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Everything posted by louise1111

  1. I found it offensive because I am Irish! My goodness I was only giving my opinion!
  2. I do know what you mean! I try to stick to the same time everyday to get into a routine. Mainly i do the 20 minute free step listening to my ipod and I also go for a walk everyday. I prefer that than going to a gym! I assure you i am no 'skinny minnie' but i think it has helped!
  3. I bought the Wii Fit last week and do half an hour each day! There is yoga as well as aerobic exercises. I can't do too strenuous stuff due to lung problems but i have lost 6 pounds!
  4. I opened nationwide flex account online. Soon as I had new account details, I phoned benefits people, gave new account number and it was done straight away! They then sent letters with the new details on. The only thing is, I don't have a cheque book or debit card but accounts are different!
  5. Hello! I opened new account with nationwide. Phoned the benefits people I.e childrens allowance etc. And it was all set up straight away. I had an overdraft with hsbc that I left open but amazingly they have not come after me for-yet!!
  6. i have not posted but have been following! very best of luck!
  7. just want to bump your thread! maybe you could explain the situation a bit more and someone may be able to help!
  8. AIC is what drove me to CAG (thank God!) They were, for me, the nastiest lot. They were dealing with my RBS account. They tried all the bullying tactics etc. I wrote a strong complaint letter to RBS about AIC and they took the account back. I now pay a minimum amount each month.
  9. i don't know if it helps but i work in a charity shop and we were donated some PS2 games (football etc.) we do not sell them but if you would like them let me know! or, i could send them to you and you could sell/exchange them at GAME. maybe worth something!
  10. Soon you will be called 'Mr Notsoworried! When you start getting the brilliant advice from CAG, you will realise you do have rights and problems can be sorted!
  11. I worked for 3 years at a special school for children aged 11-19 with Autism. I will say that on occasions, some children were restrained but i assure you it was for their own safety. The teachers/staff were trained extensively. I know that a lot of the parents had to really fight to get their children diagnosed and a special needs statement issued. I really just wanted to add my support and i hope you and your son get what you want!
  12. Well you don't sound so frightened now! I was the same as you until i found CAG. Knowledge is a powerful weapon and over time you will get to learn your rights and will refuse to be hassled by these so called 'people' Hang in there!
  13. Best wishes Tawny. I have not posted but i have been following!
  14. yep, i saw that thread but as it's 2 years old i was surprised not to see the number listed on another thread! Many thanks
  15. 01772220126 looked on 'who calls me' but no straight answer really? thanks
  16. I do know how you feel as i have suffered depression myself and i am still on tablets because of the stress of debt etc. I can assure you though that it does get better! I have had loads of help from CAG and i now feel much stronger and able to deal with whatever these 'people' throw at me!
  17. sorry if this has been shown already, but i do not have a credit/debit card or cheque book so will a postal order do? and where do i send it? or can we do a bank transfer?
  18. Thanks! i had no idea he was coming or had actually been until i received my statement showing the charge! Citi are awful to deal with so i am going for everything i can!
  19. Just subbing. I have used your brilliant second letter and i am sending it to Citi Financial. I am trying to claim back £110 'cousellor fee' (no one turned up) but Citi say they have a right to charge anyway! Thanks!
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