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Everything posted by daviet1976

  1. YAY! FINALLY read the thread.. Now. WTF was THAT all about????!?!!?!! Xmas day!!!!!! Lol
  2. Hope the scan went well RP and that the prognosis is good. It brings back the time when I came home from school to find my mum had had a stroke when my dad said he was leaving. She was 31. But she made a full recovery. These things are put here to test us. We can only get stronger.
  3. Complain immediately to the Data Commissioner. Provide them with as much information as you can.
  4. tut tut girls trying to hurt a man the only way they know how..... SO predictable.....
  5. Flippin' eck.. Wow. I mean...that's.......pretty heavy. What does it mean?
  6. I'm not interested in playing at the moment, thanks. I'm just interested in surviving for now!!! Once I complete my initiation, then we'll see what happens!
  7. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :confused: "Closer to the bone" Louis Prima
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