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Everything posted by mailmannz

  1. Its an annoying tactic, even more so for the smaller simple claims and really doesnt serve any purpose other than to stall and hopefully put you off chasing any further. Mailman
  2. There's your problem, you paid money direct to the ex instead of through the CSA. You should never have done that. Unfortunately you are now part of a system that is heavily weighted in favour of women. Mailman
  3. Thanks guys, letter on its way. Case can be closed Regards Mailman
  4. Guys, Can someone point me in the direction of a template I can use for a CCA request please? Any help here would be really really really appreciated. Regards Mailman
  5. The problem with cards in this country is that banks have not ditched the magnetic strip on the back of the card...which of course contains all the details criminals need to rip you off! Mailman
  6. Another silly question...where can I find the CCA document on this forum? Regards Mailman
  7. So should I send the CCA to Holmes Place and a letter to the solicitors advising them that the CCA has been sent off? And stupid me, assuming a simple request in a letter would be sufficient! I dont know, all the powers that be suggest talking to companies when you owe them money but honestly, whats the point if companies like Holmes Place just ignore those letters? Regards Mailman
  8. Guys, Ive hit a real wall with these people. Ive been trying to cancel my membership and Ive also asked Holmes Place twice for a copy of the contract I signed (because I cant find my copy) BUT Holmes place hasnt provided a copy as requested, in fact...they havent even replied to my letter dated 20 October asking for a copy (and asking them if they would forgo any further action to recover outstanding fees). Also, they have passed my account on to their collection agents, who Ive told this matter is under dispute...the agents then passed this matter on to their lawyers to claim back the £130 outstanding PLUS £70 penalty! Do I have any grounds here to fight this or should I just swallow my pride and pay up? Especially when this matter is still under dispute...or am I right in assuming Holmes Place assumes there is no dispute here? Any help here would be most appreciated! Regards Mailman
  9. So that we can also "assess" the dimness of their decision, what was your claim all about? Mailman
  10. I have sent HSBC 2 letters demanding refunds for charges made to my account in August, last week they sent a letter asking me to detail all charges I want refunded. Whats up with these letters? Dont they have this info already? Perhaps I should include a £25 wrong penalty charge fee for each instance they have charged me? There was an earlier thread about HSBC stopping giving refunds. They refused to refund the £50 because they had already made earlier refunds (about £400) in the past. Really annoyed me at the time BUT I guess its just their way of relying on apathy to keep money (people just losing interest or too scared to follow through). But dont worry, when Im in Government Ill pass laws to protect us mere mortals from the banks! Regards Mailman
  11. Well then without sounding harsh you are ignorant. The numbers prove C&P is safer than signature. Mailman
  12. Im sorry to disagree with you but the above is "hog wash" (said in the nicest possible way). My wife uses my card and has signed my signature a number of times when using it at a shop that doesnt do pin numbers yet and she has NEVER been questioned about it. In fact the first time she did it was by accident as she had my card but was meant to be using hers. The fact is Chip and Pin is more secure and safer than signing. In fact when was the last time you were asked to sign a receipt twice because the first time it didnt look right? Regards Mailman
  13. There isn't a problem...my original posting was more of a query about why the two different itemised bills from Ryan Air (plus I was getting [edit] over this WCHR tax which was added separately to the airfare, instead of being lumped in with it). Mailman
  14. They can call it what they want, doesnt change the fact its still a penalty charge. Mailman
  15. Can you not do a charge back through paypal? And anyway, I thought paypal was a law unto themselves? Regards Mailman
  16. Im telling ya, there are no credit card charges showing before you click on the accept button...so fark knows whats up here??? Even then £10 doesnt split evenly across three people AND then when you get email confirmation the charge shown is something completely different (and there is no credit card charge on the confirmation). Mailman
  17. How long can companies keep bad debts on your records once they are paid off? Perhaps its close enough to that time to be able to convince some of these guys to remove the entries without further ado? Mailman
  18. Hello....can someone help please? Thanks in advance. Mailman
  19. Speaking about the dogs I remember seeing a post about the credit contracts act (ie. sending statutory charge of £1 for a copy of the contract and if they didnt comply they would be breaking criminal law). Just wondering if that would apply to this as well? I have also sent the following letter directly to Holmes Place; Of which they have not yet replied. Im just wondering what the next step would be and whether their stance of not closing the account, which then continues to generate membership fees, is just a ploy to get me to pay up. Any help would be most appreciated. Mailman
  20. Got an email from Holmes Place a couple days ago...I cant cancel the membership until its paid up in full...and oh, btw you owe us £300 now! This really has got my p1ssed. I mean...whats the point in bothering to send letters to these people asking them to enter in to negotiations about closing up an account if all they are going to do is ignore what ever you send! This really has got me riled up...did they not think that if I havent been going since August last year that maybe...just maybe I might not want the account to stay open with them? F8ck them, Im going to unleash the dogs! Mailman
  21. Right, was out of the country all of august and for some reason or another a transfer from my current bank back to my HSBC account didnt happen...so for 5 days my HSBC account was overdrawn. Of course the bank has charged £50 and after discussions this morning the reason given that the bank wasnt going to refund the charges was because they have refunded two seperate sets of charges this year already. So I have to write a letter to the f8ckers...which of course is already on its way giving them 14 days to pay up or I will call jihad on their arses! Honestly, this is a joke...a perfectly good reason was rejected simply because they have already refunded two sets of charges already! Mailman
  22. Sorry to do this again but I cant find your thread on how you are making progress against HSBC. Id be very interested in finding out what all the latest action is. Regards Mailman
  23. The credit card charge doesnt show until after you have confirmed payment and then when you get the confirmation via email it doesnt have a credit card charge BUT a different charge altogether showing. There are three people travelling which means the £10 charge that showed online when I booked doesnt break evenly across everyone. Also, there is something not quite right if you have to dig in to the bowels of a companies website to understand the REAL cost of an airfare. Nope, Im rather keen on travelling light. Just have to convince the wife thats a good thing! Well Im sort of leaning away from going to Frankfurt and just finding some little German village to hole up in for a nice quiet weekend now Regards Mailman
  24. Actually, I hope the hire rate is reduced and the hire company goes after BMW for the difference! The whole event has been quite disgraceful! Regards Mailman
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