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Everything posted by sameagle

  1. Capquest have had my friends' old Skycard account for several years. In 2012, I got her to write to Skycard, with a £1.00 cheque for the CCA - the [by return], letter stated, that "No records exist now", and the cheque was returned. She had been paying CQ at the rate of one pound per month, so, knowing that there was no CCA, we requested one from them, [i love it when they are well screwed to start with!] After 14 days we got the usual "We are sending for it/ account on hold/will not hear from us until we get your CCA", letter, so we put them in default and she stopped paying. They had previously had a letter from her in 2010, telling them that all communications are to be via me, in writing, at my address, and now four years later, I am getting silent phone calls from them - last week and this week. My friends Credit ref files from the "Big 3" are totally clean, we sent for them last month, just in case, but I suppose that "CQ" realise that the last two years are ticking. Should I write to them, reminding them of the fact that they should only communicate in writing, or just keep jotting down the dates and times of these calls, and wait until they pass everything on to another bunch of no-hopers? Sam
  2. There were a couple of twelve pound late payment charges, I think, but they were removed.
  3. We might write and see if they would like to offer a settlement figure, they send a receipt every month, which must cost them a quid a thrunge! Sam
  4. OK, thanks very much. My friend will be 92 by the time she makes the last payment! Sam
  5. A friend of mine has a credit card debt, presently standing at £250. There is a CCA, which is pre 2007, and is being paid ar £1 per month, to the bank, and has been for four years. I don't know when the account was defaulted, but I would guess just before the £1 payments commenced. Does an account that is acknowledged, such as this one, and is being paid, still expire at the sixth anniversary of the default? Sam
  6. Fidelite? I wonder if they have taken this from the Latin "Fidelis", meaning faithful, loyal, etc - could turn out to be a most unfortunate choice of name for a debt collector! Sam
  7. Only 7 hours? You were lucky, they never turned up for me, at all, saying that they were "Too busy"! Sam
  8. I am in a similar position to Conniff - I have been running around in a 13 year old Suzuki Wagon for three years, with fully comp insurance at 290 pounds. Bought a brand new Dacia in September, and my insurance is now 270. Oh yes, and I am 70 years of age! Sam
  9. My experience of "still be progressed through our network" that they have delivered it, but couldn't be arsed to get a signature. Sam
  10. The only phrase that has not been used yet, and that includes from you, G&M, is, "Commons sense" Even the fundraisers who sent this ticket out, are allowed to be sensible, and they are not being, to their great shame. I am quite sure that the taxpayers of Glasgow are pleased to see their money being spent this way!
  11. I drive a Ford Bmax "Mobility" car for a lady, almost every day. It has a keyless fob, and as soon as you press the start/stop button, a start sequence is initiated, (no, not like a Titan rocket, it's only a Ford!), and releasing the steering lock is part of the sequence, it's not something that you need to carry out manually. Sam
  12. Sounds like somebody trying it on, to get get of a dodgy car - "Oops, I sold the wrong car, never mind, this ones been hanging about for ages, it'll be OK" One of the oldest tricks in the book, I should think....what does he look like? Was he wearing a coat with an astrakhan collar, and did he have a cigar, and a preference for G & T, and did you hear anyone call him "Arfur" by any chance? You have been had, go straight to the Police. Sam
  13. What happens to foreigners who arrive in the UK, and wish to hire a car, do they have paper licences? Sam
  14. Thanks for all your replies, the salesman that I dealt with was not there when I went in to cancel, Wednesday is his day off. He telephoned me late yesterday afternoon, and asked what happened, so I told him, he didn't appear to know why towbars cannot be fitted to a KA, or made out that he didn't know, and claimed not to know that to fit one would be illegal. I left him in no doubt that if anyone ever raises the towbar question again, that he now has the full information, and that he should tell his customer exactly why one cannot be fitted, and that they are liable to prosecution if they fit one. I realise that I might not get my deposit back, although I don't think that anything I signed states that it is non-refundable, if it doesn't materialise, then I'll simply take it on the chin. Sam
  15. Thanks Bankfodder, I have since spoken to somebody from another dealership, (not Ford), and he tells me that it is not too difficult, (for a dealership), to get a car deregistered, and' my cancellation will not cost them "thousands". The sales manager was probably miffed because I didn't want to discuss buying another car from them, and he could envisage me walking out of his door, which I did of course! If the salesman didn't "think" that a towbar could be fitted, then I think that he should have told me why, then I would have been better informed. Sam
  16. I went into a large Ford dealership on Sunday, and looked at a new KA, a similar model was produced for me to have a test drive, and, after the drive, a question and answer session with the salesman. One question that I asked, (because the car is so small), was, "Can a towbar be fitted", to which the reply was, "I don't think so, but I'm really not sure". I thought that this was a question that would be better directed at a towbar supplier, so I signed an order form for a new car, chose a reg number from a list and paid 200 pounds deposit. On Tuesday, yesterday, I returned to complete an HP agreement, four thousand odd pounds to be paid when I pick up the car, tomorrow, Thursday, and the remaining three thousand odd to be paid in two years time. Last night, I discovered that because Ford never stated a towing capacity for the KA when it was designed, to fit a towbar would be illegal! On it's own, the car isn't big enough for my requirements. Today, just 24 hours later, I have been in, spoken to the sales manager, and told him that the car isn't suitable for me without the towbar, (for occasional use), and that I am withdrawing from the deal. The HP forms allow me a 14 day withdrawal, and the order form, although it mentions that it is a legal contract, also mentions that nothing in it "affects a consumer's statutory rights under the sale of goods act 1979 or the unfair contract tems act 1977" The sales manager was not pleased with my decision, tried to interest me in another, bigger car, but I said that I wanted time to think - I do, I have been up most of the night, thinking about this. Then he started going on about how they will have to "deregister" the car, and that DVLA don't like it, and all of this could cost the dealership "thousands" Where do I stand with all of this, I have to send written notification to the HP company, which will be posted tomorrow, although he is contacting them today, and I have to arrange for my insurers not to transfer my insurance from my present car. Sam
  17. I think that this has been tried before, in Stoke on Trent. They were using the law that requires you to provide details for traffic offences, and applying it to environmental purposes, and they are not allowed to do this. S o T council were relying on people not knowing. Don't know how you would find it on here, maybe the site team could find it. Sam
  18. Going from memory, I think that ""Chronic illness" is also mentioned, isn't it? Sam
  19. Is your friend Nigerian, by any chance? Sam
  20. Where are the parents, or the legal guardian of the child in all of this, and who are you? Sam
  21. Last week, I ordered an item of clothing for a friend, from a mail order company, J D Williams. She has an internet connection, but no "plastic", so I agreed to have the item sent here, and she could pay me. When I telephoned the order through, I had to explain to the call taker that I am not an existing account holder, and that this would most likely be a one off order - she was quite happy to do this. During the call, I was asked if I wanted to pay an extra four pounds, on top of the postage cost of £3.50 to receive the parcel, "within 48 hours" - I declined. The items was delivered just under 48 hours, so I thought that maybe Hermes were having a slow day. My friend has her item, and I have my money, all OK. Last night, I mentioned this to somebody, and they have also declined to pay the extra amount only to have their stuff delivered inside 48 hours. I wonder if this is a "new scheme", this is, charging extra for the service that you will normally get anyway? Another word comes to mind, but we are not allowed to use it on this site, of course! Sam
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