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Everything posted by advisee

  1. So are we saying that these 'logbook loans' don't show up when doing a HPI check? If so, surely that would be the first thing to try to get changed?
  2. Is it just companies helping people get 'compensation' who need to be registered (ie PPI compensation, etc etc), or does it apply to any company seeking to assist with a persons' affairs?
  3. This thread is just amazing. I didn't read all 122 pages, but do you mind saying (again) what your counterclaim consists of? Have you thought of getting the press involved?
  4. Yes, there was a case on pepipoo several months ago about just this situation. The judge (only first instance mind) decided that as several notices had been issued that the driver had consented to the contract terms. Surely you have a choice of various non-railway PPC car parks to play fun and games in?
  5. On the contrary. In this case, CP Plus appear to be acting (from the signs and the notice) as a PPC and not as agent for a railway company. From what is said, this situation is a standard PPC one, not a railway byelaws situation.
  6. Yes in theory, presumably their offer was conditional on "receipt of satisfactory references" and in any case they would owe him no notice under statute. I'm asuming your son is a school leaver, as not able to provide work references? A former teacher is the obvious bet (you don't need to ask them, just put the school name and "the headmaster" on the form). Do you not have a family friend with a professional job/own business? Is this a large firm, or just some local outfit?
  7. Its a public database!! Noone is using it to assist with debt collection. You really do need to get out more, and live in the real world. Its idiots like you that make me rarely visit this forum.
  8. Pigley, I think you will find more sympathy on the Neighbours From Hell forum at Neighbours From Hell in Britain However, depending on the size of the vehicles they may need lights on when parked. If the vehicles are over 3.5 tonnes, they may need an operators licence (though a vehicle hirer often doesn't 'operate' vehicles so this is unlikely). If this was happening outside my house I would be doing whatever I could to stop it happening!
  9. Of course, they haven't bought debt, rather they have bought the lies of a firm of cowboys. Spread the word amongst all your family and friends about these idiots.
  10. They're talking complete rubbish. Saying that an employee can't have time off sick is contrary to your statutory rights. Your person is allowed (by law) to speak for you, however you may prefer to just have them take notes.
  11. Should they ever dismiss you, it would almost certainly be unfair dismissal. Keep notes of everything that happens to you.
  12. My advice is to try and claim this amount. Hopefully they'll offer you part of it as a settlement. I can't remember the reference, but I think there was a Court of Appeal case about bonuses.... anyone else?
  13. Always keep paperwork for six years, thats how long they have to issue court proceedings (not that they will).
  14. I suggest that you get a private solicitor to progress action against this employer, then perhaps consider an action against the union for breach of duty of care. Remember you only have three months.
  15. It is hard to think of (a) the actual wrong and (b) any potential remedy. Also would be very hard to prove. You're right of course - anything remotely personnel-related should be behind a closed door. DPA98 breech possibly, but the main remedy there is a fine, rather than damages. Slander possibly, chances of getting a conviction remote (especially for a layman), a complaint against the manager could succeed, depends whether you think the company would take this seriously. Others are right that evidence (statements from others) could prove a breech of Mutual Trust and Confidence which could help you in any dismissal case you may care to take to tribunal.
  16. Maybe so, but you can get some very good quality machines that will sit in your bag, nice and discreet. Good advice for others next time. Re relevant filing system - arguably a managers' email folders would meet this definition too!
  17. Don't worry about references. In reality, 90% of companies just give a very general reference "to whom it confirm, we confirm that Captain worked here from xx xxx to xx xxx and his job title was IT Manager yours sincerely." For the purposes of putting a reference name/address down, just put "HR Department, ABC Ltd". Above all, do not worry. Focus on finding another job, get your CV on Find Jobs. Build a Better Career. Find Your Calling. | Monster.co.uk and any specialist sites there might be, consider doing temp/contract work, and see what happens. Say to the shop steward that you want to see a Union Solicitor. I would say that you have a cast iron case from what I have read. I imagine the company will try to settle before tribunal, unless they're mad. Good luck
  18. Indeed, make sure you have a (new style) V5C showing your correct name and address. DVLA say they won't, but many of us in the vintage vehicle fraternity think that their next trick will be to try and deny the registration plates of vehicles where the owner doesn't have a V5C in their name. There are already rumours that the V765 scheme is to cease. Hope you get your docs through very soon, and the best of luck with your vehicles should you decide to put either on the road.
  19. You may well have a claim for negligence against the union. Lets worry about that later. For now, can you give us some more details on the unfortunate treatment you are experiencing at work. There are some experienced people on here (inc cal and yankovic and others yet to post in this thread) who will I am sure be as good if not better than any union guy.
  20. Are you in a union? Is anyone negotiating collectively? If not, and most/all of you want to resist this, then do a group letter: Dear Sirs, we the undersigned wish to remind you that under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations 2006 you are obliged to accept all transferring employees on their existing contracts. In respect of your proposal to base all field engineers at XX Business Park, Anytown, we would like to understand the reasons for this. Whilst we understand that a journey between our homes and XX Business Park would be considered personal mileage under HMRC rules, we would like your written assurances that all other business travel (including any travel direct from our home to a site location) will continue to be reimbursed at xx pence per mile. Furthermore, if you propose that travel in your company vans from our homes to XX business park should be considered a benefit-in-kind, we ask you to quantify this for each employee.
  21. Ellen, an employee would come before general creditors (but after HMRC and the liquidator) if I recall correctly.
  22. This is perhaps something to check in more detail, but as others have stated, discrimination on the grounds of national origin is certainly an offence. I'm wondering whether terms like Pom, brummie, scouser could be seen in the same light as nigger, saffa, paki, jock etc.... and I expect that they could be. However this isn't a derogatary term, just reference to where someone is from and what their accent is... It could certainly make for an interesting case, were it to go all the way...
  23. If this was a genuine mistake, you may have to repay them (this repayment can in practice be on your own terms). However what you need to do is to think of things that you can use to argue that this extra money is proper to you. For example, did your employment contract give you one months notice, but other (like workers) get three months? Chances are that a good employment law solicitor will suggest various things that you can do in an attempt to keep the money. On a practical level, it might be a good idea to open a seperate account to put this money in, that way you're not tempted to dip into it.
  24. Plus the fact that she is being prevented from completing the sales... It could well be worth a wrongful dismissal claim... look up the case of Takacs v Barclays, it may help you.
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