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Everything posted by Aprd

  1. Ok, not sure if anyone can help me here or point me in the right direction. We used Eon for combined fuels for two or so years. When we first transferred to them from NPower they set our direct debit at £44.00 per month. We live in a 2 bedroom end terrace house has recently been modernised, thus double glazed and so on. 3 months after transferring we noticed our bill increasing and that the monthly direct debit wasn't covering our usage. We contacted EOn on 4th January 2007 and raised our concerns to be told don't worry as its winter; during the summer months this will balance out as your consumption will decrease. We contacted them again in May 2007 and raised our concerns again to be given the same answer. Two weeks later we then received an amendment to our direct debit increasing it from £44 pounds per month to £144 pound per month, which now created hardship within our family unit. We then logged a complaint with the Consumer Direct who intervened and managed to get the DD reduced to £96 pounds per month, which was still a little high for us to manage on my wages but we did. However, our bill was still increasing and no one in EOn could explain what was different between our house and the other 124 houses around me (they were all modernised together). We asked for our meters to be checked only to be informed it would cost around £90 and if they weren’t found to be faulty that cost would be deferred to us. We then switched to British Gas (i know, i didn't know at that point...) and logged another complaint with Consumer Direct regarding our case with EOn. Under a special circumstance, the Energy Ombudsman decided to investigate our case. April this year the Energy Ombudsman found in favour EOn as they had no records showing that I attempted to make contact before May 2007. They said if we could prove that we did contact them then they would re-investigate. Below is a link to their findings. http://img4.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=eonombudsman11092.jpg Now I'm somewhat amazed at their response as I was under the impression it was down to the companies to prove that we never contacted them, not down to me to prove I did, however, we have and they this was the findings? The second bit I'm somewhat confused about is the administration error for not billing us for a period, we had no idea of this until it was mentioned in this letter. Any help would be very much appreciated, sorry I rambled on. Additional Note: I am totally lost to their comment regarding not being billed from January to April, we have bills for that period which were sent with our orginal complaint to the ombudsman.
  2. Ok thanks for the info / input by all. Although I would have loved to have both daughters living with me they couldn't for a number of reasons. Apart from being totally broke after the separation, and spending the best part of six years after the split paying off 15k's worth of debt she had left me with, I only live in a 2 bed house On many occasions both have asked to live with me and have tried to raise the funds for a 4 bed house but times have been hard. Anyway, good advice given and will be making an appointment with my solicitor, thanks all
  3. Hi Andy, again thanks for the reply, 14 and 16 years old now, sorry I stated the eldest of being 15 hard sometimes believing they grow up so fast! My eldest’s daughter's birthday was last month.
  4. Hi Andy thanks for your reply. I have 4 children, my two eldest that I am referring to live with my ex partner. I have an equal parental right order in place as well as a restraining order against my ex partner for GBH. We separated 12 years ago and ten years ago I met someone else to whom I am now married too and have two children from. All through this I feel Social Services have treated this case as ‘Oh, its dad who is sore after the relationship split’ which clearly is not the case. I am very happy with the life I have now apart from my concerns for my eldest’s daughter’s wellbeing. /edited formatting errors
  5. I sincerely apologies in advance If I’ve posted this in the wrong forum, but couldn’t find one that seem to be directed to this matter. I am a father of 4 children 2 of which live with my ex partner. Over the last 10 years my children have been mistreated by my ex partners boyfriend. I finally managed to get the help and support that they required 3 years ago but it has been a constant battle to keep the local authorities involved, even after my ex partners boy friend admitting to Social Service that he has on numerous occasions held my eldest daughter (now 15 years old) around the throat and punched her. My daughters have also told the local authorities of abuse over the period of ten years yet, 8 weeks ago decided there was no cause for concern and closed the file. 7 years ago my ex partners boy friend run me over in front of the children, witnesses made statements supporting this yet, the local police did not take action only summoned him for driving without a license, insurance and someone else’s car without their consent! I lodged a complaint with the local authorities’ complaints department asking one simple question: How can a person admit on numerous occasions to punching a minor and yet still be allowed to live with my children? I was then presented with a catalogue of events to their actions but no answer to the question. I have today lodged a complaint with the government ombudsman but would like to serve the local authority with a request under the data protection act for information, but have no idea on how to go about it. Also, could i obtain the information on my two daughters in connection with this? Any help would be appreciated, if this isn’t the right place to post, could someone please point me in the right direction? P.S. My daughters visit every Sunday, 10 weeks ago when I pulled up to collect them I found him yet again with his hands around my daughter’s throat; again he has not been dealt with. I’m starting to feel that I’m imagining all this and it’s me who needs the help!
