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  1. Our local volunteer Rescue was raided by RSPCA on Thursday last week. without going into everything, I will post the links for you, No documents were signed by the person who runs the rescue, but I have been told to go to the local crown court and file form n244 which will stop the RSPCA rehoming any of the dogs until they decide whether they are going to prosecute or not. Is this correct. I only found out about it this form this evening and have quickly asked the same question on a couple of good dog sites, but I know you are brilliant on here so, here I am http://goo.gl/Ajq6ls This is a link to the latest news article.
  2. Just received letter from idem servicing saying Idem Capital Securities Ltd have purchased our MBNA debt and that Idem Securities will be administering it. checking on companies house (below) we noticed that they are registered as non trading company, which is strange considering they have just purchased MBNA debits for 55.7 million. As a non trading company they only have to declare shares and assets, what about all the profits from their grubby business, shouldn't they also have to declare TAX. Idem Servicing do now have CC Licence under idem Capital Securites Ltd Idem Servicing is trading under ICS Ltd. On our letter it states that all terms and conditions of our Credit Card account will remain unchanged. Our debit is managed via CCCS who Idem claim have been notified of this. We will wait and see. On UKData site it says to check carefully all Directors of non-trading companies (I have already done the work for you. By the Director names you have a link to their information). Is being company secretary/Director of 162 companies enough? COMPANIES HOUSE INFORMATION Name & Registered Office: IDEM CAPITAL SECURITIES LIMITED ST CATHERINE'S COURT HERBERT ROAD SOLIHULL WEST MIDLANDS UNITED KINGDOM B91 3QE Company No. 07350538 Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 19/08/2010 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature of Business (SIC): 7499 - Non-trading company Accounting Reference Date: 30/09 Last Accounts Made Up To: 30/09/2011 (FULL) Next Accounts Due: 30/06/2013 Last Return Made Up To: 19/08/2011 Next Return Due: 16/09/2012 Last Members List: 19/08/2011 CREDIT LICENSE INFORMATION Application / Licence Details Licence Number:0642971Licence Status:Current Current Applicant / Licensee: Business Name Company Registration Number Idem Capital Securities Limited 7350538 Categories: Consumer credit Credit brokerage Debt administration Debt collecting Right To Canvass Off Trade Premises:No Trading Name(s) (Current): Idem Idem Servicing Issued Date: 20-Apr-2011 Date Maintenance Payment Due: 19-Apr-2016 Legal Formation: Body Corporate (incorporated inside UK) Current Individuals that run the organisation: Name Position John Grogor Gemmell (http://www.cdrex.com/john-grigor-gemmell/263517.html?p=2 ) Nicholas Keen ( http://company-director-check.co.uk/director/903889113 ) Richard Dominic Shelton ( http://company-director-check.co.uk/director/903106523 )
  3. What worries me is that if we contact the creditors and ask for a 12 month break due to unemployment and our other option would be to consider bankrupcy, I would be scared that they would panic and put a charge on the house or something. We have really tried hard to stop any charges going on and pretty much always managed to pay them something. /But as you say, with a 12 month holiday at least they may actually start getting payments again, where as with bankrupcy they wouldn't. UUmmmmm food for thought.
  4. That is an idea. Don't know if Lloyds will accept though, they have been a pain. I think I will write today to all of them and see what happens. Certainly take the pressure off for a while.
  5. Papa Smurf, that is very interesting, I will certainly look into that one this morning! New Starter - We will think long and hard about any decision we make. We were not looking for the easy way out at all. We will be getting advice regarding all options before any decision is made. Thanks Lisa
  6. New Starter - I will be polite here. Yes we are a normal family finding things tough. Agreed. We are also a normal family that have been finding things tough for many, many years. Our repayment plans were started years ago. This is no recent thing believe me. So I do take it personally when you make it sound like we are just trying to find the easy way out and sitting on our butts. We have had agreements, we have made dents in our debts, we have scrimped and scraped. We have been on an interest only mortgage for the last 4 years. We have another 12 years on a mortgage that there is no way we will be able to repay in that term. Also, you may think we are feeling sorry for ourselves. Actually we are not. We have discussed amongst ourselves and professionals what our best option was on many occasions. We always keep up beat and positive. We turn negatives into positives. We live in a property that needs work. The render on the chimneys are falling off into our neighbours garden (it is a very big, high chimneys) this needs doing urgently. Because of the height of the chimney you need scaffolding. The job has been priced up by 4 different companies and will cost in the region of 3,500. And before you ask no we couldnt do it ourselves! It is not covered by insurance, we had it checked out. What would the claim be against us if our neighbours had a 6ft chunk of render land in their lounge! We recently had a new boiler fitted by Warmstart (luckily we qualified) the last quarters bills April) were on the old 25 year old boiler, gas and electric came to over £840. A friend stepped in and paid those for us. It is high council tax band due to the size. The property is a total money drain for anyone. It is a beautiful house and the decision to part company with it was not one taken lightly believe me. ?We cannot afford to live in it anymore. We havent decided definately on bankrupcy but it is an option that we must consider. The mortgage repayments (interest only) a few years ago was over 800, obviously it is not that at the moment but it is only a matter of time until the rates do start going up again, then we are stuck. Quite a few times I have contacted the CCCS amongst others, and most of them stated that Bankrupcy is certainly worth consideration in our circumstances. We always refused to even discuss it. Bankrupcy was, at all times, something that we really did not want to happen. However situations do change. So we are not feeling sorry for ourselves whilst sitting on our backsides. We are just realists and look at all the possible options. Including ones that have been tried in the past. However, there does come a time when sometimes you have to take a deep breath and put your hands in the air and move on. Whilst we havent quite got to that stage, we are certainly aware of it. I actually posted my message on here in case someone could actually offer some points, tips or advice. So suggestions to get off our butts and stop feeling sorry for ourselves was not only incorrect it was not very helpful.
