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Everything posted by jonni2bad

  1. If it appears to be a big problem, which it doesn't, then we would look at it. Othewrwise, we would only be adding a rule for the sake of adding a rule... How about - "Signatures: We don't have any specific rule, it's not a problem."?
  2. Who says so? Repeat of above question... OK Once again, who says they were intended for anything specific? We don't stipulate what you may or may not write there, so long as it doesn't contravene any of the site rules.
  3. Moved as off topic. Perhaps they are irrelevant to you, but perhaps much of what you have written is irrelevant to others - that doesn't mean that they are irrelevant to everyone. I wasn't aware that you paid for column inches on the screen, so I'm not really sure what problem this creates for anyone. Perhaps you could explain. Again, not really sure that this has ever been a problem for us. "Signature Abuse" is not an issue with us, unless it contains links to commercial sites etc. Can you let us know what the problem is? As for setting an example, I think that Team Members work here speaks for itself. I can't see any evidence of the contrary based on a signature. We must all be missing your point Buzby.
  4. You do know this means they'll all have to start with a V, don't you? Violation Edit: Ahh, you changed the rules... wise man!
  5. Look for hotels and B&Bs just outside of the city for best prices - West Bridgford has a good number of them and it's only a short taxi ride into the town. I checked up on these the other month, so availability might be different now, but you get the idea.... The Rufford Hotel in West Bridgford (home of the mighty Reds) This currently showing twin room (with breakfast) for just £39 It's about a £5 taxi ride from city centre (could be a bit more, so long since I've done 'taxis'!!) Balmoral Hotel Also West Bridgford Single room with breakfast at £35 Rooms above a pub at The Loggerheads Decent write up, single room £30 Twin room £50 (no breakfast) 3 adults can share a Jury's Hotel room for £69
  6. Ahh, copied and pasted several times then! I will get back to you - I need to speak to our Master of Ceremonies
  7. What is the wording of the claim itself (the Particulars of Claim)? I presume that the address for sending documents etc is to Cope's Solicitors?
  8. It is quite simple - you asked if you could repost those missing (and thank you for asking) and we said no. We are not obliged to explain to anyone why we remove posts, although we would typically do so to the originator. I'm sorry that you seem to view the removal of posts as though it were in some way 'offensive' (my terminology) but this is not intended. We have made the position as clear as it will ever be, so I will not comment any further on this thread in relation to this matter.
  9. If posts are removed then you would not be permitted to repost them. There may be many reasons why posts are withdrawn and we don't leave comments, nor will we. We simply look to maintain the best interests of the forum.
  10. Whilst we are a big forum, I'm afraid we can't provide the impossible. Let us know if your research shows the rulings over CCTV footage and the public highway etc.
  11. It's fine to ask, but no members details should be published without their express consent. I think it would be wise to ask moltonbq to contact the OP directly, rather than passing on details. That way, if someone does not wish to be contacted, for whatever reason, then no harm is done. Safety first
  12. Whilst this is clearly a shocking story, we must remind all users that this forum has a duty to avoid remarks that could cause us problems. Please refrain from the use of language that will do this and lets all concentrate on getting the right result for heatherw55 - and her family.
  13. UNAPPROVED POSTS Please note that personal attacks and foul language are not tolerated on this site. There are no circumstances in which it is acceptable and users who feel it necessary to resort to such will find their accounts moderated.
  14. Quite right - which is why we have removed many posts tonight as some users have been moderated or warned about the behaviour. Irrespective of your profession, you are as welcome here as anyone else.
  15. andyorche can post, there's no problem there. I would give him a little time to respond...
  16. I recall many cases like mine which were complex and required a Judge to sift through a mountain of evidence and so on. I just think you are being a bit too simplistic about Judges, or the Courts for that matter. As for Judges not having any legal training... hmmm.
  17. That's a shame, but I don't think it necessarily tells the story of Small Claims Courts. There will always be some who believe that it is flawed, for many reasons. I suppose the unfortunate thing is perhaps that it will likely be those who have lost a case there who find it faulty, and that will look like sour grapes. Hard to work against that really, although I'm quite sure there will some who have won and are still disappointed. I have lost a small claims case too and was quite surprised at the way the case was conducted, but the bonus to that was that I was then able to come back here and help people avoid similar situations. Not much joy for me, but it was a consolation to know that many others avoided the pitfall and then has great successes. Appeals are possible, of course, but could eventually lead to very costly legal battles. I wasn't prepared to do so. The reality, perhaps, is that you are not facing a robot, each individual will see things slightly differently and as much as it may pain you, you could maybe take comfort in knowing that you might have won if presenting to another court. I think, overall, that the Small Claims Court system is a valuable tool for the consumer and the negatives are far outweighed by the positives.
  18. I've not noticed anything. Is it very general or is there something more specific, times of day perhaps?
  19. If you click on the username of the person you wish to PM, just underneath their name there should be an option called Send Message. One click reveals a little 'drop down' with the option to send a private message.
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