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Everything posted by Curr946

  1. 1) this is the banks error and you should get this charge back, this is a valid complaint as the cashier should see whats pending on the account, excluding direct debit payments and checks, but you should. 2) this is the media company's fault, complain to them and sen them proof of the charge. 3) it went through the bacs system, you would have been advised on the time it takes to arrive, if you didn't make allowances its your fault. 4) you should keep tabs on your account and what you are spending, if this is a regular occurences then ask your back on a visa electron card rather than delta (debit as now known) as this type of card is debited instantly rather than being treated as a form of credit as the backs make a promise to pay the retailer as at the time of the transaction there was cash in the account. see these links. debit: Visa Debit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia electron: Visa Electron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. i do but i only deal with savings, i do not claim to know 100% of the banking system. PM me and i will try my best to help you out / ask colleges at work for there take.
  3. excuse my ignorance here but what exactly qualifies me as a troll, i would say that the term is used loosely when someone can not defend their position if you are unable to defend your position just say so..
  4. yes, i see what you are saying but here in the uk we offer basic accounts, they are designed for people on low incomes or on benefits, and i must say, seeing as you brought it up.. those low income family's really need to get their priorities right. if i only had 100 in the bank to do me a month and i certainly would not have a car at a cost of 30 a month insurance and Internet at a cost of 20 a month and so on.. basic bank accounts are their for a reason. i would also say that if you have a bill due call the bank and ask them for a temporary increases on the over draft. 9/10 you'll get it, income permitting
  5. well banks are starting to bring down the costs but they are still around 15 per payment. lets just do a quick calculation, lets say an average person has 7 month direct debit and use a debit card at least twice per day and lets say the banks charge £5 a month for the account that's £36.50 a month... per person... 0.50 per direct debit and card payment it adds up.. i would much rather pay the odd fee than this, not that it would be that expensive but people would really have to watch what they were using there card for even when it was their own money they were spending..
  6. well that i agree with, however if the said people were to run their accounts within the t&c they would not have been charged. and they can not say that they were not aware of what those chrages where
  7. no the "poorer" people should run their accounts accordingly and budget within their means. What i am saying is those who wist to spead like it grows on tree on you go but explect to pay the price for it.
  8. Yes but their is no doubt that the banks profit from this "fee" and is clearly printed in the terms and conditions when you apply and i for one do not want to pay a "fee" because this line of "profit" was ended.
  9. I am so sick of hearing and reading about bank charges, "the bank stole from me, the bank owes me, its my money..." Why does the bank charge you? Because you use money that is not yours without their permission! Would you rather that they declined your card while a large cue of shoppers gather behind you, all whispering that guys/gals cards been declined. Let’s play devils advocate, your car insurance is due and you have no cash in your account, the bank decided not to pay it so your insurer charges you a late fee. Is this unfair? Let’s also say that they decide to stop your cover, now your running around uninsured, your caught fined and your licence taken away. Fair? Whose fault is it? Ok that last bit is a little far fetched but you get my point. In case you didn’t know the banks are having a test case in court about the legality of bank charges. If they loss they will start to charge us for the basics, £5/10 a month charge just to have the account open, 50p for each and every debit card payment, direct debit and standing order and so on. Would that be fair, yes it would as it all cost the bank money in administration work, but it would see an end to what we in the uk call free banking! For you all that can not manage your finances maybe you would be better off with a basic account that dose not offer a debit card, overdraft and cheque book. Pay all your bills at the post office with a bank giro credit slip, oh wait there is a charge! Fair? I have only had one bank charge in the last three years and it was not my fault, the company reasonable paid me the charge back and apologised. It’s called a direct debit guarantee. They were at fault, they foot the bill... Customer at fault, customer foots the bill. Sadly a lot of you can not seem to understand this or maybe you just seeing £ sign running around! I for one do not want to have to start to pay for my bank account because a small number of people can not manager their money and pass blame on to the bank, NO ONE FORCED YOU TO OVER SPEND! Oh and by the way, banks can and will close your account for continuing to complain about charges and also continuing to go over drawn, its called misuse! Curr946
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