  6. Personally I laughed when I read this one... she / he has made a point about DCA employees having a life... and the fact they don't worry about work after leaving, this one has clearly proven in what she has typed that’s not the case... enough said. As regarding doll checks, well, erm... longest unemployment I have ever had was 4 weeks and that was because I had employer who spat his dummy out because I handed him a months notice and he decided to 'relief' me of my duties there and then, but it did cost him 4 weeks wages though . Unlike the DAC (EB) who posted here, she works for someone, however I own my own business so please, before posting unevaluated assumption, think about how uneducated your post actually looks to those who will be reading it J
  7. We've checked the main stream one's as directed by HSBC and Natwest, Call Credit was one of them, indeed.
  8. UPDATE: The time period for ARG Card Services to respond expired as of the 28th April, 2008. So far we have not heard from them directly nor have we heard from Northhampton County Court, am i correct in thinking thats the end or is there something i now need to do to end this? Thanks
  9. I keep being turned down for credit / overdrafts and so fourth, we’ve spent quite some considerable time and money researching with varies Credit Referencing Agency such as Experian. Looking through our records we can only see one transaction that may be reflecting bad credit, however this transaction is in dispute with the County Courts at present. Question: Is there an official body to which I can complain to or ask to investigate the above problem? My main problem with the above is the fact that Experian actually stated on the phone that they couldn't see a problem and that our personal score shows 946 / 1000 which they consider very good. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  10. Changing IP: This really depends of your provider and weather or not they issue a static IP oir Dynamic IP. It is unusual for a domestic user to use static addressing but not uncommon for business. Having said that, my provider issues static address but give you the option of setting the service to 8 no NAT, meaning you get several IP's to use. As for obtaining a different IP, as said above, if you unlpug your line it will reset, release time on DHCP is totally dependent on the settings of the router, but generally it will assign another IP after 5 minutes. To prevent spam e-mails you need to add their domain address into your anti spam software or contact your ISP and ask them to block it server side. So, for example, if you wished to add hjnjknoe@joeblogsunknown.com you will need to add @joeblogsunkknown.com, you can add this to your blocked website list in your netgear router by typing into your web browser or in run from your start menu. you will be presented with a login box, for most Netgear Routers the default login is admin and password being 'password' however, if the modem was supplied by Virgin then it is likely they would have changed the password, this would have been included in the documentation that was supplied with your router. Hope this helps.
  11. Update: We received a letter from Northampton Court stating that the claimant has 28 days to inform the court if they wish to continue with their present action. I presume we don't have to do anything at this stage, but it does confirm our defence has been accepted. Regards Rich
  12. Thank you Paul, lesson learnt here. I will keep in touch by use of this thread as events unfold. Most expensive camera I’ve ever bought. £59.00 quid = £XXXX.62p (Total Payments made to Argos)
  13. Bless you Paul, what can i say! The above looks fantastic and I'm truly grateful for all the help given in this thread. I’ll submit the defence ASAP and let everyone know the outcome over the next coming weeks. Cheers
  14. Thanks very much, i`m really greatful for your help.
  15. ok by the looks of it, i`v left it too late if i understand you right.
  16. Hi, thanks for the replies, we have acknowledge the claim but have not yet heard off the court a date for the hearing or when the defence needs to be submitted. As yet, the only documents off the court are the ones posted, I'll call Northampton Courts Tuesday and try to find out any progress.
  17. Hi, wondering if someone could offer some help with this. I opened an Argos Card Account in 2001, I purchased a camera for eighty one pounds and subsequently fell behind with the payments after a payment was made via the post office and they stated they hadn’t received it. They then added a late payment fee with sent the account over its agreed limit when then in turn triggered an over balance charge. I agreed a repayment schedule with Argos, they would only accept thirty pounds per month which was above my affordable limit. Subsequently I fell behind with the repayments, although I continued to pay twenty pounds per month. After 2 years I totalled the amounts up that we had paid them as the debt didn’t seem to be reducing, however after contacting Argos Card Services I found that they were adding 25 pounds per month for late payment and over balance. On 19 Feb, 2008 we received a claim form from Northampton County Court. http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocument0ml5.jpg After reading these forums I sent this document via recorded delivery on the 25th Feb, 2008: http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocument1mh7.jpg We then received a letter from this company for the same debt on 24th Feb, 2008 and subsequently received a further letter on 11th March from yet another company for the same debt. http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocument2pb9.jpg http://img296.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocument3sa5.jpg I then received the reply in response to my request for information, which please note was received after the 14 day deadline, although they have dated their letter to full within this period yet the postage on the envelope clearly shows posted on the 19th march, 2008. http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocument4zp7.jpg Also attached was the credit agreement (only 1 page), the name and address was clearly marked however been removed for privacy. http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocment5th6.jpg Please note the difference in dates between the date on the letter and the post mark. http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=courtdocument6ia5.jpg Not sure where to go from here, any advice would be gratefully accepted.
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