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counsellor x

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Everything posted by counsellor x

  1. Hello, first post here, I owe £2,800 on one card and £900 on another On my larger amount owing my minimum repayment is £48 and my estimated interest is £50. This means i would be paying £48 and my outstanding amount would go UP by at least £2!! I questioned this in a call and cited their responsibility under the lending code but I may as well have been talking to a wall. The supervisor I spoke to said either pay it off, pay an amount at least equal to the minimum or dont pay (and face the consequences) I have just been made unemployed and currently have no money at all. I have had this card for years. I am wondering whether to go down the line of writing for proof of a signed agreement or contacting CAB or CCC such like. Im struggling to get my thoughts clear on what action to take and what my best options are and could do with some advice please. I hope one day to be free from this companies grip.
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