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Everything posted by POBT

  1. Hi I have recently received a letter from CSA stating that I owe a significant amount of maintenance for my daughter (now 36 years old) and that my ex had been in contact with the CSA in the last month to claim this. (we had an out of court settlement which I paid directly and can prove this) I have been I contact with my ex who is saying she never contacted the CSA to raise the claim, yet the CSA say she did. Question is - would the CSA have opened this case without my ex contacting them to instruct them to do so? Thanks
  2. Thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed response, I appreciate it. I agree with you, it is a lesson learned, I actually feel very silly on reflection. My main aim is of course to remove the CCJ, which I believe I have a good chance of doing on the basis that I have documented on email of the incorrect address they used for the first invoice and my correction of that to the CEO. i spoke with the court today and they were very understanding. The fact that I paid the total cost the day I was informed of the summons, according to the courts, is in my favour. It was them that suggested I claim the costs back from the leasing company. The company is Hippo Leasing - approach with caution, or not atall!
  3. Hi Long story but will keep as concise as can be. I am leasing a vehicle which required some work (impossible to remove wheel nuts to replace tyres - vauxhall dealership said previous owner had used the wrong instruments previously) I contacted the company for advice (first time leasing a vehicle, wasnt sure on liability) they admitted that after just 6000 miles I should not need to replace the tyres, and as a courtesy would take the vehicle and replace them. At no time was I told they would charge for this (or I would have done it locally) It was due MOT the same week which the lease company said would put through the MOT and bill me for the cost of the MOT. This all occurred August 2013. - this was done verbally. I received my car back with damage to the rear pannel, to which I comtacted them immediately to sort out. They denied everything to do with it and tried to suggest that they had noticed the damage themselves, that it was already there. Complete lies! A week later I received an invoice (rather, my neightbour did) for £290 which included the replacement tyres, removal of old tyres and maintenance plus the MOT. I contacted the company to dispute this and to also chase up on the status of my claim regarding the vehicle damage. They tried to suggest that an email had been sent to me outlining the total cost of the work, yet when I asked for proof of this it was clear that they had the wrong email address (although I had been comunicating with them via email the entire time I had been dealing with them for the lease hire) We disputed this for weeks and in the end I accepted their offer to waive the cost of the MOT and would pay for the tyres only. I asked for a new invoice (reiterating my address - and advising that they got it wrong previously) and I shared pictures of the body damage which was requested by the CEO to look into. - For 2 years I hear nothing, I pay myself for the body repairs via a garage and assume (stupidly) that common sense had prevailed. Bare in mind that I am still a customer, the car is outside my house right now, I pay them via direct debit £159 a month, so I am not difficult to find. 2 weeks ago I had a call from a collections agency chasing up the £290 to which I disputed based upon the situation raised above. They advised they would put the claim on hold whilst they investigate. They called me back today claiming that they are willing to take this to court and that unless I pay £490 (including costs) there would be a summons against me. They then re-read my file and advised that a summons was already against me, it was raised in August of this year. I advised that I have never received any communication since 2013, how can I be expected to acknowledge the summons if I didnt know it existed..? They threatened me with bailifs unless I pay £400 today to clear the debt. I felt intimidated and did this straight away with the aim of speaking with Citizens Advice afterwards to understand my rights and how to proceed regarding the vehicle damage which was never acknowledged. I was given I reference number by the debt agency and I called the courts immediately. I was advised by the courts that the summons was sent in August 2015 and as I had not paid within 30 days that a CCJ has been listed against me. When she asked for my details it became apparent that the address Hippo Leasing had given to the court was the incorrect address that they sent the initial invoice to. . it was the neighbours address of my previous address. I am not sure where I stand in this case. The lady at the courts suggested that I have grounds to set aside the CCJ on the basis that Hippo did not provide the correct address details for me , but that I need to pay the £155 to do this. She also suggested that I may be able to get the courts to enforce the £155 on the car leasing company as it is their error...? 2nd thing is if I have any legs with the body damage thing? I wish I had escalated it further at the time, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt (that they were absorbing the cost of the repair) so I arranged to sort the rest out myself. :-x Any advice welcome!
