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Everything posted by mojo8

  1. belive it or not, they can access your info with or without your permisssion. The only reason i know is because the company im taking to court did the same and my solicitor said it is ok for them to do it, he also said these companies do it more than we are aware of.
  2. is that cooling off period just for secured loans signed in there office as when i spoke to them they told us ours was eight days, we signed at home.
  3. another piece of goverment idiocy. Is this all we pay ouir MP`s for, to sit around and come up with stupid suggestions. This is only my opinion and i respect that everyone has there own take on this for different reasons. They should bring in harsher penalties and the police should adopt a no nonsense approach to speeders like instant bans and serious fines.
  4. On my agreement they have just added the cost of gap to my finance, they have not even itemised it within the figures so im going for unenforceability as the only section that mentions gap clearly states (NO) i do not want it. They have just thought we will hide it and he wont notice.
  5. Thanks post, thats a very interesting comment as i suspect this company has a lot to hide. im in court shortly for a mis-sell of gap and im hoping to win. This company has hidden gap in my finance with no reference to it apart from a statement that clearly states that i dont want it. If i win this case it could really open up a can of worms.
  6. What does it mean when it states "without Prejudice".
  7. We have disputed our account after no CCa but last friday we received a letter threatening legal action. They are desperate to collect in money and will disregard the rules to collect it in. They are just a bunch of dopey muppets with no knowledge of whats right and whats wrong.
  8. just had a strange message left by welcome. As i said a little earlier i have sent off a SAR and a CCA but no reply yet but the message says... HI its *** from welcome and im calling reference your complaint..... i havent made a complaint, i have requested docs... im wondering if they have my agreement or not as you would think they would send the docs wouldnt you... i just find the message a bit strange.
  9. I can understand welcome being very slow on the uptake to produce information after an SAR but we sent a CCA over a month ago and they know they will get no money until we recieve it so you would think that they would get it sent out ASAP. I get a sneaking suspicion that they are checking the legality of agreements before sending them out... has anybody else been waiting a while for theirs...?!!
  10. sounds like cattles invoice factoring will liquidate and a new business set up on the same premises and with a new owner, probrabley even retain the old phone number so they can trade with current customers, but even so, they will still need funds to factor invoices with and cattles has none.
  11. all you need to do is fill in the new keeperes section, this is normally a green section and then post it off to te dvla and they will send you a new one with you as the registered keeper, if it asks for the signature of the previous keeper, just put a squiggle in there. I deal with v5`s every day and this is all we do.
  12. andie, your attitude is ace, it tickles me with your warrior attitude and you really are a massive inspitration.
  13. We sent our SAR and CCa request over 6 weeks ago and still nothing but they continue to ring and harrass us for payment. We sent our requests directly to the compliance dept at nottingham but i suspect they may have a little more on there minds than our agreements....
  14. Andie, do you think they will keep the head office at nottingham and a few satalite branches strategically positioned around the uk operating under "proggressive finance" to continue collecting money. Or do you think they will completely re-invent themselves and get rid of all the wlecome staff and put in a more qualified group of staff who they trust.
  15. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-finance/197257-welcome-finance-recently-departed.html looks like a welcome mole
  16. I hope your new job is an honest job.
  17. Dead right , i would report it. the last thing you want when you come home from work is music being played loud and the smell of stale rubbish wafting round the neighbourhood. I wouldnt hesitate as im sure your neighbour wouldnt if the boot was on the other foot.
  18. cant be that many left now can there !!... just hope they are practising there picking up dog s**t skills ready for there next jobs ...
  19. tut tut welcome leaving messages to call them back on mobile numbers....They are chasing payment from me now but no SAR or CCA as yet..
  20. If the debt collection industry did there jobs correctly it would save them a lot of money. If they bothered to put notes on the system refering to the last time they spoke to the debtor and that the debtor actually new all his rights and has not received a copy of his cca then they would not have to waste another 10p calling again...all the 10pences add up
  21. morning i keep thinking the same thing.... how realistic the option is.. i dont know...but wouldnt it be great..... i could come to your house and say that i have come to collect on your outstanding wf loan but make me a cup of tea and ill write it off ....hee hee
  22. i thought about offering some raisins and a piece of coal for it...
  23. your debt will be sold on to a DCA but i would request a CCA and a SAR as this is how im getting my agreement written off. My agreement has gap hidden in the finance with no reference to it and my agreement even states that i dont want it but after i received the statement , the gap is there in black and white, little buggers have hidden it. so i would suggest that you get all the info you can on your account asap.
  24. Just discussing the welcome car finance situation with our business manager and he has told me that over the last few months that we have had loads of applications from them for jobs, we have even had an applicant from log book loans so they must be desperate aswell.... i cant wipe the smile off my face at the moment with the thought of these cretins about to hit hard times... they will no doubt realize that job losses do change your circumstances and soon they will be using our resons not to pay as reasons for themselves.
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