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Everything posted by whitevanman1965

  1. hiya peeps well the muppet corporation have passed my acount to apex debt management, albeit illegaly as far as i am concerned. because the account is in dispute surely they cannot sell the "debt". trading standards are dealing with it on my behalf so we will have to wait and see. the last time apex rang me the rude lady asked when i was going to make a payment to start and clear the balance of wait for it £19500. for a £6000 car of which i have already paid them £10500.hahaha i dont think so!!!!!!! its been quiet for the last 4 months. i wonder............
  2. hi guys well dick turpin and co have tried to pass my account to apex debt management,until i contacted trading standards. because the account is in dispute they cannot pass it on. however the high and mighty tfc think they can,who do these people think they are. i am now waiting for trading standards chester to contact me as all my details have been passed to them. it seems that one part of tfc are prepared to negotiate but the other part hasnt got a clue. what a bunch of numpties i just wish it would go to court and let the judge see what these people are trying to get away with keep up the fight vanman
  3. hey guys tfc have passed my details to a company called red to black, these are tfc`s sister company who handle people like us. or so i thought, until i rang them. they have kept my details until yesterday, now without any warning they have sold the "debt" to another company, after just 1 week. beware the tfc.
  4. hi drob they cannot legally put your car on hpi showing outstanding finance,because the bill of sale is void. but like i said in my previous post, it can show an interested party, namely dick turpin & co. contact trading standards and ask them to do a hpi check, they will also send you a copy of the results. hope this helps. i'll let you know if and when i hear anything regarding the "court case". vanman
  5. hi drob i contacted west yorkshire trading standards. their phone number is 0113 253 0241. hope this helps you. vanman
  6. hey guys heres a bit of info i just got from trading standards. if the bill of sale has not been executed properly,the car cannot be registered on the hpi. to find out about your car ask trading standards to do a hpi check,as they have the authority to check. i just found out that my car is not on hpi,although on the vehicle log it does show that there is an interested party.......can you guess who? this does mean that i could sell the car but i have sent tfc a letter with an offer of £2000 to close the deal and leave me alone. lets see what happens next
  7. hi guys sorry i havnt been on for a while. im still battling with tfc. ive still got the car, trading standards have advised me to make them an offer, which i have, only to be told by them that they want the full amount of £7500 plus an extra £2000 because i havnt paid them anything since march. after a rather amusing conversation with a numpty from tfc, i told him that no way am i going to pay another £9500 for a car that only cost 6 grand after i had already paid them £11000. so guess what?. at long last they are taking me to court to recover the full amount. come on tfc bring it on cos im ready
  8. hi all today i recieved this from tfc " i have reviewed your file and confirm the bill of sale agreement is invalid. in view of this we will not be taking any action to repossess the vehicle. however the credit agreement remains valid and as such you have an obligation to maintain your monthly payments" it then goes on to tell me to contact the collections department to make arrangements to pay. well i will be forwarding a copy of this letter to trading standards and see what happens next keep up the fight people theres light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. hi guys n gals just a little update, all the paperwork has now been forwarded to the trading standards,as per there request, i have also sent copies to the high courts in london. funny tho i havnt had a single silent fone call or txt message or letter come to think of it in the past 3 weeks. do you think they might be nervous??????? oh yeh and i still got the car. ill let you all no when and if owt happens the vanman
  10. hi guys just a quick update i recieved an email today from trading standards,they basically need copies of any paperwork i recieved from tfc, along with my phone number and dick turpins. this information is on its way to them as i write this thread. no phone calls today though. they like to bully us so its about time we turned the tables and watch them squirm i will let you all know when anything happens the vanman
  11. hi cenksta welcome aboard the tfc roadshow stick at these muppetts and dont give in. we are all in the same boat with these idiots, so your not alone wvm1965
  12. hi guys i registered a complaint yesterday with trading standards i recieved a reply today, and sent them more information. they are really interested in the goings on of dick turpin and co. however after hearing nothing from tfc for over a week the silent phone calls started again today on the landline. lets pile on the pressure guys
  13. hi drob no they havent actually said anything, like you have said, they have sent me a standard reply letter with a complaints procedure info sheet. the funny thing is i have not had any silent phone calls or text messages, nor have i had any nasty letters. but is this the calm before the storm.
