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Sea Gull

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Everything posted by Sea Gull

  1. For your info Debitas is the in house DC for Capital one- so basically same company
  2. Victoria When they acknowledge the letters what did they say? As for Aegis everything in writing please - You do not give any security details to Mumbai over the phone after all how do you know they are legit
  3. Matt DLC, Ruthbridge, Hillsden Aplins are all the same peeps! have a look at CAG put in Ruthbridge or even Direct Legal collections in the header and see what you come up with! like other advice - Everything in writing and dont speak to them on the phone Also send them a request for a CCA make sure they are entitled to claim the debt - you will probably find its been sold on like most of the stuff DLC deal with
  4. Ginger reading this what I would do is the following you have agreed to 10 a month and that is final - contact Barclays Head Office saying you want the interest stopped, also drop a line to the FOS stating that the behaviour of these companies is disgusting and you want them to look into it. Write to all of the other companies saying that 10 a mth is what was agreed and the fact its been taken for 18 mths with no issues - that is what you are paying! Dont open any letters that arrive on a Friday or Sat that way your weekend wont be ruined. Bear in mind a lot of these companies play on vunerability, and the fact you will go without to clear your bills (been there and done it) This is where you conquer your own fear and put your foot down - This is all I have take it or leave it! Have a read of all the stuff you can find on here, one thing i learned was the big rule everything in writing, and no speak on the phone! If they are ignoring you then so be it - assume your offer is accepted. It will give you space and time to gain knowledge - the more you read on here the more you learn! Re Read what First Ship has said Have a Great Day
  5. Chloebug75 - One thing with Payplan ect is to be honest - do not offer more than you can afford, creditors make a habit of trying to force more from you! sadly its just the way it goes. One thing you will learn on here is your rights! I found this site in desperation one night at 3am when I couldnt sleep, worried sick over debts now over a year and a bit later - things are so much different! Keep Smiling This too will pass -
  6. further to my last have you actually made any complaints regarding Nat Wests behaviour in all this? maybe a quick call to the FOS might be in order
  7. Hi Terry - Firstly sorry to read of your wifes passing. Also reading your post have the court re set a date? on a second note have you missed any of the payments with the DMP? and Can Nat West be added to that? I read somewhere when I had issues with Charging Orders a case with Mercantile credit where they were attempting to go for a forthwith order. On a different note - although you think your problems are huge, under the circumstances I would be shocked if a Judge would be so extreme as to give a charging order, if he/she does that then I dont think they can force a sale unless you miss a payment. Its just a way of making sure the loan is secured - sadly there are a lot of companies doing this. Check out the links on Charging Orders - the things rebel has said are very good points! I hope this helps
  8. I get the large bags of carrots and chop them all up - into the freezer you can also freeze pineapple at the moment 50p in supermarket and so much better than tinned stuff! Grated cheese can be frozen, and pump up soap I use bath/shower gel that comes in Chrismas packets, no need to throw away and great for washing hands in
  9. Cash Isa is probably a good idea however NS&I do a direct saver account with a interest rate at the moment of 2% its easy access and can be done online, also its safe that might be the way to go - Good Luck
  10. If they are trying that on check Sec 135(b) and Sec 136 County Court Act 1984 Could be pushing a breach in that direction - worth a thought
  11. Thanks for everyone's comments, why do these letters always arrive on a Saturday when you can't check what is happening? Reading the above from Cymru they do this just to bugger up your weekend! I dont do any letter opening on saturdays for that reason Also dont know how true this is but will pass it on anyway, Heard that the Goverment were trying to stop Charging Orders being put on if a debt was under 25k, to avoid cases like this where DCA just do it for the hell of it
  12. Indeed But the best part is God sees all - So what goes around comes around Simple
  13. Reading this with interest as I had exactly the same over 10yrs ago I gave the car back it was then sold at aucttion and DCA chased me for 8yrs until this was paid last year - if I had known what I do now I would never have parted with the car - so hold on Good Luck
  14. Tammy if you keep reading and looking thro you will realise most of these are Stat Barred, this is a great site for helpful info and you will find everything you need to know here Good Luck
  15. noticed that these have had trading standards on them in Ayreshire for dodgy tatics! Has anything else come of this?
  16. Big Paddy you have to do what is right for you - end of day it is you who is getting the letters and calls, one word of advice if I may - do not offer anymore than you can really afford and if at all possible go for the lowest amount I assume this debt could be statute barred? if so please read the sections on the Stat Barred and you will realise these people have little power. On the paying back front every 6mths they try to force and increase - this is what happened to me, and even though you are paying it never really goes away. If I had realised back then that 2 of my debts were stat barred I would have fought all the way! Just a thought my friend
  17. Thankyou Bighag have sent the above to him direct - will keep you posted
  18. What has happened is a 6 monthly review which has happened before this time they are not happy with the monthly payment, so are looking for more each month, which I do not have. This hasnt gone to a ccj or anything like and there is no default on my side, by saying they wont accept payment will force this into a forthwith situation and as I do not have 7k it will then give them a chance to go ccj - again I feel its scare tactics and a long way to go just yet before a charging order comes to light. Just need to make sure that Iam doing all I can to protect me from the hounding, So far so good - but like any human it really gets to you, so rather than react thought its best to check out my options.
  19. Need some help regarding Rockwell, have been paying them monthly, with no trouble all of a sudden have recieved a letter saying that the payment is no longer acceptable and they want the whole amount, called and spoke to a chap who informs me that I need to find a settlement of 4k by the end of the month otherwise they will go for a charging order on my house for the whole amount which is 7500 - obviously I do not have this amount which I told him but he would not listen, basically the call ended with him saying he will contact me at the end of the month to get this money, what I need to find out is what are the chances of them getting a charging order, ( I managed to get from him that they were working on behalf of the company) and they had not bought the debt - just need some advice please
  20. Apologies for my last posting - wasnt trying to advertise anyone just read it myself and found it useful, to be honest I wasnt aware that it was a spam wast just seeking info on that DCA Again I apologise
  21. i found this earlier may be worth a read **EDITED**
  22. One thing that reading these I have realised is that DCA will play on vunerability and fear. I want to ask one question which I think is really important "What Value Do I Put on My Life?" being in Debt can never cost you your pride or self respect - that comes from the way you are bought up and you as a person, it may dent your confidence, almost drive you mad, and cause a few red faces. but in the end who you are and how you see yourself can never be breached. the one thing I advise anyone is to take a hour delay time from any call letter or other means dcs communicate - its so easy to over react and do things through panic! I know ive done it. In that hour get onto this site and ask - wait for the reply Know your rights and exactly what these people are able to do and not do. The key to any issue is knowledge and when under extreme pressure - you tend not to think straight! Be aware of that and it will keep you calm and collected Remember also that most of these letters and calls are auto send and auto dial, once you realise that today you will have 10 calls just think ok that will happen its cool, and turn the phone off. Have a mobile number that only friends and family know ask them to use that to contact you, that way you really do have a peaceful day! Ive no doubt somewhere along the line, my debtors will have another chase, but for today all is well! Be Blessed
  23. Just to let you know one email later and a couple of calls - More Than refunded in full! - Thankyou again
  24. Thankyou so much for that will pass it on x
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