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  1. Sorry to hear about your heart attack and hope you are well on the road to recovery, and not hampered by hsbc. O K similar feelings to ours. Think the in house monkeys should be labled "In House Idiots" though. Funny how we don't catch on straight away though isn't it about their antics. Perhaps an investigation would find some very dodgy practices as apparentley when I queried 5times a certain MS packwood, nobody new of her, but it appears everyone gets letters from her ???????????? It infuriates me that HSBC are allowed to get away with the practices that they carry out. Bring on an Investigation, "MARLIN" have nothing on these muppets, what a pity it wasn't hsbc uncovered on the tv. Maybe that could be a future programme for the makers. Stitch
  2. For the two of you who have shown a response about our dealings with HSBC It is an awful long story, that in October will have been dragging it;s feet for 2yrs but I will spare you the hours it would take to explain everything and try to get it over as short as possible. Oct 2007 Hubbys job uncertain, mine def uncertain (bouncing monthly pay cheques) Went to HSBC to make appointment as responsible people to discuss options. 1st app cancelled by them so another made. This app cancelled by them, so another made. In all 4 apps made and cancelled by them. Finally got to see someonein Dec, by then too late .I had been off work sick(sinusitus) only to return to find my hours had dropped and it would cost me more to get to work than what I ws getting paid so left, Hence at the appointment I was not working so no income .Had argument in bank and pointed out that if 1st app had been kept there wouldn't have been a problem it could have been sorted. things went from bad to worse April 2008 as you can imagine but kept plodding on as best we could. Hubby got a job but they didn't pay him his wages so he found agency work to tide him over and earn money while he sourced new employment ( not much around though) but he worked for the agency. Letters of all sorts passed although HSBC deny ever having had most of ours despite the local branch having copies and sending them out through their own internal post. (laugh). HSBC stopped paying all our bills etc and didn't tell us. Instead they had all the money from our accounts for themselves. Harassment by phone from HSBC and a complaint was made. Things went on and on harrasment etc. Well 2009..... received letters from Sovereign about wanting money. Sorry but who are you and where was the correspondence to say you were taking accounts over. So paying them now. But oh then we get letters fron DG solicitors. Who are you. We are paying sovereign. Hey no payments made. H ang on yes they have we have NEW BANK PROOF OF PAYMENTS. Start paying DG now. Nightmare. to cut a long story even shorter we found out that SOVEREIGN kept changing the sort codes for the payments to go to , so hence they had been returning the payments back to our new bank. This has also happened with DG too. At no time had they notified us of this change but just did it. MAKING OUT THAT WE WEREN'T PAYING THEM. We have all the proof of this from our new bank. We make payments by standing order which they don't like but tough. We have been set up by these to the point we now have a ccj to our name, which we can't erase all because when hubby rang DG about it (having never seen one before and not understanding them. We are both in our 50's) they told him how to fill it in, and of course you know the rest of it if you have dealt with them. They told him exactly what to put so that it dropped us in it even more. We have only just recently found out that we could have filled it in totally different and argued but it is too late now as the damage has been done. Have had a partial payment from the bank charges claim only because I wrote 5 letters (yes 5) under the hardship case. Stll waiting to hear like evryone else. Fed up of panic attacks when the door goes or a car etc pull up outside the house. Frightened to go out as I feel that myself and the house are being watched and petrified of the post coming each day. I don't smile or laugh very often these days or sleep well but just live day to day on a knife edge . Even had to change phone company and number to stop the harrasment by phone. No one only friends have the house number as it is unlisted and a barred number. We have all the security set up with the provider that we can have. What a godsend as the phone doesn't frighten me anymore. Hence we have 2 box files of letters dating back to 2007. Would be here hours if you want the full story. Good luck Stitch;):?
  3. Hi to all you HSBC lovers. Myself and hubby have been well and truly stitched up we have suffered at their hands and the effects are going to linger with us for years due to their total incompetance. If any of you watched the channel 4 programme "despatches" about the company called Marlin.... . WELL we reckon the HSBC and their associates, including sovereign collections and D G Solicitors can beat that company hands down. My life has been turned upside down by these muppetts and I no longer feel safe and secure and able to hold my head up and smile. I lost my fight through the illness and sadness they caused but I am keeping on the ball by reading the success stories of you who can keep your fight going. After hearing their profits announced on the news the other evening I couldn't help but say out loud.. ... yeah, all that profit made from poor unfortunates like all us on the HSBC rant pages. Good luck to you all. Maybe one day people will see this bank for exacly what they are. We did change banks luckily, they are well aware of the situation and are totally disgusted at the treatment we have had and have even taken copies of letters that we have had from HSBC and associates as they have been shocked at the contents of them. Going to a new bank was a godsend for us. We are trying to look forward each day but it is difficult. Good Luck Stitch
  4. Hi all TFC lovers. NISH so glad to hear that you are finally getting somewhere and good luck with the rest of it. It has been a while since we last commented about TFC muppets, but I was just browsing through the consumer site and though I would come on here for curiosity. We haven't faired so well.............. Trading standards were very good to us and picked up errors on our paperwork regarding the money sums as they didn't add up. Unfortunatley Stephensons Solicitors were not so good and couldn't see the errors, and didn't give us an explanation as to what they assumed this large sum of money was that TFC had put on . Although they (stephensons) might have been good for other TFC lovers they didn't help us despite the fact that other people have checked our paperwork and come to the same conclusion as TS and ourselves. Also we do feel that our case isn't as bad as some on here so maybe our problem wasn't big enough. Anyway after complaining about all the harrasing telephone calls fom TFC day and night constantly to them and other various organisations and getting nowhere, we got the better of them in more ways than one. We changed our telephone provider and number (and didn't inform TFC), we changed our bank and we set up a Standing order with the new bank and not a direct debit. We were advised against settng up a direct debit facility for payments to TFC because of their conduct. The standing order puts us in power as we now control the payments to them and not the other way around. So at least we did get 2 things over them for a change. My life was at a very low ebb over these guys and the whole thing made me quiet poorly, hence the time lapse since my last post. Myself and Hubby are convinced that this company will keep going despite all the complaints, court cases etc that are happening because nobody wants to close them down, even though this should be the conclusion. We can't all be wrong and TFC are well known to Trading Standards in all regions, for their underhanded trading, rudeness, arrogance, etc etc. My message to you all is GOOD LUCK. Stitch
  5. Hi there guys. Well Well. I am thinking of applying for both positions myself. Would prefer the permanent position though. Obviously the poor person doing the job at present has had enough of us all complaining. It seems that they need a temporary person as well to cope with the sudden influx of complaints. They can't keep up with the demand of apology letters that we all want. OOOH dear things must be bad. Can I suggest that everyone on the forum with a gripe apply for the jobs...... you never know...... one of us might get lucky (or unlucky) at least we would all get a laugh out of replying to the job ads. Ha Ha He He. You have just made my night. I nearly fell off my chair laughing Nice one toneighty.
