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Everything posted by SpiceBoy!

  1. Could very well be a good one... I suppose I should be more informed about the doctor seeing as I live in the city where most of it is shot!
  2. Im sure there would be more than 1 surge thats for certain lol
  3. Hmmm... looks like I have found something else to occupy my Monday nights instead of the student club nights in town!
  4. Wow, you can get those things mains powered now? I guess it'll save on batteries
  5. UK - Amongst other things yeah your right lol.... Lula... Nope I dont, otherwise Im sure I would record it using the Sky+ feature.. Ive heard its really good!
  6. I love it!! Because I spend alot of time either too occupied to catch certain TV shows or Im not here at all, I miss alot of my fav shows... This is a god send! Have YOU used it yet?
  7. The effects are questionable........ But I fancy the blonde from S Club 7
  8. Well she is on her way here to spend the night so I will let her loose on here to see Im well behaved... She is such a great catch that I dont think even Jennifer Ellison could steal me from her!!
  9. Hmmm.. big boy? Who have you been talking to? Is my OH signed up to here without my knowledge? lol
  10. That looks like a really good film... Might have to drag the OH to see it
  11. Lol, good point, well made During these sort of times (between jobs) is hard as most of my friends are full time workers (as I was) and therefore I have very few online buddies lol... Probably why I spend so much time on here!
  12. I hope anyone can join in on the fun lol... Well since I weighed myself in December I have lost just under a stone (from 17st to 16st) but Im sure Ill end up finding it somewhere
  13. It could be far worse and have boring lives with nothing to talk about and no friends to take to.... So be greatful Im sure my friends get bored of my drivel after a while lol
  14. Spot the early bird lol... Thanks for your reply.... If the CIB case has been closed due to me having a case with my solicitors then that is fine by me as Im not a greedy person by nature and all I want is what is due and not to 'get every penny that I can' like a leech... After he changed his plea to guilty he was charged with dangerous driving and his sentence included a 1 year ban, community service and he has to take an extended test when his ban is up.... I dont think that his action were on purpose so I did feel somewhat bad that he had quite alot as punishment but I agree with you that the justice system is VERY unfair as I know of some drivers whom have done alot worse than just injure someone and had much less severe punishment and people whom have done alot less and had the book thrown at them... Any and all Road Traffic Accidents should be viewed as extremely dangerous as the outcome can cost lives, no matter how small the cause is! So your rant is well justified
  15. Got any film in mind, or you just gonna see what grabs you 1st?
  16. Well I hope its not me, I am planning a nice night relaxing with the missus
  17. I had a sat nav that I was product testing in an old job and it tried taking me the wrong way up a 1 way slip road at a VERY busy junction 3 TIMES!!! So glad I dont need it most of the time
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