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Everything posted by SpiceBoy!

  1. The forfeit sounds better What must a guy do to entertain such lovely women such as yourselves?
  2. Lol, Im not sure my girlfriend wouldn't like me to use any of my real skills...
  3. Queen of smut is it? very interesting.... lol Mind you, your avatar was a bit of a clue Entertain you? Well looks like Ill have to dig out some of my old jokes to get the giggles flowing Will do so after my haircut
  4. not at all.. the pub quiz was calling Im afraid so I had to dash lol So whats a guy to do to get access to this very exclusive thread?
  5. Is this still on the cards? As I would be interested if I become fully active on the site
  6. I must humbly apologize as I didn't ask for permission to enter... How very rude of me! Im quite a rough and tumble kinda guy so any initiation is welcome Bring it on lol
  7. how interesting... girl power and all that I guess lol
  8. Lol, fair comment.... Ben and jerrys chocolate cookie dough ice cream will have to do then
  9. My wonderful girlfriend is only about 5'1(just) so would she count as a naughty little treat?
  10. Mind blowing! (well it is to me ha ha!) Tomorrow (well later) will be an interesting day and I will be armed with alot of outgoing mail ready for after Christmas! I will leave the ones whom have left me alone for a significant time until all the others are delt with and if I am still flush with available funds and its in my best interest to do so, I will contact them and see where it takes me. Thanks for your time, Im sure its been put to good use!
  11. Thanks, I will post individual threads when I get the ball rolling for each debt and that way I can give all you brainy people something to occupy your time with Im still reading up about what an S.A.R is and how it can help me etc (I have NO experience with consumer law or anything of the type, total novice)
  12. Well anyone and everyone can fight the good fight after being on here.. Im so positively charged right now that Ive got all my paperwork out and Im drafting letters as we speak! Caravan beds + me = worst nights sleep ever! - I dont envy you at all
  13. So much new information its hard to take it all in lol... I feel as if I have been given enough tools to never be 'taken for a ride' again by any bank or DCA.. or anyone on the planet! Dont you have a bed to go to?
  14. Wow, thanks for the replys Here is the breakdown... (all totals are approximate and rounded up to the nearest hundred except those under £100) Tesco Insurance - £1400 - No communication from Tesco or any DCA regarding this debt in over 2 years but last communication was from Buchanan Clark + Wells in 2004 NatWest - £1400 - No communication from Natwest or any DCA since 2004 - Last communication was from Red Knight Services KwikFit - £600 - Went to Nottingham county court and a CCJ was issued but no further actions or communication after I received the letter saying I had a CCJ HFC - £300 - Was handed over to ScotCall DCA, then Keppe & Partners DCA and is now currently being delt with by Buchanan Clark + Wells 3 mobile - £70 - not a single letter from 3 or any DCA at all regarding this debt but it has shown up on my report from Experian Tesco Insurance - £50 - I intend to pay this as it stands as this is my own fault and have no problems paying the full amount. I think that about covers it all... With the ones whom havent chased me in a few years shall I just leave them as they are and see if they get in touch then act on them?
  15. Thanks Lula and Chrissi You have been very helpful If I were to go with step 3 then step 2 with the ones who can provide CCA would that be the best course of action? I had no idea that they would do something quite as devious as digitally copying my signature onto CCAs!!!
  16. Thanks Bo My court case wasn't in relation to any consumer problems, it was a claim after getting run over.. but I was less than confident in going ahead with it.. But after reading how many people are successful with all kinds of cases I found the confidence to fight it and I have won! With part of the payout which is due, I will be clearing my debt and that is part of why I joined up.. To make sure I dont get shafted when paying it all I have read some of the FAQs and they are really worth reading! Craig
  17. Hello everyone! I am about to blitz all my debt with a payout I have coming and I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice before I pay it all off... I have been told that a credit report from Experian is a really good tool to use? Not really sure so I was hoping someone would shed some light? I have a few thousand pounds of debt which isnt that much compared to alot of others so I have been quite lucky... But I would like to know whether I should just pay it all off in full or should I look into any of it further and see if I can shave any £ off the final amounts? Your help is greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance Craig
  18. Hello guys and gals! I stumbled upon this site months and months ago and again recently while looking into some info about a car sale that went sour and I have to say what an amazing site! Full of priceless information and countless people in the know, how I didn't sign up last time is beyond me! I hope that in the near future I will be able to put back into the site what I got out of it as this place has helped me indirectly with winning a recent court case... not with information from the site or anyone on here, but from the sheer confidence that this site put into myself to power through with my claim! Thank you everyone!
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