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  1. Hi Stitch Im loving the Misleading Actions section of the Unfair Trading Regulations. I am sure i could have these muppets on so many counts ! Andy
  2. Hi All Just to let you all know that I have been asked by the OFT to pass all my documentation to Trading Standard also which I faxed through this morning so watch this space Andy
  3. Hi Stitch Whats the number - I've not had any calls for ages but would like to see the comments Andy
  4. Hi Guys Is the Bill of Sale required (and stamped by the high courts) if they wish to reposess the vehicle? A
  5. Clare Yes I have tried giving them readings in the past but they had so many issues with their system registering the reading I just gave up in the end and assumed their vast knowledge of electricity usage would mean that my estimated bills were pretty much correct. I was obviously wrong.
  6. Hi All I moved into a flat about 2 years ago and have been paying my usual direct debit every month to British Gas (albeit estimated) Eventually they have managed to take an actual reading and worked out that I have not paid them enough over the last two years so my current outstanding balance is now £1000. What are my rights here? Can I ask them to spread the cost over the next 2 years since it has been there fault they have not read the meter? Am I within my right to ask for any kind of compensation for being slammed with such a hefty bill all because of their incompetence? Any suggestions would be appreciated Thanks Andy
  7. Morning all Well I am still here after my court appearance lol. Yet again The Funding Corporation assigned an agent solicitor who they had not briefed properly so looked rather stupid. The Judge branded their response to my defense as "Wholly Inadequate". He also ordered that the CCJ is removed from my property and that the interim charging order is removed with immediate effect and that costs thus far are payable by them (unless we end up in court at a further date) They have been ordered now to respond to my defence again (properly) within two weeks. If this is not achieved then the matter will be kicked into touch. If they do respond then he has ordered 42 days for us to sort the issue between ourselves otherwise back to court and it will be dealt with once and for all. I still stand by the fact that I owe them nothing having handed the car back. Further investigation has revealed that I am only liable under the consumer credit act for any policies I may have taken out alongside the finance of the vehicle which i did but I reckon there is only £1k of that left but they have failed to apply the sale of the car £800 odd to the balance, so I reckon £1k - £800 is £200 I owe them but when you take into account the amount of time I have had to have off work etc... and the stress I think they owe me. I live to fight another day and they have till 6th June to respond so lets see what happens. A
  8. Hi guys Can't remember if I updated you last time or not but had my court case in April and it was adjourned because the funding corp failed to respond formally to my defense and they also hired a duty solicitor for the day and failed to tell her what the case was all about so they looked generally incompetant, but anyway, the judge gave them 14 days to respond. Guess what, 14 days later and nothing so I am back to court next Wednesday for round two and hopefully this time the judge will see sense that this company really are a bunch of incompetant morons who cannot even comply with court orders! Disgraceful! Andy
  9. Well guys I went to court and guess what? They did not even show up, all they did was hire a duty solicitor to attend and they did not even prep her with all the details so the judge was a bit annoyed by them. He has however now ajourned my case, allowing the Funding Corp 14 days to respond formerly to my defence so we will see what happens. They are going to look like numpties whatever happens after not even bothering to turn up in court. Will be in touch again soon Andy
  10. Court date 10th April guys so wish me luck - unless of course they pull out just before Andy
  11. Well believe it or not people I have had an apology letter from TFC this morning, basically admitting their incompitence. Not sure how this will affect my up and coming court case with them but has to be in my favour. Andy
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