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Everything posted by MajorPaine

  1. I will go down the TE7 & TE9 route tomorrow - just downloaded the 'Operational Guidance to Local Authorities revised Edition' and had a look at 10.69 - thanks for the heads up 8-) Just to be clear address on letter from Equita is correct, address TFL have on file was incorrect (up until today when I spoke with them) - I'm not sure what address the warrant was issued to though.
  2. I honestly have no idea, it was on 25th Feb 2010 and my diary shows no London visit on that day. That's not to say I wasn't in London on that date - I'm sure they are not making it up. I sure as hell didn't know I'd been in the 'zone' and it's only recently I became aware the charge needed paying by midnight. I'm not from London and rarely travel there (thankfully)
  3. TFL have confirmed to me over phone that notice was sent to my old address, which explains why I never recieved it - I still find it hard to believe they only sent one letter though - does this change my situation?
  4. Hello there, this morning I received a letter (dated 9th Dec) from a company called Equita asking for £198.16 as a warrant has been issued for a penalty congestion charge by TFL This is the first I have heard about it - I have called the Bailiff company explaining this, the guy actually laughed as if it happens all the time (or though I was taking the ****?). I explained to him I'm in a IVA and have no money spare, let alone £198 to pay him. He offered 3 payments and told me there was nothing else he could do and they will procede with warrant if I don't pay. Surely I have to have been informed about this before it gets to this stage? evidently is is from Feb of this year. I don't know what to do here but any help would be appreciated. Otherwise looks like I'm facing bankruptcy over a charge I knew nothing about (needless to say I'm fuming ) thanks in advance
  5. did successfully claim back a few years ago - will have to dust off the letters and start again....
  6. oh well, guess I'll have to change Electricity supplier and leave a £30 balance with Southern ******* Electric note to self - NEVER use direct debits again
  7. not sure where to post, so it's in here as it's Nationwide related. Essentially my dilemma is this. Southern Electric changed date of my Direct Debit without telling me, they attempt to take money, Nationwide bounce and charge me £30 Nationwide are saying it's not covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee as no money ever left my account. Southern Electric are insisting they sent a letter informing me of the changed date. I never had that letter !!! If I had I would have told them not to take the money as at that point in the month the account is empty. Southern Electric are refusing to refund the charge, as the fact that their system shows a letter was "sent out" is enough. So I'm between a rock & a hard place and £30 out of pocket, which at this point in time is significant to me. HELP !!!! Who is actually responsible ?? or is this some grey area that falls outside of the Direct Debit Guarantee and just another case of organisations taking more money from those who can least afford it
  8. Same stage as me, what they actually do next is anyone's guess, I'm just going to wait and find out...
  9. what's the law as regards them sending a debt collector someone round to visit me at home ?? I've categorically told them not to do this, but suspect it will happen anyway. Would be good to know my legal rights for when this happens, I'll have a video camera by the door to film it all if needs be
  10. thanks, that will be of use I guess if/when this goes to court
  11. oop, cross that out... 7th March is the date they mention
  12. UPDATE Been offline for 3 weeks due to house move etc. Lots has happened in that time. After telling Mercers to write and not to phone, the very first thing they send me by post is a default notice , copy attached. front back Is that a proper default notice? anyone have a link to what is required in a default notice? At the same time barclaycard have replied to my SAR with just a list of copy statements, they state that this is the only information they hold on me, even though I specifically asked for copies of correspondence, CCA etc :-? Can they do this? Don't they have to release the information under the "Freedom of Information Act" - not sure how to progress with this one Advice and thoughts appreciated, obviously going to write to Mercers asking for a copy of the Credit Agreement. I suspect that like most of letters I've written it will simply be totally ignored while they press ahead and destroy my credit rating - grrrrr
  13. UPDATE Well, the harrassment calls have started again, at least 2 a day - grrrr No response to my SAR or letter querying the legibility of the document they sent me. Did however get a letter today re "my complaint", explaining all they can do is enclose some T&C's and a copy of my last statement - WTF I seriously do wonder whether they have any kind of central customer database at all, every communication seems unrelated to anything that has gone before. Will report back when the SAR gets processed....
  14. Just fired off a SAR, also a 2nd letter asking for a legible copy of the A3 nonsense they sent, with clarification on whether the 2nd page is the reverse and why it refers to clauses that are not on either page. Also reminded them account is still in dispute and if calls start again I'll proceed with a harrassment claim
  15. the light grey folds in middle of both pages are from the A3 copy they folded up and sent which I scanned The black lines on page 2 are original folds, but only exist on page 2
  16. hello I'm in similar boat, got my illegible A3 form today, I have my own thread and there is a scan on there should people wish to see it. Would be good to get a common consensus on the validity of this document linky
  17. Sorry to hijack this thread, but it does seem to be very active with some knowledegable members. After many months Barclaycard have provided me with what they say is the CCA. I'd be really very grateful if you could spare the time to look at what they sent and let me know if it's enforceable (it's barely legible and they had to blow it up to A3 size) My own thread with link to what they sent is here
  18. UPDATE After almost 100 calls from Barclaycard in the last 2 months all went quiet a week ago. Today I have received what pupports to be a credit agreement, sent from their "Court Orders & Disclosures Dept", it does contain my signature It's so illegible they have had to blow it up to A3 size, even then you can barely read it.... Page 1 Page 2 Would appreciate opinion on validity of this document as a CCA thanks
  19. Fired off a letter today advising they haven't provided a valid agreement within prescribed time and as such I will not make any more payments. Also requested any further communication is done in writing. Here we go again....
  20. thanks for that, been trawling through the forums for most of the day and have come to same conclusion - time to call their bluff I think, here goes... interestingly their card does not show on my credit record at all
  21. UPDATE Just gave them a call asking them to explain their reason for closing my account. Chap on phone was unable to explain, though he did agree with me that is was "odd". He's getting someone to write and clarify exactly why. Essentially I have had 1 late payment in 3 years (4 days late). As a result of that late payment they.. 1. Fined me £12 2. Removed the interest free period from £8000 I had balance transferred 10 days beforehand (on which I paid a £200 odd fee). It's not worth me chasing up the £12, though I'm really pi**ed off about the whole balance transfer thing, that is now all at 17.9% rather than 0% which is causing me issues. Can any experts give advice on the validity of the CCA they sent me, I don't want to challenge it unless I know for sure it's a application form with some T&C's photocopied onto the backside. thanks
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