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Everything posted by Welsh_Minxy

  1. Hi, I am a member of free-stuff uk which sends alerts every week for good/free offers. One of the ads was for an electric toothbrush for £1. However, when I registered £45 was withdrawn from my account! I have called my bank but it doesn't look like I will be able to get this back. The name of the company is Pointshop-do not go there! I would just like to know if anyone could tell me if I could in any way get this money back? It was advertised as 'Electric toothbrush for £1' but when I went back the fine print stated a £45 per month subscription. Do I have any rights?
  2. Hi, Sorry-could you give me the link you the SAR again please? I can't access it
  3. Thanks you very much for this. I'll let you know how it goes!!
  4. Could someone give me advice on an ongoing 'debt'? Every 1-1.5 years I get a letter stating that I owe £232 on an Orange mobile phone account that I had approx. 6 years ago. The last time I managed to obtain an address from here to get a statement which showed I owed £0. However, I have received another letter stating I owe the debt again! Unfortunately I have lost the statement, and I know this debt was paid off long ago. Now I am being sent letters from Frederickson debt collection agency. Help!
  5. ah well, was worth checking! Thanks very much. Vikki
  6. No nothing has been taken out, just interest added on
  7. Ah damn it. The only acknowledgement I've had to send are deferment forms every 6 months. If I don't return them they try to take the money out of my account.
  8. No, I was worrying about my Student Loan as the interest is building up, I got it in 1999
  9. Hi, Please could someone tell me if there's a limit on how long you can have a debt before it can be 'written off'? Vikki
  10. Hi guys, Thanks for all your advice. The money was put into my account last night-I'm well chuffed!!
  11. I sent a copy of my offer letter to Halifax asking why I hadn't received the money. This morning I received a letter from Cardiff County Court asking a judge to lift the stay and to authorise settlement-it looked a bit confusing as there was a letter with it from Halifax saying that it was stayed and the case was closed-I'm a bit confused now!
  12. I have been in and they told me that local branches can't deal with it-can they fob me off like that?
  13. Hi, I sent a letter a couple of weeks ago-no reply. The number on the offer letter just goes through to a voice message saying that the test case is going on bla bla bla. Any ideas about other contact sources?
  14. Does anyone have the contact details for Cope's Solicitors, St. Albans?
  15. Ah okay, I'll give that a go. Thanks a lot.
  16. No I didn't send it Recorded Delivery-believe me I have learned my lesson from all this, but as I still have a copy of the form do you think there is anything I can do?
  17. Thanks very much for these. I'm trawling through statements at the moment, I can't understand how they can expect me to pay this after no correspondence even from Orange before 13th June. I'll try and find out some sort of information, hopefully I might find a statement in an old box somewhere. I have written asking for proof of it, as every time I ring I'm fobbed-off with 'we don't have any info on this debt'. Surely someone somewhere must hold some sort of record??!!
  18. I was offered a settlement amount, in writing by Halifax before this test case was started. I accepted in writing (one of their official forms) and sent it back long before any of the banks started contesting the charges. I have not heard anything back, and as the test case is still going on, I cannot contact Halifax at all-it's just an automated message. Writing to them yields no reply either. I have a copy of the agreement to pay me, how can they contest that??
  19. I had a mobile phone with Orange in 2003. I cancelled the contract in 2005 and settled the account. June 13th this year I received a letter from Cope's Solicitors claiming I owed £232 on the phone! As it was years ago and settled I was stupid enough not to keep any of the paperwork-how am I supposed to prove this?!! I have had no correspondence in 3 years-can they do this????
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