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Everything posted by nufsaid

  1. Mine is... Hope it works My fave name generator was this one... [url=http://www.emmadavies.net/vampire/default.aspx?firstname=theresa&lastname=jones&mf=0&submit=Find+My+Vampire+Name][/url] http://www.emmadavies.net/vampire/ The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Genevieve Darling Known in some parts of the world as: Bast of The Winged Death The Great Archives Record: Comes on silent wings in the night and wraps a deadly cloak about the victim; impartial as a die, unyielding as stone.
  2. Reports like this don't help.... No guarantees over fuel supplies - MSN News UK - news & weather The news stated yesterday "the fuel will last until the end of may if people don't panic buy":eek: Honestly what do they expect, cant help but feel that with the fuel prices being so high the government are not exactly sorry to see this panic buying.
  3. I know we had to get to Cardiff to visit hubbies folks it was his mums birthday do. Our cars were playing up as usual. So we needed to travel from the midlands and back in the same night I called the coach companies no of them had a direct route so tried the trains the only one was £165 return for a family of 4 this is the coach price and the last train back is 11pm useless. I called car rental places I managed to get a new Vectra for 24hrs for £35 something needs sorting with the public transport in this country it's so annoying.
  4. Here are Scottish powers complaints procedure and address write to this and make your letter a formal complaint at this point. Making a complaint Have a look at their complaints procedure what I think has happened is Scottish power have passed the debt onto a dca and the landlord has given your details again, what a rotter . The dca are just testing the water in my opinion make sure Scottish power give you written confirmation that it's not your debt. Good luck.
  5. Hiya Big Bob welcome to cag. There is an article and video I found regarding the train service you mentioned. SWT cease services to Brighton It seems Dec 9th 2007 is when stw stopped going out of Brighton altogether. YouTube - Last day of South West Trains at Brighton, 08/12/07. Public transport in this country is a shambles the people who govern it are seldom the ones who have to use it. NS
  6. Hiya butoh I would put everything in writing and send everything recorded delivery for your records. Send a letter to scottishpower with copies of all previous correspondence explaining that this dca is chasing you for the debt that they had already agreed was nothing to do with you and that you want this fact in writing. Once that you have received this confirmation back in writing forward this to dca including copies of all the receipts and tenancy agreement. Phone calls are no good as they can be easily forgotten. Don't let it get you down your doing everything right and they will get off your back once everything gets straighted out. Hope this helps. NS.
  7. Hiya Helios welcome to cag I am not sure about your problem myself but wnated to say hiya. I am sure some bright bod on here should be along, be patient it's a busy day today what with the bank charges case. Good luck. NS
  8. This woman had what's coming to her. The story was on gmtv she was contacted numerous times then just before Xmas she told the builders her husband had died, then when he called round after the new year giving her a few weeks to sort herself out the husband answered the door :o thats when he had had enough I don't blame him at all poor bloke. Video: Builder Nigel Gray demolishes Anita's porch over £22k debt - Mirror.co.uk
  9. That babybear is super fast today
  10. Hiya here is one... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html Its letter N Other really fab letters here to...
  11. I would contact O2 and find out who it is. Have you rung the number, make sure you block your number showing and pretend you have rung the wrong number just in case you know who this phone belongs to ???? this is just a thought,I would have to try just for the curiosity. I would let the cra know that this is not your phone immediately, even better if you can get some back up from O2 regarding this.
  12. Well done Jay I think telling your mum was one of your biggest worries and so you will sleep a little better. Good luck keep us posted on how your getting on. NS x
  13. Yep EVERY garage I have dealt with are totally useless all main dealers seem to be incompetent idiots.
  14. Bookie the second hand car trade not working out for you then:D and that slap hurt btw:eek: still have bruises. Defiantly the zafira a girly opinion I know but the Picasso looks like an egg and is a Citroen at the end of the day. I had a poorly zafira for a while sold to me by delboy it had been in an accident unbeknown to me, the point to this tale is the AA inspection chap told me although the repairs were complete botched rubbish the car withheld perfectly against what was defiantly a hard rear and front hit and the engine was perfect so would get another one in a heart beat just based on this info alone, you know it will be safe this was a Y reg 2001. Let us know what you get.
  15. Hi Widowk I am sorry for your loss. What a nasty piece of work your landlady was. I am not sure on tenancy agreements and the law but I know some brainy bod on here will know be patient someone will get back to you. How long ago was it you sent the LBA and did you give a time frame for a response, also did you send it recorded and track to see if it was signed for ? NS. x
  16. I would write them a letter explaining exactly what appliances and heating ect was there also reiterate the fact that this is a studio apartment as you have already stated to them. Did they get the moving in / moving out readings ??? I would fight this is does seem to high to me to I am sure some clever bod on here could work it out better. I had a bill like this from British gas they messed up the moving in figure and the moving out figure they wanted £500 for 6 months back in 2002 but it was a tiny cottage and we were hardly there it was more a base as we were relocating, the final bill after lots of to and froing was £98 which I paid, a YEAR later I had a dca letter for the £98 I called and after speaking to a rude guy they eventually agreed it had been settled. Good luck... I hope you manage to sort this. NS:)
  17. Hiya andy I think it's..... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/681-4-particulars-claim-n1.html Hope it's ok... Good luck.. Let us know how you get on. NS
  18. They do this and they also send odd texts like.. Call me we haven't spoken for a while with a number... And... Hi please call Lisa (any name here) then a number... They are a sneaky bunch of whatsits for sure.
  19. MBNA are like this I have had this treatment from them, as have many on here. Send this letter recorded... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/37006-harassment-telephone-response-letter.html Always send recorded and track it online. Put anything else to them in writing and never speak to them on the phone. Have a read through other peoples thread's on MBNA it will help, as you will see your not alone.8-) There are some steps you can take to see if the debt is enforceable and reclaim any charges on your account. Read this link first.... The Consumer Action Group - Bank Charges - Reclaim Bank Charges - Welcome Then you can begin with your claim make sure you read through everything carefully as it will help you understand the process better. Don't let them bully you, start a new thread over in MBNA when your ready and peeps on here will help you along. Keep your chin up. Take care NS
  20. Yep agreed as this popped up today as well... RBS confirms rights issue plans - MSN News UK - news & weather Hmmm interesting.
  21. Just had a look at their website they are a ringtone/wallpaper company they have had a first purchase free offer on are you sure your friend didn't unintentionally take the free offer not realising they would be charged for further messages. Their is a number that you text STOP to and this stops any further contact from them its on boltblue.com. These sites and companies are a pain.
  22. Yep agree especially as it seems there maybe multiple claims against this guy by the looks of it, it's a definite possibility. I would still say get the car checked just for ease of mind if nothing else it's worth fighting for if there are multitude of problems that are causing this vibration,there could be a more sinister reason for all this body kit it's certainly not come from some old granny this car, heres hoping it's just the tyres.
  23. nufsaid


    Yes give them a chance to respond. Let us know what comes back. Did you send recorded ?
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