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  1. Read this. ISPs Hand Over Details of ‘Several Thousand’ Pirates | TorrentFreak There is also another story on that site about the lawyers of the company not having any evidence but people arnt turning up in court to actually contest it! What really annoys me about this is. If I produce a file. Music, Document, Application etc. And put it on a p2p network and start logging all the people who download it. I can make money by sueing them! Or even better get there information and start sending them threataning letters. This cant be right can it?
  2. Out of memory E:\DOMAINS\N\[my url here]\USER\HTDOCS\NEWS\../ticker.asp, line 6 That error is in their configuration. Or your applications are using too much ram. If this carries on they will request that you move to another host. Have you looked at dedicated servers? You will have more control over them then
  3. If the card is out of date. They card isnt valid on the bank servers anymore. So they cant
  4. 3G is a mobile protocol. GPRS was the old network and now 3G is the new type of network. Much faster. Dont get confused with 3mobile and 3G. 3Mobile where the only one in the UK for a few years with a 3G license. But now everyone has them. Hope this answers your question?
  5. Actually it has been seen that the companies doing the sueing for copyright infringement arnt actually checking the game was actually downloaded/completed. They only see a connection from a computer to a server they set up hosting the file on a p2p network and get the user info from that IP. Also that still doesnt prove that the user of that IP actually donwloaded the file to their own computer. But cliaming your wifi was broken into is still a little sketchy.
  6. Well P brown never "called" (Thats a play on words of course. He isnt actually going to roll up to my crib He was going to ring me. For which the number they have on file is in-active now) Now i got a letter from S.C Leatham-Locke LL.B Pre Litigation Department NCO Europe Limited. "Part of the NCO Group of Companies" In a nice red colour. Just incase i couldnt see it in black. If i dont pay up within 72hrs. They will "recommend" that PayPal file legal procedings against me. Also they state (and i quote) "that we have today reviewed a detailed history of your account" If they really have looked at my transaction etc history. Are they not breaking data protection? I know a bank leaving bills and statements in a bin bag is breech of data protection. So surely this must be? Anyway if anybody wants some contact info for them: Old Docks House 90 Watery Lane Preston England PR2 1AU Fax 0121 733 3154 Tel 0870 903 2369
  7. Thank you very much. Got the whole "P Brown is coming to eat you" postcard yesterday.
  8. Just recieved a letter from NCO wanting payment for a PayPal debt. For which PayPal created a chargeback for unauthorised use. Of course PayPal dont care. What shall I do with this NCO folk. I read around that they dont do anything but harrass you to get the money. The letter says they want the money within 7 days. What can I send to them to stop them harrasing me
  9. Usually the downloading of anything even with owning of an original is breaking copyright. But you are allowed to keep the file file for 24 hours. Problem with P2P is you share the file. Also game companies hinder you from copying the disc you own (Perfectly legal) but putting security software on them.
  10. Downloading the game even though he has the disk is still a break of copyright. But copying the disk that you own and not distributing it is not a break of copyright. But here is where you could make a claim. Game companies use anti-copying software to stop you making backups of your own disk. Thus causing you to have to download the iso from the internet. P2P(Peer to Peer) networks are perfectly legal. The fils on them are sometimes not.
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