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  1. Thank you all so much You have all been most helpful indeed, much appreciated. We are now due to see the CAB the end of this week, we managed to get through to make an appointment, I will let you now how it goes. The last few times we have called and the doors have been closed, so we thought it would be best to make sure we have an appointment. This new mortgage scheme looks hopeful, is that for Wales also does anyone know. I am still confused by why they are not able to sort out on short term about interest repayments, where they say we have to clear the arrears first, this was C&G (LLOYDS), if we did not have arrears we would not have been asking, before my job loss, we never ever missed any repayments, but today I did call them just to make a payment of £60, I will try to make a payment next week as well, its not a lot, but we are trying to make an effort in doing all we can. Are there dates for when the mortgage scheme starts? Thanks to Cymru, Jansus and CitizenB, I will keep you posted and will take your suggestions into consideration, some great ideas there, cheers.
  2. Have been held back on this due to some mortgage stuff to deal with, but my wife wrote to them on this matter for me, we hope to hear something soon. I will update as I hear, cheers.
  3. Hi there, I was given this link from a kind member on this site, to post here, sorry this is so long, I copied and pasted my post where I posted in the wrong part at first. Hi Sorry if i should have started a new thread, being new, getting a little confused. I lost my job Xmas time due to masses of job losses, like many places right now, but my wife is a full time carer for our son with autism, he is 14 years old and I have applied to many companies, just not having luck yet, so CV's and applications kept on file, fingers crossed something will come up soon. Anyway now the problem, I am receiving Income based JSA, my wife Carer's Allowance, and DLA for our son, both care and mobility. Apart from receiving those benefits, there is then child benefit and child tax credits. We have a mortgage of £745 a month, and through my employment changed the mortgage to a remortgage, and the insurance, but this did not kick in on time to cover the full whack of the mortgage, about £405 of it. We are currently living on the overdraft as well, where this is on the edge of it more or less, and we obviously not able to have this amount highered etc. Would not want them to do this anyway, we need to avoid further debt. Anyway, when the income protection gets paid into the account, as you can imagine its going on the overdraft and by the time the mortgage is due the money is not there also because of other direct debits, with it not being paid in the same time, as this can vary by a few days. I am also on depression medication prescribed by my GP and my wife High BP, where she is also on repeat medication, of course this is one worry, but although we are doing our best to make ends meet, we are now 2 months in arrears with C&G, although we are paying as much as we can when there is funds in the account, from the overdraft, but nothing is getting resolved. Meanwhile we have made an appointment with the CAB, and been in touch with the MP, we have been sent some information, but need some opinions if possible. We live in S Wales, and understand these rescue schemes may vary depending where you live. We have been in touch with C&G and requested if we can for not short term Interest only repayments, as that amount of £405 should be a help for that, they said they are unable to do this until the arrears are cleared. What baffles me, is that if we were not in arrears then maybe we would not be asking for this suggestion, we know they have a protocol to follow, but up to now nothing has been resolved. And with being on JSA, we thought it would be sorted through JSA/benefits section??? We had never in the few years we had the mortgage missed any payments, this last 2 months has been the first ever, or missed paying anything for that matter. Any help/info on this will be a great help, thank you. Its been such a worry, the GP highered my dose of medication.
  4. Hi Thank you for your quick reply and your kind words. I will check again tomorrow, this is great, thanks so much indeed. Luv the name, as you will see on my last post I am from South Wales (Gwent area). Will try to sleep this worry off then lol, cheers and catch u tomorrow. Night .
  5. Hi Sorry if i should have started a new thread, being new, getting a little confused. Also sorry if this post is long, just want to give an overall explanation of our situation. Please move this thread for me if in the wrong part, thank you. I lost my job Xmas time due to masses of job losses, like many places right now, but my wife is a full time carer for our son with autism, he is 14 years old and I have applied to many companies, just not having luck yet, so CV's and applications kept on file, fingers crossed something will come up soon. Anyway now the problem, I am receiving Income based JSA, my wife Carer's Allowance, and DLA for our son, both care and mobility. Apart from receiving those benefits, there is then child benefit and child tax credits. We have a mortgage of £745 a month, and through my employment changed the mortgage to a remortgage, and the insurance, but this did not kick in on time to cover the full whack of the mortgage, about £405 of it. We are currently living on the overdraft as well, where this is on the edge of it more or less, and we obviously not able to have this amount highered etc. Would not want them to do this anyway, we need to avoid further debt. Anyway, when the income protection gets paid into the account, as you can imagine its going on the overdraft and by the time the mortgage is due the money is not there also because of other direct debits, with it not being paid in the same time, as this can vary by a few days. I am also on depression medication prescribed by my GP and my wife High BP, where she is also on repeat medication, of course this is one worry, but although we are doing our best to make ends meet, we are now 2 months in arrears with C&G, although we are paying as much as we can when there is funds in the account, from the overdraft, but nothing is getting resolved. Meanwhile we have made an appointment with the CAB, and been in touch with the MP, we have been sent some information, but need some opinions if possible. We live in S Wales, and understand these rescue schemes may vary depending where you live. We have been in touch with C&G and requested if we can for not short term Interest only repayments, as that amount of £405 should be a help for that, they said they are unable to do this until the arrears are cleared. What baffles me, is that if we were not in arrears then maybe we would not be asking for this suggestion, we know they have a protocol to follow, but up to now nothing has been resolved. And with being on JSA, we thought it would be sorted through JSA/benefits section??? We had never in the few years we had the mortgage missed any payments, this last 2 months has been the first ever, or missed paying anything for that matter. Any help/info on this will be a great help, thank you. Its been such a worry, the GP highered my dose of medication.
