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Everything posted by AwakeNow

  1. Seem's as if they looking to run heh. I once found part of a tooth in Sainsburys cornflakes, my mother could attest it was a tooth as she was the one to point it out (used to feed the children cornflakes instead of wheat based cereals as 2 of them had a intolerance level so it was easer to get everyone the same thing) many years ago and they offered me a £5 shopping voucher. Someone must have had the muchies, lol.
  2. Lol its 04.11a.m and its one of those 'nights' when my son cannot sleep so continues to 'play' pretty much by himself on the pc which means I get the joy of finding something to do during the small hours - such as reading through the forums and making up silly songs heh heh. I really don't mind his hyperactivity as it is more controlled as he gets older, but I can hear him giggling away as he plays games and its such a sweet giggle. I wonder if the animals will forgive me being late with their breakfast later as surely I might get a couple of hours sleep. So anyone have any more ideas on how to spend time when they cannot sleep for whatever reason...
  3. Hello, The credit scoring system allocates points for each piece of relevant information and added together to produce a score. When your score reaches a certain level then it stays as a ‘good’ or even ‘excellent’ credit score. Credit scoring is based on the history of credit obtained, level of payment history as well as the above as well as age, employment etc thus supplying a reference point for credit companies to predict future performance of supplying credit Certain things can have adverse effect on the credit scores such as if there are several searches done in a short period of time the credit score might drop, Same for debt or default. Different agencies might use various methods to make a credit score so even if there were no debt or defaults of any kind, their system might produce a different rating simply due to using another method when making their own credit score about you.. If a default is cleared you can write to the credit agency and ask them to remove the default after complying with their request to provide evidence that the default has been paid although it might take some time before it is removed from file or shown as being ‘cleared’. You can also query anything you feel might not be correct on your credit rating. Equifax Home Credit Reports: Get your Credit Report from Experian UK http://www.callcredit.co.uk/home These are the three companies that are mainly called upon to provide credit history. Hope this helps some : - )
  4. True JonCris however it also depends on how much that public body can gain easy access to the data requested: If you want access to unstructured information, you will need to describe the information you want so the authority can find it. Although the fee for access to public authority information is £10, the authority can estimate the cost of dealing with a request for unstructured information, and refuse the request if the cost is more than £450 (or £600 if it is central government). I doubt very much they would charge the whole amount but I do think as it is listed on their resources site, they might ask for half of the cost to processing the request? It is not clear what they mean by 'unstructured' so would it mean anything you want that isn't in paper or floppy/disc fformat - such as recordings, is that 'unstructured'?
  5. Dear Mr Debt Man – give us a sign (bom bom bom bom bom) that you are leaving a note to assign (bom bom bom bom bom) a ‘dear sir’ letter to burn on your shrine (bom – yea carry on) with a boot to your greedy behind ....
  6. Wow - good job - plastic surgery at its best lol
  7. Most expensive strawberry in the world? WHAT: Strawberries Arnaud WHERE: Arnaud's, New Orleans PRICE: $1.4 million Erm I think nettle soup might be the daily diet for the next 200 generations after eating that! . @.@
  8. Depends upon what its terms and conditons are really on whether its calculated monthly or daily: this link (Financial Article) gives u a lot of info about how credit cards work: Four steps to find your ideal credit card | This is Money
  9. Heh, Thank you - I just posted because it made my day. Should have put that in the title - what made your day today? We are so lucky, aren't we : - )
  10. I'd say your letter pretty much covers it. : - ) I also see I sent you to the Credit Agreement Letter - typing without thinking - sorry, brain tired, lol. Just a thought, how long have they been chasing this bill - does the one year rule fall into play here?
  11. I would get in touch with motability to see if there is a way out of the contract? Explain how badly this is affecting him and how much hardship is being caused by meeting the payments, the daily running costs and so on. There are other ways available of getting about if having a car is causing a financial mess of which the site for what is on offer is here: Ricability - research and information for older people and people with disabilities Another site which might be helpful, is this: Disability Direct - Frequently Asked Questions Hope this helps.
  12. I was interested when I read this and hope that what I have found might help in finding a solution to the problem. If you let out a property there are legal obligations to be fulfilled before it becomes a ‘commercial’ let. Maybe this is why your son's ex has been refused housing benefit – is this a legal let? The law requires the safety and maintenance of the rented accommodation and its contents to prevent injury or damage to the tenant, neighbours and members of the public. The legal responsibilities of the Landlord for an Assured Short hold tenancy (Landlord & Tenants Act 1985) will include having a Safety Check done on all gas appliances from a Corgi registered tradesman and supplying the tenant with a copy of the Safety Certificate. If the property is furnished then it has to comply with the government’s flammability standards. There are other conditions to be met which may include: legal provisions section 17 Public Health Act 1961 section 4 Defective Premises Act 1972 sections 1, 11, 17, 48 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 sections 190 - 193, 198, 264 - 265, 604, 606 Housing Act 1985 sections 79 - 82 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Other factors involve landlord insurance, pay-to- let mortgage, having permission from the mortgagees to let out the building and so on. This is a useful site which may help to clarify your position: Landlord's Legal Briefing - LandlordZONE As she was illegally evicted then the local authority have to re-house her, she should go see them a.s.a.p.
