - loads of effort - about £30 spent on calls to their useless 0870 number - and no joy. it looked like I was going to have to abandon it as they moved with my money to Luxembourg - BUT - the FSO said they might be able to do something.
  14. Sorry - I could not get one that had the picture and was old enough to be the previoys picture. The cottage also only seems to have been listed recently, which did not help. I tried for about 30 mins - but the closest I got was.... [EDIT] Its currently listed under being in the Halifax area - but the newest older version I could find did not include a Halifax option.
  15. You don't need a TV license to watch a TV. You only need a license if you are watching programmes "currently being transmitted, or almost immediately after their transmission". You can download and watch things that are not actually being transmitted at the time using I-player to watch the BBC. Alternately you can use a site like... thebox.biz to watch most UK TV from the last 40 years. One last thing though, and sorry for asking - but how did they catch you?
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