  6. Hi folks me again. I have a case (Endeavour) with the solicitor now, had problems getting this sorted through the FOS. This is in regards of a ppi, which was mis sold and was not fully eligible for and it was automatically added, when taking this out I thought this was all part of the loan, so tried the usual with the complaint procedures, fully exhausted them, then to the FOS who cannot deal with it as they were not regulated a such with GISC/FSA. Unfortunately I lost my job, and hoping to return to new employment soon, fingers crossed, with a mortgage to pay etc and a family to feed. I had send this off to a free service, have not paid anything upfront, and now told it's not just the ppi that is reclaimable, I do need to do more digging on this but its now with the solicitor who is calling me next week. Any information in regards of unenforecable or voidable loans would be help to me, thank you. Again as this is settled/paid off what would there be to reclaim then? Cheers.
  7. Hi Sorry to hyjack your thread, was just checking through my credit card agreement in regards of Lloyds TSB and was comparing my agreement to post 10, however, all the same but I did not receive all the other information/paperwork with my agreement like post 10 when they sent me this, or anything to sign if I wanted to cancel. They had crossed the part where to sign with a printed cross already made by them on the insurance. I have a few cases with the FOS, one Credit card ppi just resolved, now just waiting for the funds to come through. I had taken this out in September 2007. While I'm here please could someone explain to me what it means by unenforceable and voidable loans etc? If someone had already settled their finance and find out their loan or finance was any of the 2, what happens from here?, would you be entitled to money back if the finance was settled?, sorry I have not got a clue. However, I understand if the money is borrowed its to be paid back, but with not having knowledge of how these agreements work or how they supposed to work, such as flaws etc, what is it we check for in this case? I am new to this issue and interested in finding out about this, thanks guys.
  8. Thank you, I shall get on with this and let you know the outcome as soon as I hear. I appreciate this very much. Thanks again mate.
  9. Hello Thank you for posting back to me. When I requested for the SAR this was in 2008, yet they enclosed all bank statements as from 1998, I am silly not to have questioned them on this matter about the credit card statements. But assumed this was because of the 6 yr timescales on these, then without thinking "well they have provided bank statements for years going back longer again". I used an SAR, I think i found it on another forum somewhere earlier last year and asked for everything they hold on my account(s). Mainly what I received back is about loans, credit card statements, also as stated bank statements I've had with them, where I yet have to deal with these on the loan ppi. Saying that with my wife's when she wrote to them a few years back about her own case, think this was in 2003 or 2004 they confirmed they had shredded her letter, and from what she can remember this was a query in writing about ppi, maybe about cancellation. (they confirmed this to her last year), so nothing would surprise me with them. Is it too late now to ask if they do have anything else on my account relating to my credit card? As its been some time since receiving the SAR docs? Thank you again.
  10. Hello I am a newbie, and have received an offer on my lloyds tsb credit card ppi, this account was settled in 2004, had taken this out in 2001, when requesting a SAR last year i was supplied with credit card statements going back from 2002 and not 2001 (due to the 6 yr timescale), so it looks like I will have to estimate on the first year. This was through the FOS, where lloyds should put me back in the position as if i did not take out ppi, plus interest and any charges. I would just like to be sure the offer is that of them putting me back in the position as if this cover was not taken out. I never missed any payments and just wondered how you work out the proportion on the interest refund. The offer came in at £518, but no breakdown of this, I have asked for them a few days ago so still waiting. I have not got a clue how to work this out, as I imagine its the proportion of the interest charged, so any help that would be good, is there a certain calculator to use or a simple spreadsheet, I am useless with mathematics lol, thanks so much guys.
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