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  1. Hi all was wondering if anyone could help me, my partner was involved in a nasty accident back in 2005 ever since he has been off work with a back injury. Today he had a letter from his solictor offering him £14,000 i wanted to know how much would the benifit agency take off him out of this money. Thank you very much. ( not sure if i posted this in the right bit )
  2. A friend of mine ask me to post for him. He recieved a letter sometime last week asking him to contact the company as he wasn't sure what it was about he phoned them. He then found it was in regards to a outstanding bill with great unversial for the amount of £788 he tried talking to them and asking them would they accept payment of £20 per month at which point they told him no you have to pay the debt in full today or they would send a bailiff or sheriff's officer to remove goods amounting to the value from his propety then they went on to say that also they would clamp his car untill he paid them. Him being terrified went directly to a solictor but this morning they then sent another letter demanding 895.14 from him. the debt is from 2005 from what he can remember and was for a dyson cleaner. Can they actually send a bailiff to his propety and seize his car. Thanks in advance.
  3. I recieved a letter this morning from a company called 1st Credit claiming i owed them £176.33. I phoned the number on the letter and they asked me how many children i had what benifit i was on and how much per week i was having which i refused to tell him i kept contesting this bill as i don't recall it what so ever and he kept saying that i need to make a payment which again i refused to do. I asked them from what date was this bill they then told me it was a mobile phone that was dated back to the 9-8-2004 i still told him that i did not recall this bill. Because i refused to pay this amount he told me on the phone that he will put solictors on to the case and send a doorstep debt collector to my address or that legal action would be taken against me.
  4. My dad has a car with motability, I know this may sound a strange question. But he can't afford to live with the cost of this car every month he has had the car since last october , what i wanted to know is there any get out clause with these cars because its making it very hard for him financial and making him ill worrying about it when it comes to paying everything it the end of the month i don't think he thought it would turn out this way. Thanks in advance
  5. Oh dear, I sent them a request last week for my credit agreement and i signed it I guess i made a big mistake there
  6. Hi all i am new to the forums so i apoligse if i have posted this in the wrong section. I have a problem with JD williams and a Debt collection agency acting on thier behalf. I ordered a pair of curtains which was 60 pounds, 3 years ago when i moved into my propety, I was then taken seriously ill with mental health issues up untill which point i was paying the bill then i missed a couple of payments. the next thing i knew i had a letter stating i owed 120 pounds something. I then had to be moved from my propety to another propety for safety reasons, i totally forgot about JD williams at this point. 3 days ago i received a letter from a collection agency (Capquest) saying that if i did not pay them the amount which now stands at 248 pounds they would send someone to take things from my home this as scared me and made me very ill because i am a single person on benifits with a little girl and i really don't know what to do. i am really grateful for anyone that can help.
  7. Thought i would say hello to you all
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