  14. hi guys well tfc`s 7 days were up last wednesday and guess what?. they will not admit that the bill of sale is unenforceable, instead they sent me a copy of their complaints procedure. what a joke, the letter also says that they are conducting a thorough investigation into my concerns, and once they have done this they will be in touch again. but in the meantime if i have any queries i must not hesitate to contact them. what a complete waste of time that was. but guess what, i have made another copy of drobs letter and that will be in the post first thing tomorrow keep up the fight guys and i`ll be intouch soon
  15. hi guys i got a phone call today asking me for the whereabouts of my car. it turns out the funding corp have asked an agent to collect the car i rang tfc to find out why and was told it was to go to auction after a right old argument i told them that the agent would not be taking the car unless he had the correct paperwork , ie the bill of sale stamped by the high courts. needless to say they never turned up. they did however say that they would look into the bill of sale and rearrange for the car to be collected at my expense. it has been 3 days since i sent them the letter that drob posted on this link so i expect to hear something by wednesday at the earliest of next week i will let you all know what happens
  16. hi drob so is the consumer credit agreement for the gap insurance and the motor warranty?,if so is there anyway out or is this enforceable. i want to do a hpi on my car but im not sure how to go about it, even though like yourself it will probably come back with outstanding finance. like you say its one thing after another
  17. hi drob thanks for the info mate, the letter is on its way as we speak. Its funny how after standing my ground the silent calls have stopped. lets wait and see what happens after they recieve the letter. if it comes back as unenforceable whats the next step? keep up the fight and lets sort tfc out so no one else has to go through the same stress as we all have.
  18. hi guys i received a letter today from tfc, its a copy of my bill of sale and it has been stamped by a solicitors office, and not the high courts of justice. so i guess this is not the correct document and it is not enforceable. they are also dragging there feet with regards to my statement that i asked for over a week ago. they have granted me a seven day amnesty against them collecting the car, and offered to reschedule the payments. what happens next i wonder.....
  19. hi all well they never turned up for the car, instead they rang me and actually spoke to me. they offered to cut my payments down but lengthen the term for another 5 years, this means even more interest. you can guess what the answer is that i gave them. i took stitch`s advice and i now keep a log of all the silent calls and the text messages. i will let you know of any future developments wvm65
  20. hiya stitch thanks for the advice, these people are relentless, they must have rung my mobile about 8 times today, and every time i answered they put the fone down. yet when i get home and check the landline theres at least 3 messages all from different tfc staff telling me to contact them asap. why should i ring them when they havnt got the common decency to speak to me when they phone me. these people are rude,obnoxios, and damn right annoying. thanks again stitch wmv
  21. hi drob what a day ive had today. silent phone calls and txts on the mobile all day. has anyone contacted the police with regards to the constant harrasment these muppets inflict and if so what was the outcome?. i am waiting for the supposed stamped bill of sale to arrive so that my solicitor can see if it is legal, but i doubt it will ever get here. if they turn up for the car and they dont have the paperwork then it wont be going anywhere, they also promised me a statement of my account, im still waiting for this. i will update you all tomorrow good luck and keep up the fight
  22. good luck andy well tfc sent me a copy of my bill of sale and guess what its not stamped by the courts. i have had silent phone call after phone call, txt messages sent to my mobile,even got a letter telling me i am in breach of my agreement and that they intend to collect the car on tuesday. so i rang them only to be told by the arrogant person on the other end of the phone that unless i make a payment they will take it. she also told me that the bill of sale has been stamped, i asked for further proof only to have them put the phone down on me. what a bunch of babys. this outfit needs closing down guys ive paid £11000 for this car and they want to auction it and leave me with a bill for £5000 i dont think so ill keep you all updated thanks for your support i really appreciate it
  23. hi drob thanks for the info i really appreciate it. tfc will be getting a letter asking for a copy of the bill of sale, i will also be writing to the high court at the same time. i will let you all know what the outcome is as soon as i can. ;-) fingers crossed.
  24. hi guys after reading the comments regarding a bill of sale, i have looked through all the paperwork i recieved from tfc. the only thing i have is the pre contract information. should i have recieved a copy of the bill of sale? i am not letting go without a fight.
  25. hi drob thats interesting news, tfc are supposed to be repossing my car within the next 3 weeks.i have had numerous pre recorded messages left on the landline number.how do you find out if the bill of sale has not been registered?
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