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  1. I had my letter yesterday after placing an order, the order was cancelled and my credit limit went from £2800.00 to £121.00. I have been with Next plc for 13 years and spent quite alot over the years. I rang them today and calmly asked them not to sent me anymore catalogues as I would not be buying anything from them again. I did try to find their CEO's email to suggest they might be losing customers by doing this, but I could not find the info. Yes it makes you feel mad, but at the end of the day there are other catalogues out there, so Next plc are the only losers.
  2. I'll try and make this clear. I have worked for this company for over two years. I have never had a contract and there is no grievance procedure or handbook. The Directors are not very good at managing people. The first person I had a problem with because he was working on his own website in work time and lost us 10-15 customers by literally ignoring their emails/not getting back to them etc. I brought my observations to the Directors and was told it was none of my business and they would deal with it. Eight months later and many lost customers, they sacked him. But because of my constant remarks they dubbed me as wearing my heart on my sleeve, whatever that means. About six months ago the second waste of space was taken on and call it intuition but I knew straight away this guy was all mouth and no work. I dont have to deal with him in my daily job but the Directors are obsessed by my avoidance of him and because of this I am being given a second written warning this week. I have asked them to write down the exact reasons for the warning and have joined a union because I am not clued up on whether some of the things they have said and done to me are right. For example a couple of weeks ago they took me to the local pub for my appraisal and shouted at me until I was sobbing. They have told me I have to talk to him or they will replace me but my argument is that if I need to speak to him on a professional level then I will but I dont need to. He, on the other hand will not approach me and constantly emails me if he needs anything from me but the Directors say that its my fault he wont speak to me. It is all really been blown out of proportion and the fact that they have given me two written warnings has made everything worse. The rest of the staff think he is useless too but they won't say anything and we are losing customers because of him now. Its very frustrating, I used to love my job and though I was a valued employee but even though the Directors heap praise on the work that I do how can they make me feel so belittled. My loyalty has all but disappeared. This is a diluted post or we would be here all night but I would be interested in any advice.
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