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Everything posted by taylorbarnard

  1. Thanks A123 and Barnsley Boy for your responce. I will take your advice and wait for them to get back in touch with me. TB
  2. Hi all, Following my first letter using the template provided i have now received a repy from Civi Enforcement Ltd. What responce should i repy with now can anybody help please. TB a7101 CIVIL ENFORCEMENT LTD Morton House Exchange Flags Liverpool, L2 3PF Tel: 0115 822 5020 xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 23/07/2008 Vehicle Registration PCN Reference Date of Offence 28/06/2008 Site Details CAR PARK AT WILSON PATTEN STREET, WARRINGTON, CHESHIRE, WA1 1PS RESPONSE TO REPRESENTATION We are in receipt of your letter dated 02/07/2008. We have considered the matters raised, but regret to advise that we are unable to cancel this Parking Charge Notice. In response to the specific issues raised in your letter we would respond as follows:- Our clients provide parking facilities for the short-term use of customers. They have experienced severe problems with unauthorised parking in their car park, resulting in vehicles being parked for long periods of time and occupying valuable space. There are many clear and visible signs displayed on the site, advising drivers of the regulations in force. As the Registered Keeper we continue to hold you responsible for payment of the parking charge. You may, of course, choose to recover the cost from who ever you authorised to drive the vehicle or instruct the driver to make payment directly to us. The PCN remains valid as the ticket was correctly issued in accordance with the terms and conditions stated. Payment must therefore be made without delay. However in view of your correspondence, we have extended the time allowance for you to pay at the original reduced charge by a further 7-days, even if you have received a final reminder demanding payment at the higher rate. Please note that to take advantage of this, your payment needs to be sent by cheque or postal order as you will not be able to make the reduced payment by credit or debit card. In the event that payment is not received, we will have no option but to issue proceedings against you in the County Court, to recover the amounts due to us. We will add our additional costs, interest and fees to the claim. Representations Team Registered Office As Above Registered in England Company Registration Number 05645677
  3. nero12 thanks for the info it was well worth reading aso thanks to conniff for your repy I would be interested to know if anybody else has received one of these notices from CEL for parking at the MFI store in Warrington. Thanks TB
  4. Hi My son has received a parking enforcement notice and is required to pay £150 within 28 days or £75 if paid within 14 days. He was parked at night in MFI's car park in Warrington, the notice states that he breached the limited free alowance for MFI customers he was parked from 01:35 untill 03:48 when the store was not even open for trading. I have since been to the store and asked if they have a problem with people parking at night when they are closed, i was told that the car park did not belong to MFI. The notice was issused by Civil Enforcement Ltd. I would welcome any advice on this matter. Thanks TB
  5. Wino/Tilly Thanks for replying i copied and pasted my message and posted it as advised inParking/Traffic Offences but as of yet i cant see it have i done something wrong ? sorry to be a pain but i am not the best pc user. TB
  6. Hi I woud like to say hello i have just joined as a member i found this site when i googled CEL following an enforcement notice sent to my son for parking at MFI in Warrington from 01:35 till 03:48. I went to MFI and asked if it was ok to park at night when they were not trading, i was informed that they did not own the car park. i have take a photo of a notice which is displayed in the car park (attached) They require £120 within 28 days or £75 if received within 14 days i think this is wrong as MFI was not trading and if the owner of the car park did not want it to be used why dont they put a barrier up ? I woud welcome any advise on this matter. taylorbarnard
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