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Everything posted by Giveitback

  1. DTR, like you, I couldn't have gone to uni without the loan, and I agree, it's really hard for people to maintain an account. By "people", I mean the SLC. I'll happily pay back the loan when it is due, but at the moment, it's not. Strangely though SLC are really good at losing documents that I send to themm, ignoring letters and generally breaching their contractula obligations. Since I started sending everything recorded mail, less letters have gone missing, but before I did, I was assured that "since every letter is scanned on arrival, there's absolutely no chance that my letter ever arrived". I could understand if this happened on one occassion, but it seems more like a monthly occurrence. During one harrassing call, I was told a letter hadn't arrived. I replied that I knew it had, and could even detail the date, time and who signed for it. I was greeted by silence then a mutter that there might have been a mistake. (No admission though that a mistake might have been made on another occasion) Sure, there may be some people on here who are looking for a loophole, but I'm certain there are more who have had to deal with a company that really has no idea what it is doing.
  2. excellent news!! I think I might have to do something similar. I'm back being chased by SLC again - it seems to go round in a cycle and has done for over 3 years. Interesting change of tack you've done there - might have do something similar, although I don't get calls, because I've made sure they don't get my number.
  3. has anyone managed to collect a host of leaflets over the years from banks explaining their charges?
  4. I believe Inverness sheriff court is not granting sists.
  5. thanks everyone - back to reading and readng and reading again
  6. This is the part that bothers me though... Intriguingly, the OFT revealed that it actually agrees with part of the banks' arguments. They claim that their charges are not penalties, but are fees for a service - for running a current account while it is in the red. "In most instances we would probably agree with the banks' arguments that these are not penalties as defined in common law," said Mr Elithorne. But he insisted that the OFT Still believes the charges are unfair - even if they are "fees for a service".
  7. Thanks, been away a while and haven't made it through everything
  8. Now obviously, most of us have been/ are trying reclaiming, and hopefully not incurring any more charges, but could we turn the stays against them? This just came to me tonight. If we automatically can't reclaim, couldn't we argue that they automatically can't charge right now? haven't thought it thru further, but it's an idea?
  9. i had to call in the sherriffs officers for Hbos, worked though. They went in, spoke loudly, and walked out with a bank draft, plus costs.
  10. My guess - they're not that bothered, but if you take photos of it, and argue your point, you might find they admit you're right
  11. Hi I got a letter through the other day which had some T&C changes in it. Tucked away at the end was something indicating that they might start taking the charge from any bank account you have - regardless of which incurred the charge. Time to start tracking multiple statements? I'll try to bring the T&Cs with me tomorrow so I can put the details here.
  12. thanks mpul. Any idea what the gross monthly income level is currently? ie the amount below which you are entitled to defer?
  13. rang them, they said that they couldn't send me one as my account is in arrears, I need to speck to smith lawson. Smith lawson said I need to speak to someone else, and on it goes. Suspect I'll have to find an alternative route.
  14. does anyone have any blank deferment forms handy?
  15. erm, perhaps see what the NUS say then.. I'm not sure they're right
  16. have you any proof that they recieved your deferment form, as this will be the crux of the issue, and it's what they're doing with me too. I've offered to pay the amount of the arrears on my own terms but not the charges, but to be honest, I think we'll end up in court. My understanding is that student loans don't show up on credit files CCJs etc. Sorry I can't be more help. At the moment, do you make sure that everything you send goes signed for? I send everything signed for now, which is why when I got a letter saying they had had no reply, I could write back telling them who signed for the reply they've lost again, and when. I'm going to use the fact thy're unaware of losing letters as the argument that they could have lost my deferment letter, and can't prove they didn't which is why they can't prove there are any arrears. Bit of a long shot, though, I think.
  17. Jen I wish I knew how to help, but the only thing I can think of is that you see the welfare leader at the stuent association. I'm sure you can't be the only person ever to have had this kind of situation, and if they're NUS affiliated they might be able to help out. Best wishes GiB
  18. nice work noomill. Can I just check something that I can't manage to get into my head right now (thats the problem with readin this at midnight). Did you pay these and reclaim them, or did you get them removed from your bills?
  19. I read it too, but they're only 'considering it'. The maximum amount consumers are able to claim in compensation through sheriff courts could rise to £5,000 in a "top-to-bottom" review of the justice system by the Labour Party.Currently, there...
  20. This is your niece's claim that we're talking about? As long as you're clear on the points, and reason that they have taken money from you unlawfully, then even if you do have to go to court, you'll be fine. You've got all day today for the money to go in, and then toorrow AM too, so it'll probably turn up. Stay brave, you'll be fine
  21. hey nic Have you got your court pack ready just in case?
  22. Hey, there's a chance that they've lost track of your claim, which is why deadlines have been passed. I think that was what happened with mine. I got to send the bailiffs into my branch. They walked out with a bankers draft and a smile.
  23. Summary Cause is VERy similar to small claims in process. In fact I think there's something about it in Scotia's link, and the limit is £1500.
  24. A-woo-hoo! I have a nice bankers draft heading into my new bank account this morning. Now because the bank paid up as soon as the Sheriffs went in, I've been told that I had to pay the cost of setting the sheriffs on them, which came in at £50, but frankly, I don't care, cos it still leaves a tidy amount for meself.
  25. Nice work Bexter! Update on my own. ON 9/3/7 Sheriffs officers went into my branch of BoS. Now I don't have all th papers with me right now, but basically, they said why they were there, asked for payment and when it wasn't immediately forthcoming they started pricing up the fixtures fittings and so on. Last I heard, a bankers draft appeared as if by magic. I think it's sitting at the Sheriffs officers offices as we speak. I'll find out when I get there tomorrow.
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