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Everything posted by Woozel

  1. Also, to add, it sounds as though the £22 per week is their Reserve Usage fee. This is what they charge for using the Reserve facility - which you begin to use after going over your overdraft limit. What I would do (and just did yesterday) is contact Barclays Customer Services and ask them to remove the Reserve Facility on your account. This at least will prevent any further charges of £22 per 5 day period being levied on your account.
  2. I believe it's 78 for a credit card. Lowells - they drink my pee for tea at breakfast. Really, they'll be your new pen pals for a few months, then realise that you are actually firing big guns and run home to mummy... I've learnt that from this site.
  3. Hi itsonlyme. I've been lucky enough to benefit from the great advice given on this site. Whatever you're issue, I'm sure you'll find a solution here! I'm "returning" after a period of lurking, but hopefully my reply will bump your thread. Good luck darling!
  4. Tinnud, please excuse me while I extract my foot from my mouth! I've just read your first post too and my heart also goes out to you and your family. This site has helped me enormously and I'm sure you'll find the same.
  5. Well, my bet Halloween treat was the "this matter is now closed" letter I got from Lowell this morning! Been celebrating since teatime! Happy All Saints Day all!
  6. Good God! Does anybody have any class on these forums...? *swigs straight out of the champers bottle & belches*
  7. Received a fab letter from Lowells this morning:- "We write further to recent comunications regarding the above account. After reviewing the account our above client is prepared to take a commercial view in relation to this matter and as a gesture of goodwill and strictly without any admission of liability is prepared to discontinue this matter against you. We trust that you will find this satisfactory and that this matter is now closed." [/url] Anybody care to join me in a glass of bubbly? Thanks to everyone who has helped, especially Scott & ODC! Another donation to CAG will be on the way later.
  8. I keep thinking I should give up smoking. At least while I've got Lowells on my case it'll give me someone worthy of a tongue lashing to vent at!
  9. [/url] Behave, I might get emotional! Or might I...
  10. $h1t, just seen how that might look! I don't work for a DCA! I'd rather starve...
  11. I've heard that one, but its a classic! Here's one: Thought for the day... Life at work is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels. Some monkeys are climbing up, some down. The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but a$$holes...
  12. Could do with playing this to a few at work. Will I get fired... DILLIGAF! PMSL
  13. What's that, a hearing aid, or a CCA??!! I'll get my coat...
  14. Bl00dy hell! Yeah, have a Ford Ka instead of your MPV! I'll take the local footy team to their next away game in my Renault Clio!
  15. MBNA! Must pay them, otherwise that'll be another DCA on my case!!!
  16. Well, I'm no expert in the field, but this sounds to me like classic DCA scaremongering (?sp) Get those letters posted, and I bet they will start being bit more reasonable (if one can use that word with regards to a DCA ) Once they start to think you're not some clueless pushover, I'll bet they'll toe the line a bit better!
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