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Everything posted by littledotty27

  1. this has been issued today FSA sets out tough new rules to ensure that borrowers in arrears are treated fairly and to reduce levels of mortgage fraud
  2. This is how I look at it We should all stop talking the talk & set our dreams on what outcome we all want out of this,if we don't then we are just going to let spml carry on with what there doing & that is repossessions!! I think what ITBG is trying to tell you all is,don't just sit back & do nothing,do it for the people that have all ready lost there homes & for yourselves & your family.
  3. mrsiphone Read itbg posts properly,they might sound like random sillyness,but,they are sort of cryptic clues.
  4. Alisono Take a look here WebCHeck - Select and Access Company Information Matlock changed names 14/05/07 to Matlock London & sold all its LMC brand to SPML on 2nd May 06. Theres something not quite right on this,as your payments,in reality should show SPML or LMC & not Matlock Bank Ltd. All previous payments paid by us on DD show as LMC.
  5. Had an interesting day today,been to LR to inspect the register, 1. Mortgage showing as LMC 2.Never shown a charge for Matlock Bank ltd,only SPML. 3. Register was updated in june 06,to show SPML?? 4.No copy of TR4 can be found,would poss have to have it ordered from the LR head office. Told LR info & showed proof of accounts from CH that SPML didn't own mortgage,for someone to put a charge on your property,they said they have to file & serve docs to them & once they have done that,only then can a restriction be put on our property by us. LR advised not much could be done at there end as it would need a legal expert to look into on our behalf.
  6. We had a letter off the numpties today,stating we are in breach of our SPO & the payment they quoted for this month is £40 less that we were ordered to pay. It also states 'Please note a further payment falls due on 1st Feb 2010' Erm no it doesn't,as DJ said we had till 28th of month to make payment. Also says 'Failure to make payment before close of business on 26th Jan will result in us asking the court without further hearing to take possession' Bring it on is what I say,i'll look forward to it!!!!
  7. Alisono Did you take the mortgage out prior to 2007? as Matlock Bank ltd sold to SPML in May 2006,any mortgage agreement after this date would be shown as Southern Pacific Mortgages ltd t/a London Mortgage Company ltd.
  8. Don't know how recent this is,but worth taking a look if anyone has a LMC/LPL mortgage/loan. http://www.jfml.co.uk/vertex/downloads/case_studies/LMC_case_study.pdf
  9. Wouldn't happen to be sort code 40-05-18 would it ZillaK? P.3 of spml 2007 accounts states that Attia was appointed on 28/03/08 but on CH website it states that she was appointed on 09/05/08.
  10. (30.01.2006) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the Charge dated 11 January 2006 in favour of Southern Pacific Mortgage Limited referred to in the Charges Register. NOTE: Original filed. 3 (30.01.2006) REGISTERED CHARGE dated 11 January 2006. 4 (20.06.2006) Proprietor: SOUTHERN PACIFIC MORTGAGE LIMITED (Co. Regn. No. 3266119) of Deeds Admin Team, St. Johns Place, Easton Street, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1NL and of {DeedsAdmin@capstonemortg ageservices.co.uk{. REGISTER EXTRACT Title Number : Address of Property : Price Stated : £50,846 Registered Owner(s) : Lender(s) : Southern Pacific Mortgage Limited There you go a copy of my LR deeds,mentions nothing re LMC only SPML. What form is it I need from LR? Is it OS1/2 or OC1/2 & TR4?
  11. ITBG It's the bit before i'm relating too. We were never told that Matlock had sold to SPML,yet if they only took over on 2nd may 06,then how can they put a charge on a register 4 months before it took over? Can this not be classed as fraud?
  12. As we originally took out mortgage with matlock bank,shouldn't we have signed a mortgage deed with SPML? We have copy of original mortgage deed with matlock,but nothing ever signed with SPML.
  13. All though I have been down this route before with LR,they didn't understand then & now my local area office shut down in sept. Is it the TR4 form I require to find who it was assigned to? ITBG What docs would be needed to prove fraud to take to LR?
  14. So,would what you have been talking about re LR route be worth looking at? Either getting SPML removed or a restriction before it is assigned?
  15. If SPML get struck off ITBG,where does that leave us with our mortgages? do they become void & we all own our properties? or will it get transferred to a decent lender?
  16. From what OH said,vertex are absolutely clueless!!! He fired loads of questions at them & the couldn't answer them. Leaving the advisor irrate & ending call. So,it looks like they have just passed the book with loads of shoddy paperwork again,with a load of monkeys to try & gain some revenue back in.
  17. Has anyone has purchased docs at CH on the sail address? would it not show where the address is? Do you think sending them a CPR letter rather than a SAR would reveal anymore?
  18. If you contact Kevin Hughes,you need to state you have an interest in these companies & not that you are a member of cag. The number to ring for consumer direct is 0845 404 0506.
  19. Hi EIE Yes I did follow it up & TS have taken it seriously. It was actually consumer direct I was told to contact,who pass it to the TS dept in your area,they then send the particulars to the criminal fraud dept of TS in the companies area,which will be I suppose Higher Wycombe. I am still waiting on the written letter from Kevin Hughes & have currently sent him a reminder that I havn't received it yet. Ryde I did this between xmas & new year.
  20. I am one that has submitted my complaint to CIB & have mention in my complaint LMC,SPML,Capstone & SPPL. Following ITBG info,I contacted Kevin Hughes at CH,who told me the same information that ITBG posted,how LMC & SPPL had no directors & Attia was in the process of being prosecuted. CIB told me a company cannot bring a claim for repo with no directors.This is when my friend (who works for TS) told me to go to the police & report it as fraud,along with this to get a crime ref no & take it to trading standards who then pass it on to the criminal fraud dept of TS in the companies area.
  21. Verycatchy Where you the person that informed us earlier on in this thread that Capstone was 1 of 4 companies under fsa investigation?
  22. My OH was at work when he got the call & it wasn't the usual 0845 that he recognises,so no,it wasn't recorded. As far as there solicitors are concerned,we got a letter off them this week saying,we have got your letter but you forgot to put your payment in & to send payment to there client,so the solicitors want us to breach our court order aswell!! now I know there was a chq in there as my parents wrote out the chq for me,so it as either been nicked out of the envelope before its got to them or there playing silly games to get us to default our order.
  23. I find it quite amusing that since ITBG posted the above,all the guests have disappeared,as if by magic!!!
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