  7. If you saw the list of jobs that we have applied for jointly it would block your toilet - because that is all they are worth. The reason he has been out of work is the fact that most major companies cancelled projects and the ones that didnt hired consultancies that operate IOT (inter office transfers) and got all their consultants in from India. Good for them but very bad for consultants over here and believe me there are thousands in the same position as us. He has been applying for jobs right across the board from yes fruit picking to dustman, but there is nothing available here. He is applying for jobs anywhere, and I do mean anywhere from the Uk to Abu Dhabi, no matter what the salary. We have one of the highest populations of immigrants that anywhere else. All the manual jobs are long gone. Plus they have already said to him that they wouldnt employ him because they think as soon as something comes along in IT he will be off.
  8. You are right, we do not have the 600 up front payment. But if we sold the house quickly then we would. Also we do not have the deposit for a private rental unless we sell the house. Yes our current interest only mortgage is less that what private rent would be, but what we really do not want to happen is for our property to be taken away from us, us still left with outstanding debts and never getting out of this hole. We need, somehow, to wipe the slate or we are just going to keep going round and round like a goldfish.
  9. I know there is stigma attached to bankrupcy, but what really concerns us is whether this would affect my husbands career prospects. He is an IT consultant, whilst he does not work in financial institutions, we are obviously concerned that this would close doors to him. But with our debts at the level they are, and us both being out of work I really do not see any other option.
  10. Correct. There is, at a push, 30k equity in the property. Our mortgage at the moment is on interest only so very low payments. There is no arrears at the moment, but that is the only debt that is not in arrears. I say we do not have time for sale on the open market because it is only a matter of time before one (or more) of our creditors lay claim to the property. Also we do not have time for a normal sale, if it fell through we would be well and truely stuffed. All other debts are unsecured. Which I suppose is some kind of good luck.
  11. Condensed version. Massive debts (50k+) managed over last few years, private payment plan (broken a couple of times but reset). Husband is IT contractor and has been out of work last 18 month. I went back to work full time to try and keep heads above water. Last week I was made redundant (under 12 mths employment so no redundancy payment). We couldn't manage then so we definately can not manage now. Both looking hard for work but pretty hard going. Have decided that after many years of stress and shoestring living we want to sort it all out one and for all. If we sell our property now then we would have about 30k left. Need to pay back parents for money borrowed over last couple of years (they are in their 80's so I am afraid they are my priority). Also will need to put a deposit and 6 months rent in advance for rental accomodation (as a claim for housing benefit will be pending due to us both being unemployed (at present, but not for long I hope it is driving us both mad)) Our cars (x2) are both rust buckets but necessary due to where we live. We have nothing else of value what so ever, sold long ago. Due to the IT market my husbands lack of job success makes us realise that he really needs to get additional training/qualification to return to work - this is also a necessity as without it he won't be able to return to work. Me - I'll take anything that is available. How would bankrupcy work for us, as we are both unemployed at the moment. We have 3 children at home. But we want to get rid of the house, it is too large and the bills are too high for us now. How would it work. If we sold quickly (obviously not realising the same price as if we waited, but we do not have that option available any more). Paid back our elderly parents and settled finances with new landlord. How would the courts take it if we then filled for bankrupcy. There wouldn't be any new cars, boats, holidays. Just repaying parents and paying rent up front. We need to get a grip and get this behind us. No debts are secured on the property. For the last 2 years we haven't been anyway - not even to the beach. I want to able to drive my kiddies to the beach and not have to worry about the cost of petrol. The last holiday we had was 3 years ago, 4 days camping in Lincolnshire. We have really had enough. Or we could file for bankrupcy whilst still in the property but then we wouldn't have any funds to pay a deposit on rented, pay elderly parents back - nothing. Advice would be very, very welcome. Lisa:(
  12. Thanks Sillygirl1 and B3rty for your comments and draft letter, I will have to write back to them so will certainly use some of the letters that have been posted. I said it made me smile when I read it. Cabot - the last chance saloon!
  13. Thank you everyone for the quick comments. When I opened the 'pack' it did make me smile a little especially when I read the words ' it is our opinion' and 'we have decided' - I thought they were on a sticky wicket. cerberusalert - Thank you for the letter, but even though they havent sent a blank form or any type of agreement, in fact they have already confirmed in previous letters that they are not able to produce a copy of the original agreement. I can still use most of this letter which basically states - no agreement - no debt. See what happens from there. Thanks everyone - you are great (and so quick to answer) Lisa
  14. I originally requested a copy of my signed agreement with Goldfish one year ago from Cabot (who now own the debt). They requested the agreement a number of times from Goldfish but couldn't get it. They then sent me a letter stating that THEY were putting the account on hold for the time being. Today I received a letter from Cabot (see below) which announces that THEY have made the decision that as I have made payments to this debt in the past then that is confirmation enough that the debt exists and that I acknowledge it. Quote" ..clearly detail repayment that you have previously made towards your debt, which constitute a clear acknowledgment of your responsibility to repay the debt." unquote and Quote " Cabot is of the opinion that you have been provided sufficient evidence that the account exists" unquote They enclosed a wad of copy statements and printouts of the account showing each payment in and out. I have still not received sight nor sound of the original agreement with goldfish. Is their 'opinion' legal. This account with Goldfish was taken out in the mid-1990's. Your comments would be appreciated.
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