  4. Hi I have a lease hire vehicle with Hippo Lease which recently had some work done on it by Hippo. When the car was returned there was damage to the rear driver side, a dint/line approx 5 inches long. Hippo have denied it and are saying that damage was noticed on the vehicle when it was brought into their workshop - utter rubbish, unless the driver did it on-route. Additionally, I was told verbally that the work the car went in for initially would be covered by Hippo, yet 3 weeks later a bill for almost £300 landed on my doorstep. Actually next door's doorstep, they got my address wrong.?! I called the Hippo asking why I was being billed and to discuss the damage to the car. They have basically said that the bill is my responsibility - not what I was told by Neil at Hippo via the telephone - interestingly I did ask for Neil to confirm via email, twice. He never did! I have been pursuing the damage via one of their Sales Managers but they are adament that they will not accept liability. Any ideas how to take this forward? Thanks
  5. Hi there, I have an online account with Next Directory and a monthly standing order set up. I realised last week that my standng order for the past 2 months had not quite covered the minimum payment required. Once I realised I contacted Next and brought the account back up to date. Whilst I realise this was my error, and I accept the £7 charge (per month) for not making the minimum payment, I disagree with the 2 'missed' payments that are now reflected on my credit file. I have contacted Next to discuss this and explain that this isnt a case of 'missed' payment, it was an error on my part for not checking and subsequently increasing my standing order to pay my monthly bill. I was spoken to by Customer Services in a very patronising way, when I tried to reason with her and request that they re-consider the data held against me, she point blank refused to assist in any way. My credit score has taken a massive hit based on what can only be described as human oversight as apposed to shirking responsibility for paying my debts. This is creating a bigger strain as I am currently in the process of applying for a mortgage, these supposed missed payments are effecting my creditworthiness. Can anybody offer any advice here? Many thanks in advance.
  6. I will check equifax today. I just received an email from Littlewoods asking me to call them in response to my email. I have just called them to be met with the same answer... I can't find your account... never heard of Bargain crazy, or Discount2Door...!!!! They are going to look into it and call me back! Seriously, it's so rediculous i'm beginning to think it's a wind up.
  7. Thanks for the reply, I think I will have to start threat tactics soon, I seem to be getting nowhere with them at all. I have emailed the Information Commissioner this morning so fingers crossed I can get this sorted out very soon. I have asked Experian to add some comments to my credit file regarding the dispute, yet I still can't re mortgage my property. It's costing me a bomb as I have just finished my fixed rate period, my monthly mortgage payments have rocketed!... arrrrgh... Im sooo angry!!!
  8. Hi everyone, I hope somebody can point me in the right direction regarding an old mail order account. On my Experian credit report, I have lots of missed payments that I am disputing, I just don't know where to turn next. Just a bit of background... Discount2Door is the company I held the account with, this was taken over by another company called Bargain Crazy - they are subsidiaries of Littlewoods. Below is a letter that has been sent to both Shop Direct financial services, and the Information Commissioner. It outlines the entire saga... I am writing with reference to account number ********. I have been given your details by Experian to enable me to highlight information on my credit file that I feel is inaccurate, or misleading to potential creditors. My account with discount2door was set up back in 2004 with which I had £100 limit. I always managed my account on line, until one time I attempted to log on and the website was no longer available. I realised that ‘Bargain Crazy’ had taken over from Discount2Door yet there was nowhere on the Bargain Crazy site that I could log in to view my account. I called numerous times using the telephone number on the website, and also on previous statements to try to make payment, yet each time I called nobody could locate my account or even heard of Bargain Crazy/Discount2Door. I was concerned about missing payments, and so again tried to locate my account. With the exception of this account, my credit file is immaculate. It isn’t usual practice for me to miss payment, in fact quite the opposite. I was calling to try and pay the balance yet nobody could find my records each time I tried. After an agent again tried to locate my account and failed, I was advised that the account number didn’t exist, she has no idea who Discount2Door where, and if she can’t locate my account then I can’t make payments. I had not long before this requested for my address to be changed as I had recently purchased a property. In light of the above conversation I had with the customer services representative, the website no longer existed, and the fact that I hadn’t been receiving statements. I naively assumed that the company Discount2Door had perhaps gone