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Everything posted by crugga

  1. Cheers, well ive sent the second ppi letter so hopefully that will be settled soon but i'll certainly try and get them removed when I try and claim the charges back.
  2. Basically if my loans been 1 month in arrears for about 12 months, all be it agreed and ive made a payment every month £607 so on my credit record it shows 1 in arrears, I cant and could not afford and extra payment to clear this 1 arrear but will pay it at the end as an extra month. If (should say when as i'm self employed and my ppi is useless) I get a refund of £1900 + interest would I have grounds to get those late marks removed?. Sorry if this is a bit dum but it doesnt take a genius mathmatician to work out that what theyve taken from me in ppi is 3 times my arrears + theres about £800 late/letter charges which i'm going to claim back in 2 months when the loans finished. Theres no default but these still look pretty ugly on my record as theres about 15 over the length of the loan and it would be really nice to get rid of them and i'm just curious so anyone in the know it would be interesting to hear.
  3. Sounds like a nice chunk of interest on top
  4. From what ive picked up ppi is absolutely useless to those over 65 so she should be in for a nice payout. Disguisting really ripping off older people.
  5. Brown nosing its known as op:roll: 99.9% of people on here just want to reclaim whats rightfully theres, I for 1 felt absolutely robbed every time a letter came through with a £35 charge and at times 2 or 3 in a month so finding out I could get back what was the cause of such distress made my year. I'm self employed and in my 1st year or 2 there were a lot of cashflow problems due to an obvious reason. I rang the bank and what did they do?, shut my account for breach of t & c. For this reason reclaiming that £1300 they took from me at such a crucial time will be nothing but a pleasure. At the end of the day if it wasnt for the pure greed and the charge was more in the £5 region it would never of happened(my account snowballing and the big reclaiming arguement). This website is absolutely brilliant, people that know about things can educate people in basically making sure you dont get taken for a ride by large greedy companies.
  6. I havnt applied with them nor had any contact with them whatsoever. theyve got a shocking reputation so i'd never even be willing to speak to them. Ive had a few debt consolidation agencies ring aswell without contacting any of them. They got my details from 1 of the following(everything ive been near credit related in the last few months). Virgin credit card Money supermarket Yes loans(cold call, my details must of been forwarded from 1 of the above) - spoke to these but never went through after realising there was something not right, did not consent to a credit check, sign anything etc. Come to think of it, after further research I suspect it may of been these sharing out my details. They sent me an application form in the post which went straight on the fire but they did maybe have enough details to do a credit search on me. Oh yeah, another thing the credit search was incorrect, details were wrong. Time living at adress was 18 years out. Seems like they can do a credit search with little more than name, adress and dob.
  7. https://www.creditexpert.co.uk You get a free months membership which you can check you report for free, need to give them a credit card and they send a pin number in the post, just make sure you remember to cancel or they bill you £6.99 or so a month, costs a bit more for a credit score. Failing that you can get it for £2 by snail mail. The above is just Experian who seem like the biggest agency, also Callcredit & Equifax are agencies. Search google sure there will be details. As for your second question, thats the problem here. They should not do a credit search without our authority. Theyre scouting for business, I got concerned when out of the blue I got a Wellcome form in the post with a random loan amount and some wrong details on it. I had been declined another loan a month back but at no time did they say they will share info with other companies other than for fraud control, training purposes or security.
  8. A well know Loan company known for being in a word Cr@p recently did a credit search on me, I know I didnt approve it so in my eyes its illegal and a footmark on my record. I'm going to write to them and ask for it to be removed. Are there any legal acts I can quote? and who would I be taking it to if they dont remove it? guessing the FSA, and is 14 days a reasonable ammount of time to give them to sort it out?. So much for me trying to hide the company identity, does anyone know the Welcome finance complaints adress?? Any advice on the matter would be appreciated.
  9. Ive also had £110 this month, new system is worse than the old £35 charge, basically go overdrawn early in the month with no way of clearing before the end and they will fine you every day till its cleared. Personally these are more excessive as they will sting those that cant just wack in cash to cover the overdraft
  10. My being stupid, I got the list of charges a few months back but failed to send a letter asking for my money back because of this oft case thing but have now realised I can do it anyway and join the que. In this space £120 of charges that were within the 6 years are now after it. Can I still claim these back or is it no good?. They clearly knew what I was doing as it says on the letter they sent me dated october. Thanks in advance
  11. This is good advice, I had a Lloyds business acount which I was paying through the roof for so I set up a personal acount with hsbc, no od just a switch card and cheque book. I do all my sales online so didnt miss not being able to pay to business name, then just keep good records of whats what. The charges are next to nothing, no fees for a very rare cheque I pay in and best of all if I draw from paypal it takes 3 days to clear and not 7 like it did on the business account.
  12. After obtaining and reading my original t&c with Alliance & Leicester it does say that i'd be covered for unemployment but only if the business went bust so I presumed I was covered etc but after speaking to someone the other day he now says that it would be extremely hard for me to claim short term cover. Can anyone explain this?, guessing it just means i'd have to be pretty much on my death bed before I could claim and would maybe need to close the business also, and am being shortchanged compared to employed people?, could someone explain in plain english?. Sorry if this is a bit dumb, 2nd hand vinyl i'm your man but this is just hurting my head. Thanks in advance.
  13. I'm drawing the end of a loan with A & L, 3 more payments and if i'm honest I cant bleeding wait. I rang them today to confirm what was left etc and was shocked to discover the £850 additional owed after the loan is clear. This was made up from £25 charges for late payments or letters written so thats 1 of each every time i'm late. I'm self employed so often have cashflow troubles hence all the late payments. I was in shock, lady on the phone said "they were in my contract agreement" Surely this is ott and unlawfull???, am I entitled to legally refuse to pay on the grounds they are extorntiante or pay and reclaim after?. Do these come under the same arguement as bank/credit card charges etc?. Any advice on the matter would be much appreciated as this has anoyed me a little after thinking I was nealy clear. thanks.
  14. Editing as other post was moved. I'm self employed btw After obtaining and reading my original t&c with Alliance & Leicester it does say that i'd be covered for unemployment but only if the business went bust so I presumed I was covered etc but after speaking to someone the other day he now says that it would be extremely hard for me to claim short term cover. Can anyone explain this?, guessing it just means i'd have to be pretty much on my death bed before I could claim and would maybe need to close the business also, and am being shortchanged compared to employed people?, could someone explain in plain english?. Sorry if this is a bit dumb, 2nd hand vinyl i'm your man but this is just hurting my head. Thanks in advance.
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