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Everything posted by dansnowdon

  1. I have noticed the last month or so more more people are getting accepted for payment plans for Wonga..It wouldnt surprise me if Wonga have just decided to be realy helpful over the last couple of months just so they look good when it comes to these awards..... I mean, accepting a few paymet plans to win an award seems a pretty good deal for them. Lets see in a few months if there new ad has a slogan on tv is "Best lender Award"
  2. I got an email saying im refusing to take to them Bllah blah blah. I emailed again saying all they need to do is agree to my payment plan and I will pay when i get paid (in a week)....But no reply Its pointless, they will just send the same crap email again in a week or so. If I wanted to listen to loads of crap....I would fart
  3. No prob. Yeah i got a text message aswell saying Marshal Hoare Bailiffs now have the debt. I haven't received any letters though. Jamie...What do you think i should do? They are not emailing me or sending me any letters. Do you think i should wait? I do not have a mobile anymore so they can not call me.
  4. These people are a nightmare to deal with. They ignored my emails and then waited until a day after my due date. Then just came up with a random day for me to start a repayment plan (courtesy of ANOTHER set of charges) .Until somthing is sorted they just ignored me and added charges. Im still not sure what my next step is. £150 a month sounds very reasonable and id just wait for them to accept it. If they stat telling you that you have to pay £100's extra then just stick to what you said. They will get bored after a while and accept i think
  5. when u look online they still add initerest every day. If you default on your payment plan then that amount will be asked for.
  6. Hi If you just transfer money into their account, they do not see your bank details. i am in the same boat as you and pay all my payments this way. so far so good Good luck!
  7. Hi Wayne, i had a payment plan set up with these, aslong as you keep to your plan. The interest will still go up daily, so if you default on the loan then that amount will be due. good luck
  8. Ive finished the plan, about 6 months ago - they only took out what they were meant to then, £148 or somthing a month. guess i was one of the lucky ones lol. when i set up my plan i hadn't heard of this forum - if i did i would of set up a standing order just to make sure though
  9. I know alot of people say dont phone them and keep everything in writing, but i wanted tog et it sorted asap. My balance was around £900 and if i waited 2 days to swait for an email - thats £18...Just waiting for an email, I phoned them and aranged it ovr the phone- checked my account the next day and the arrangement was there
  10. I phoned them, i cant remember exactly when - but i think you can only set it up with 7 days before of your 1 st payment. like if you get paid on the 30th, you cant set it up untill the 23rd. And they will add interest untill the 23rd.
  11. Alright mate, i was in your situation before and set up a plan for 5 months. They only took what they were meant to each month. when i logged onto my account i could see the plan set up. Thought id just let ya know, for a piece of mind
  12. To be honest mate, im not sure about QQ, i personally dont think QQ would - or could do that. i have opened a new account with a different bank. Can you do this? On my old bank account, i had a internet savings account linked to my account that i could transfer money in to. So when i got paid (checked around 2 AM) i just moved my money into that account. Sorry i couldnt be more help, there are ppl on here that will be able to give you alot better advice. All i can say is that QQ are likely to accecpt a month plan (if you can afford it). They have had enough money from you already. Im in the same situation as you,but owe money to more companies - i wouldnt worry about it mate...i dont anymore. These ppl cant have what you dont have.
  13. Hi, i am in the same situation with QQ. My loan was £400 and interest was £80, i defaulted on the 16th March and they added £12 default charges. so the total was £492, i have arranged a plan for 3 months - you will see on these forums that QQ are quite resonable at setting up a 3 month plan. Can you do this? I didnt pay anything in March and my payment plan will start in April for 3 months @ £164 If your due to repay £112 on the 30th (for example) i would not pay anything and get a new card, or account with another bank. Wait about 2 weeks (they will try and contact you in this time) and then arrange the pay the balance £562 + £12 default charge £574 over 3 months @ £191. If you can afford this, then i think they will agree to this. They do not want this to go to court, and in my experience - QQ are good for not adding on loads of interest and accecpting plans. When you email them - tell them you have already paid back alot of interest for this one loan good luck mate
  14. Hello HullCityMassive, firstly id like to tell you how sorry i am to hear Hull FC are about to be relegated.. I ahve received an email this morning with my payment plan for QQ (£492) Thank you for contacting us to inquire about how to pay off your balance. here are no provisions in the contract to convert this payday in advance loan into an installment loan. We normally can only offer up to three months for repayment, but a one time courtesy to you we can offer up to four months as your account is currently 30 days past due. The payment plan we can offer is detailed below. £123__________due 16/04/2010 £123__________due 14/05/2010 £123__________due 16/06/2010 £123__________due 16/07/2010 I can afford these payments, but if i had the choice, id wait a few months (to give me time to pay other loans off) then repay £492 over 6 months with Mackenzie Hall... Im taking my 2 year old son to Butlins in may, so it would be nice if i could set up the plan for After then..
  15. Hello, what is going on with this? I have £947 due to wonga on the 14th April - that i plan to default on (along with other payday loan) im going to guess that this will go up to around £1200 beofre i get any sort of reply from them. Would like to know what to expect, and how lond it will take to pass to a DCA
  16. Yeah i think they were reasonable, i looked on this site and there have been some bad reviews..they have been helpful with me, maybe it just depends on who you deal with. If you do an I&E form, dont forget to include costs for the little things, like clothes and haircuts..sounds silly but all that stuff can be included. and before you send it, make a few copies incase the other companies need them. good luck with it all
  17. No i didnt have to do this, i just told them that the reason i wanted to set up a plan was because i alot of payday loans, and want to get them sorted. Have you got an I&E form?
  18. Hi i am in the same situation as you, just a couple fo different companies. i think wonga may be the most difficult. i have 7 loans, but 3 of them are only around £130 (including interest) so on my next payday im going to pay these of, then split the rest of my money bewteen these 4. Payday Express have been very vrey good, i set up a plan for 3 months (4 months ago) for £175 a month, and on the 3rd month i didnt have enough money in there, i thought s**t, im going to go back to square 1. But the bloke just said to me, i cant split the last £175 over another 3 months Quick quid adds £12 to default, but they are pretty good, they wont interest on a daily basis like wonga. i have been emailing payday uk back and forth and they said they can talk payment plans once i defaulted (i have got my wages paid into a seperate account now) so im pretty sure i will default. If you have done what ive done, and read pretty much every link here about payday loans, you get very worried and anxious about it all, but it isnt that bad - once you sort all of this out, you fell so much better. End of the day you cant get blood from Stone, and these companies know that - just try to pressure you to repay it. They will not take you to court, just pass it on the a 3rd party agency, which is a good situation i think. good luck mate, its a crap situation to be in, but atleast ur trying to sort it out, and in a few months you shud be sorted. Thats what i think bout. Im use to living on £50 a month, i cant imagine what its going to be like to have ALL my wages to myself lol
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