  13. Grr they seem to have made a right mess of it. Good luck and hope it all ends well for you.
  14. Hi ya, this is the link to Letter Templates on these forums http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html I think you need Letter N
  15. The bill is over a year old and, as far as I can tell, they will not be able to claim from 2004 but rather April 2007 as from July 2007 members of the site (link below) agreed not to pursue bills more than a year old if the company was at fault for not supplying the bill/ getting the correct readings etc - failing the code of practice in other words. Guidelines and info are on the Energy Retail site which lists terms and conditions of its members and E-On is listed as a member: The Energy Retail Association The company has this code and practice section: Key Facts In 2006 the ERA introduced a new Code of Practice to help customers by clearly setting out what they can expect from their energy supplier, including: • • • • Clear, accurate, informative and timely bills and statements Support and advice on monitoring energy consumption Support and advice for those having difficulty paying their bills Contact details for raising questions and issues with suppliers Therefore I suggest you take a look the site and follow it with a very strong letter of complaint stating they are breaking their code of practice. I think however you may have to pay for the bill from April 2007 and you can ask for a year payment plan to pay this in. If anyone else know any legal issues whcih can help clarify this, as I do not have any knowledge of legalities. Hope this helps and good luck.
  16. Thank you for the info Tiglet. I suggest then OFGEM is the next port of call. Good luck.
  17. Family gone when they realised I couldn't pay - heh what is it about wolves leaving when the sheep drowning? lol This is a fantastic result and going thorugh paperwork for the S.A.R's sent out in relation to this and other debt, just waiting on them to come back to me. Thanks once again for all the support and help : - )
  18. I don't what to say, I really feel for you. Sound's like you need to change your G.P. tho as this one seem's unable to read reports. Hope your social worker gets an advocate for you so they can help with any future paperwork and if need be just there for moral support. Good luck.
  19. Ekk this is a problem. You don't say if it is private accomadation, if the accomadation is considered too large for one person or a house share? All of these reflect how much you can get from housing benefit. You most certainly can appeal any decision made by the DSS, just write to them saying you wish to appeal and you will receive the forms etc. However if you are a ful ltime student, there doesn't seem to be any help for housing benefit. I found this site which should help you - its the gov. site for people under 25 and gives an idea on what you can claim. The first is benefits: Benefits for young people : Directgov - Young people and this is the section for under 25: Young people : Directgov Hope this helps some.
  20. Hello again, If they haven't processed the award notice then how cna they claim - surely this is relative to the award otherwise anyone in the office can make a provisional sum on figures that have no bearing on the true amount? They messed up and this is their responsibility - or failure of it. Sound's as if writing to the M.P. will at least clarify what needs doing and good luck with it.
  21. He hee I could well do that Simon - stop giving me ideas @.@ lol Anyway letter sent off to MP and S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) in process of being written. Did you know that the DSS can charge a hefty amount of money for files you request (I read somewhere they could charge a whopping £400 odd pounds to supply you records if its hard to get copies of) - wow! It would be nice to find a wel paid job working from home but I don;t see it happening somehow and what job would pay me enough to pay for someone to look after my son let alone my daughter - heh, its a funny world.
  22. Hello, Wow sounds like a mess. As you have calculated the bills I would suggest you pay based on those and not what the company have said. I would write a letter - again, to the company stating the amount you are paying with the calculations you provided, once again stating it is a studio flat etc and that as far as you are concerned the debt is clear. I also suggest you go back to EnergyWatch through your local C.A.B. with all the letters and paperwork and ask them if they can help you, this might free up some of your own time. Looking though the web, it seems Energywatch are the last port of call for utilities and if they are unable to help you could end up fighting this on your own, so C.AB. would be better. If need be take them to court - you don't need a bad marker for debt on your credit file.
  23. Thank you - I shall write a.s.a.p You are indeed a fairy God Mother : - ) I've been thinking - how is it right for someone in that position to lie about a claimant and how often does it happen? It's not fair and its not right, and I'm not speaking just about the morality of it all. I suppose I've been brooding, I'm still shocked by the slur and feel that's what it is - a slur on me so I'm thinking about the route of libel. If this is seen as libel - and by the looks of things, in the research I've been doing this evening, it seem's this is exactly what this is; then I think the person responsible and the person spreading it i.e. the member of staff who started the accusation and the manager who see's fit in distributing this in a printed letter to me, should both be sacked. I'm angry to think that this may be commonplace in this society whereby people who question their rights are able to be silenced by lies - I wonder how many people here who use these forums have had similar problems with someone in their DSS falsely accusing them of something - in writing. I shall write these thoughts to the local M.P. as well - if anything it will at least open the eyes of some who have no understanding how basic rights are infringed simply due to 'fear' of losing a benefit they have every right to claim.
  24. Before contacting energywatch you need to ensure there is a complaint to be made - which means waiting to see if there is a response from the debt agency. Also to be sure that NPower are the culprits behind this, I would suggest writing to NPower on your mother's behalf and explain that you have recieved a strange demand from a debt agency for a debt that does not exist so if NPower could shed any light on it, quoting them the reference numbers on the debt collection letter, you would be grateful. Give it all around 2 to 3 weeks for a response and if none comes then it might be the problem is solved. If on the other hand you get another debt letter from the agency, state that you do not accept that you are in debt with them and that if they persist harrassing you you will make a complaint to the Financial Obudsman (don't recall off hand the correct name at the moment but it is somewhere on this forum). If Npower write back and say a debt is there, then ask them to supply you with the details and wait for that. If they suplly you with the details and those details are wrong then explain to Npower thay have the wrong facts and if they keep sending debt collectors after you you will complain to Energywatch. This should take about 8 weeks all told and only then should you complain to energywatch whose site is here: energywatch: Make a complaint
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