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Everything posted by Mrs_Ryan

  1. Why am I not surprised... these are the people who put me on a disciplinary for not packing someones bag when I was bandaged from wrist to elbow and had about 10% movement in my arm after I had an accident... (not work related) even the lady I was serving seemed incredulous that I was even asking!! Then they claimed I hadnt asked (I had) and then they went on about I should have packed the bag even though they could see I was physically incapable!!! Tell her to go higher than her line manager - the HR at my branch were fantastic (especially the HR manager) and Im sure they can help. Mrs R xx
  2. Hello everyone, Im helping my mate out (again!!!) and need a bit of help. Shes been getting harrassed by Reliable Collections about an 8-year old debt (that up till about last month she was paying) that she KNOWS there isnt a signed credit agreement for - they sent her an agreement which she knows that she didnt sign. I sent the harrassment and the CCA letter, and today she gets a rude letter saying that 1) they dont have to provide a true signed copy of the credit agreement (are these people for real????) and they have sent her a copy of the t and c's to sign and send back!!! 2) they have also said they are entitled to harrass her but will remove her number from the system (which they obviously havent bothered to do) and also when I said that they had broken the OFT guidelines by telling her to take a loan to pay it, they said 'you were not told to pay by credit card, instead by debit card which is not obtaining further credit'! It is obvious we are dealing with a total bunch of monkeys here so anyone any suggestions what I can fire off at them next?! Your help would be much appreciated!! Mrs R (and Mrs R's mate) XX
  3. Oh bless you VF - happy birthday! Hope you had a lovely day... from a nearly 28-year-old! (my b'day on Saturday )
  4. Haiving been mis-sold a current account and my mum mis-sold a savings account, maybe this might mean they will learn their lesson when it comes to mis-selling!!!!!
  5. Im dealing with this bunch of muppets for my mate - they have ignored a CCA request and a harrassment letter - have trained her well though, she now answers the phone with 'my lawyers are dealing with it - talk to them!' and she hangs up. They are too stupid to realise her 'lawyer' is me, armed only with my PC, printer and my grade-D Law A-Level
  6. FB - tell them hello from me and that Im most disappointed I havent recieved their birthday card
  7. Hi everyone.... I've got a bit of an update on this. In the meantime since my last post, a COMPLETE BAN has now come into force. There is now no means of accessible transport for scooter users. My mum's case is now with lawyers at the Human Rights Commission, with the ultimate possibility that Nexus could be sued. Obviously Im not allowed to say too much, but we've all got our fingers crossed. My mum isnt well at all the minute due to a nasty chest infection (she suffers with bronchiectasis as well as her other disabilities) so were all hoping it goes well. I went home the other week for the first time in 6 months and took her out in her manual wheelchair, which really upset her as she felt utterly degraded at having someone else having to push her around as she is used to being so independent - this made us all the more determined to push for a solution. Still - one good thing was being able to walk past the same staff who were so nasty to her not long ago and stick two fingers up at them (in a manner of speaking, not literally of course!!!) as I had her in an 'allowable' manual wheelchair.. petty I know but it gave us some satisfaction!!!
  8. Im here!!! Been on hols - sorry everyone. Looking now for you. James, will pm you when im done.
  9. glad to know Im not the only one postggj! I have my suspicions abot what they have done but we shall have to wait and see... either way there are things that it sounds like they havent done so Im sure that I can see a way out of this for the OP...
  10. Hang on a mo... I used to work for Hillary's. When you ordered the blinds, were you due to pay on finance or by some other way? Can you give me some more info and maybe i can help? I worked there up till only a month ago so Im still fairly clear on their policies etc, and I smell a very large rat, pm me if you need to. Mrs R x
  11. Black girl shorts with a black and pink waistband with pink writing on
  12. Whats all this talk of knickers? me is v confused (mind you thats not difficult ) Mrs R xx (pale blue and dark blue polka dot shorts )
  13. Only 10 Wingus??? I have to say BAH HUMBUG about the traffic in the A1 yesterday - I had been on a coach for tHe best part of 8 hours and got stuck on there for another HOUR thanks to that traffic!!!! Also... my mum's laptop that I am currently on... it would appear to have a mind of its own!!!!!!
  14. 1st Credit.... but thanks to CAG I wiped the floor with them! I have since wiped the floor with Moorcroft and Debt Managers for my mate... I've now started on Reliable (cough) Collections also for my mate.... my floor is now v.v.v.v.v clean
  15. Rub it in why dont you love from a disgruntled geordie xx
  16. the passport thing is perfectly understandable but why should they have to see bank statements - or in my case my bank AND credit card statements? (no, its not a financial position I hold either) Whats it got to do with them how much I owe my credit card company???
  17. I had a nightmare with all this stuff - I had to dispatch my mum to get a copy of my birth certificate (fortunately she had access to the local register office!)then get it sent recorded delivery to me for my interview.... and then I had to send a copy of my credit card cos the dozy idiots kept insisting that I had sent them an invoice for an EasyJet flight and it wasnt acceptable (cos I have an EasyJet branded Citi credit card!!!) poppynurse - couldnt agree more....
  18. PMSL!!! I will - I found this site thanks to them... they dont like me though guess Im off their chrimbo card list this year
  19. I actually read somewhere its illegal to soak a pedestrian if your driving a motor vehicle!!! I swear - Im not joking! You couldnt make it up....
  20. 'for the mother's pride..' no, its not got anything to do with bread before anyone asks
  21. Well done Huggy.... new monitor needed Always a good sign Rep added - you throughly deserve it!!! And thanks as well to elaine for the lyrics I loved the 'you're pitiful..' that was hysterical... not laughed so much in ages!
  22. oooh unfortunately I have to say I dont.... my NatWest statements cos I dread how much I owe them!!!! TBPM likes chocolate Hob-Nobs...
  23. False.... I should really be asleep cos Im on nights tonight but this is far more fun TBPM enjoys DCA baiting....
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