  6. YES!!!!! Follow nish40's advice and contact Stephensons Solicitors, who as he says are ontop of this company (we did). They are really nice people and will give you the help you need. We are all on this forum to help one another against the evil TFC. Don't bow down to them. Good Luck.
  7. Hi all, well vanman, you are the lucky one (he he) with no calls, texts etc. I think they haven't had time to catch up with you as they have been hounding me for 3 weeks constantly like the bad smell that they are. Can I forward them onto to you if you are missing them lol. Perhaps the computer system has failed due to overload. Having said that, it has been rather quiet over the weekend. I wonder why ? Don,t think that they are nervous especially after having read nish40's comments about the letter to his solicitor. I think that it just sums up this tin pot company all together. Who in their right mind would do such a thing. They are just a hard faced, hard nosed bunch full stop, who will stop at nothing other than ripping people off. They are probably quiet because they need to think of how they can worm out of the situation and what excuses, lies and porkies they can come up with next, as is the norm with TFC. Yes do keep us up to date with whats happening. Fingers crossed for you. T S have got their hands full with this company. Stitch
  8. Hi all, Could someone please tell me how this company manage to keep on trading with all the cock ups and errors that they make. Everyone on this forum has invalid paperwork in some shape and form and still these morons keep getting away with their dirty dodgy dealing. At the end of the day solicitors don't take on companies like TFC if they are doing nothing wrong as they have a BUSINESS to run and wouldn't risk their own necks. It leaves me wondering just exactly who and what this TFC company actually is and who exactly works for it. They can't be normal law abiding citizens as they lie through their back teeth and make us feel like the guilty party. We can't all be wrong can we as our problems are all basically the same. I would really love that "Nick" ???????????? whats his name "Cherry" to give me a call then I could give him some of the verbal rudeness like we have to take, only he never rings, he just scribbles what is supposed to be a signature on a letter. I doubt he ever sees these letters anyway. What a bunch. Any theories on how they manage to keep trading would be most welcomed as Companies have been closed down for far less than the irregularities presented by TFC. Glad to see nish40 back on form, the holiday must have done you good, back to the cicus show from now on again mate. Keep up the pressure folks.
  9. Go onto the thread the funding corp the worst company ever. At least on that forum we are all in the same boat and support one another. You will find some interesting info about this company (TFC) who own cygnet finance. Sound advice would be if you can avoid them do so. What a pity that robuck doesn't realise that some of us are not in debt either. Just unfortunate victims of this evil company (If thats what they think they are. I don't they shouldn't be allowed to have a business.
  10. Have a look at the first page of the forums under comments.....The Funding Company worst ever here you will find like minded people with similar problems. Cygnet Finance belongs to the Funding Corporation. Hope this helps. look forard to seing you on the TFC forum. There is 8 full pages about these morons.
  11. Hi folks, Well TFC think they are really smart. They keep ringing using the withheld number tactic and have also taken to ringing off 08452715160. So!!!!! they think they can use me as a private answer/message service..... No way DUCKIES. Get lost Morons........ Funny thing though........ Have any of you noticed that The Funding Corporation website is still under construction after all this time. Perhaps they can't deal with the volume of complaints and comments that will be sent to them if they open it up. Welcome to the Muppet Show complaints Cenksta, come and join the fun with the comedy circus TFC. Glad to have you on the forum
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. some of us on the forum have contacted Watchdog but there doesn't sem to be any interest from them. Stick with TS and OFT like the rest of us, get as much info on the robdogs as you can and don't give in to them. That is how they like to play. They will be constantly ringing you, and they never give up. TFC are like a bed smell that won't go away. (not without a fight anyway) Read the CAG announcement at the top of the forum pages about The unfair Trading Guide. It is very informative and you might find it very helpful.
  13. Hi all TFC lovers!!!!! So nice and refreshing to read that others of you are going to Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading. As they both work together for the consumer it seems natural to get them involved. Maybe if everyone goes to both, regarding TFC it might create a wake up call and hopefully lead to some action. Lets keep up the pressure on this ruthless company. Yes Andy, there are lots of items in the Unfair Trading Guide that are extremely questionable. I am so glad that I took the time to read it and thought it might be worth while passing it on to the rest of the forum in case they hadn't read it. Stitch
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