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Harry Jackpot

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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Thanks for that - as you might of guessed, I am not a "computer games" person, but what you say makes logical sense. I will get onto Riotgames.com and see what they have to say about it.
  3. I've just discovered 2 fraudulent transactions on my bank statement which have the "type" of transaction as "POS" (Point of Sale). I have the debit card, and as far as I am aware, nothing is missing that could give the person responsible the details they require - but somehow the card has either been duplicated or the relevant details stolen at some point and used yesterday. The bank were informed immediately and have cancelled the card and after speaking to the fraud department of the bank this morning, I will be refunded later today. All good. Except I am angry. I want to know - WHERE did this crime take place? Which terminal was used? Which shop? What were their security checks, etc? I want to ask the questions and get some answers from the people who allowed this to happen. How can I find this information? How can I protect myself from future "attack" if I can't identify where the "attack" came from? The following appears on the statement as the description: "2616 21NOV11, RIOTGAMES-L , EAGUELEGNDS, RIOTGAMES.COM IE, EUR 50.00, RATE 1.1611, CHARGE 1.25, ERTF 1.18" The amount (in sterling) was £45.49". There is a similar transaction next to it for a smaller amount. All the bank would say is that it appeared to be "from abroad" and asked had we been abroad yesterday? (we obviously hadn't). I can clearly see the website Riotgames.com and payment appears to be in Euro's and my guess (after looking at the website) is that it is something to do with their games software "League of legends" - but their website does not appear to sell direct, so I am a bit confused. But some thieving little scroat is now enjoying a computer game at my expense - and I am not happy! I presume, as all POS terminals have a unique number (or so I am told) that somehow it should be possible to at least identify the retailer that has that terminal and the location, but does anyone know how to get this information? I thought the "2616" was a clue, but as that matches the last 4 numbers of the (now cancelled) debit card - all that does is identifty the card details used (which belongs to my wife - my debit card for the same account has a different card number). Sorry for going on - but this makes my blood boil!!! Any advice or information about this type of theft and what can be done about it, would be welcome. Thank you.
  4. Interested to know if anything came of this? I had a "Bank One" credit card application sent to me when I CCA'ed Halifax. They are currently (via Blair, Oliver and Scott) threatening court action. Was planning to start my own thread on this, but would like to know "what happened next" in your case. There seems to be little info on "Bank One" on these forums. (I only got the card in the first place in order to get a "Free" sports bag - how stupid can you get!?!) From what I remember, Bank One were taken over by Halifax and I got a new Halifax card when the old Bank One card expired - but have no more info than that at the moment.
  5. Does anyone know what happened here.......... or what happened to bandyandstrange?? Has he been "got at" by Halifax, did they make him promise to stay silent after coming to an arrangement? (have seen this before), or has something else not connected, happened to him? This is not the first thread to suddenly end, but it is very frustrating when you are following a situation for weeks, maybe months, and then it all just stops........ nothing... Even if we are told something has happened, but it can't be stated what, then that is better than just a "silence".
  6. Have sorted through statements, etc. Looks like £300, so initial request for repayment going in the post tomorrow, 28th August.
  7. Hope all is well............ it's such a thrill, just to get the first letter from them offering half! Then you KNOW you are going to win and all the doubts fade into the background. Don't forget to ask for a personal cheque! Alasco.
  8. Finally got the pack back from Egg on 12th August, but as I was away the wife had to go down the local sorting office to collect it as no-one was in when it arrived.............. Only now had the time to start having a look. Watch this space!
  9. Not heard anything back from Halifax ref the LBA, so it's off to Moneyclaim online! Claim submitted tonight - £320 plus £22.01 interest plus £50 costs. Here we go again.......!!
  10. Got all behind........ so many to sue, so little time, etc!! Story so far......... Sent MBNA the request for statements on 22nd June. They sent back a list of charges made since 2000 - not a great big pack of statements, just an A4 list of charges. I thought about demanding the whole lot (as I am entitled to) but to be honest, I couldn't be bothered as I haven't got the time, etc. So, sent off the request for repayment on 6th August, plus some other complaints about their Indian call centre in Dehli (a company called GDI) - who seemed to delight in ringing me up and demanding money daily and completely ignored my requests to put anything in writing or even tell me the address of their company! Got a letter back around 18th August saying they would look into my complaint and get back to me by September 4th. No mention of my request for repayment of penalty charges. So, Letter Before Action to be sent tomorrow. Only claiming £192 (as they have previously refunded some charges after I complained at the beginning of the year - before I heard about this site), but it all counts. Hey ho!
  11. I accepted their offer, but stated that I reserve the option to report them for failing to comply with the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) within the 40 days unless............ they got Newman's off my back. Guess what? Got a letter today stating that they had made the repayment to my account, changed the amount I owe to what I had calculated it to be (or near enough), and amazingly said they had reviewed my case with their specialist support unit (whatever that is) and decided to bring me back under Capital One's control on reduced payments and give Newman's the 'ol heave-ho!!! Fair play - let's give Robert Udy his credit for dealing with this - although I suspect it might have something to do with their failure to comply with the Data Protection Act rather than a genuine thought, but hey...... What a result!! Ha! Ha! - UP YOURS, NEWMAN'S!!!!!!
  12. Been away again...... Anyway, Moneyclaim sent me back an email stating that the case was now closed as repayment had been made, (although their web site will not reflect this for some reason). Cheque was paid into the bank and cleared ok. Donation about to be made. So that's it - I WON!!!!!!!!!! Ha! Ha! Thanks to everyone for their support on here and good luck to everyone else making a claim. Keep your nerve, check other posts to make sure you are doing it right, and it'll all be ok. Now....... who's next!!
  13. Yes, it included the full amount claimed. The claim, interest and court costs. Have sent an email to Moneyclaim asking them to cancel the claim. Just waiting for that to be confirmed plus the cheque to clear before closing this one......... after making a donation, of course, as I would/could not have done it without the information on this site. I have other accounts to do "battle" with (much smaller amounts though!), but I am working away from home a lot at the moment, so they'll have to wait.
  14. Been working away from home all week. Got back yesterday to a couple of letters. First one from DG Solicitors saying "Thank you for returning the settlement letter......... agreed sum will be credited by way of a cheque in the next day or so....." Second one from First Direct, very short and sweet: "Dear Mr Alasco, Please find enclosed a cheque for £2784.43 as agreed. Yours sincerely........." :lol: So I WON!!!! :lol: Now I have to cancel the Moneyclaim online. Can't find exact details on how to do this (despite searching the forums) but have sussed out that an email to them is all that is required. Am I correct??
  15. LBA sent today (6th Aug)....... Bit of a delay due to lack of time and money, but back on track now.
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