bankrupt. Bargain Crazy claimed to have taken over from Discount 2 Door on their website, yet nobody working for the company had any idea who they where. A few months passed and I received a letter forwarded from my previous address. It was from Discount2Door advising that I was in arrears with the above account. I immediately called the telephone number on the letter and again the customer services representative had no idea who I was, or Discount2Door. I again quoted my account number and still no record. I decided to email the address on the letter but received undeliverable messages. I called Discount2Door back and this time refused to put down the phone until my account was found and I could clear the arrears. Finally after a very long time, my account was located. It was apparently on an old system, which was the reason my information couldn’t be located on previous attempts. I promptly paid my account up to date and to avoid further problems decided to set up a direct debit. The representative gave me the sort code/account number, which I arranged the same day with HSBC. I also requested for the address on my account to be changed to my new address as it hadn’t been changed after the last time I requested it to be. I was still not receiving statements after this but was unconcerned as payment was leaving my account each month. I knew when the direct debit was due to finish and so thought no more of it. Discount2Door or Bargain Crazy had my new address and so could contact me if need be. (To this day, the address is still incorrect on the account) Back in November 07 I received another letter forwarded from my previous address, again in relation to arrears on my account. I called the number again and was met with the same situation, no idea who I was, my account number wasn’t recognised and the representative had never heard of Bargain Crazy, or Discount2Door. I advised the representative of the whole incident and that my account was on the old system etc. After a while longer my account was located. It turns out that I had been making payments, but they had been going to the wrong account number. (The account number given months prior) The representative kindly transferred the monies I had paid to my account. I paid the balance straight off my debit card and asked to close the account. I made it clear to the customer services representative that I felt this was no fault of my own, and for this reason I felt it shouldn’t show as missed payments on my credit file. They agreed and assured me this would be the case, they also agreed that the account was/is paid in full and any missed payments related to the above were not my fault. I have recently been refused credit on a number of occasions and for this reason requested a copy of my Experian credit report. I was shocked to see the missed payments on the report from you and equally shocked to see that the file was never updated even after full payment was received. As this is the only file with defaults on my credit report, it is apparent that it is this account causing me huge problems with gaining credit elsewhere. I called last week to talk this through with somebody at Shop Direct financial services, but my account number again wasn’t recognised. They were unaware of a company called Bargain Crazy, or Discount2Door and again I was told that if they couldn’t see my account then they couldn’t really help, I can understand this completely, but you must understand my frustration. She was sure that Bargain Crazy and Discount2Door were nothing to do with Littlewoods, and even checked with her manager who backed up her claims. I advised her that the email address on Bargain Crazy was a Littlewoods address. She then offered to look into it and call me back. I didn’t hear back and so managed to get the email address of Gill Butterworth from Littlewoods (E Commerce manager) who kindly contacted you on my behalf. Gill called me back to say that you had actually managed to locate my account and that the file will be brought up to date removing any missed payments associated to the confusion. I was thrilled. This has been causing me a lot of problems in moving my mortgage and understandably causing me huge stress. I received confirmation from Experian but was surprised to see that the only missed payments that had been removed from my account where of the time that my direct debit had been paying into the wrong account. I still have the adverse credit history on there from all of the times I attempted to make payment yet nobody could help me. Experian have put a note on my file for potential creditors to read advising that I dispute the report from yourselves, but also advised me to contact you to request that you reconsider the missed payments. I am writing to request that you remove the adverse credit from my credit file, only after much effort from myself is it that the account has been paid in full. I am still having huge problems re mortgaging my property because of the file and I truly believe this to be an unfair interpretation of my personal credit history. I tried time and again to rectify the situation to absolutely no avail. I have also been given the contact details for the Information Commissioner to help rectify this for me but I thought I would try this route first. I sincerely hope you can assist with this.
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