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  1. Hi thanks for that, i'm not strictly new, I reclaimed 2 grand off A & L earlier in the year and have recovered enough for my next battle. :)
  2. Cheers, I can honestly say it was a great feeling, wasnt the money just getting 1 back on a bank. In all fairness A & L acted very proffesionally with the complaint and stuck to timescales, treated me fairly and added the refund to the balance within a week with no chasing up.
  3. Think a fair few use mbna, mines a Abby card which is mbna and my mother has 1 which is a completely different name but is mbna.
  4. Gonna have a go, only thing was I was not self employed when they started however I even now could not tell you what i'm covered for which is enough of an excuse for a missale. 1st I knew was a letter telling may theyd reduced my ppi payments so I just didnt really know i'd got it.
  5. Hi sorry cant help on calculating the 8% butIve just this week had a successfull reclaim from A & L on self employed grounds & I took it out in 2005 & ive got 1 payment left so pretty equal. Yours should be a pretty simple claim as the cover to a self employed is far inferior and ultra hard to claim so doubt you'll have to take it to far, i'm sure they didnt explain this to you which they didnt to me. I accepted without the 8% purely because I needed the cash straight away to clear the balance. Someone i know had the same with A & L, wrote a letter back saying they'd accept it as part payment then demanding the 8% the courts would award. Oh yeah all you need is what youve got, i'd get the first request sent as they'll decline it and worry about the 8% later.
  6. 1st thing I thought. For the record it was Alliance and Leicester and they dealt with the complaint very well and decently. From what ive read cant see it being so easy with mbna.
  7. Sent 1st letter 8 weeeks ago to the day saying I was didnt want it but was persuaded + I was self employed They Replied saying you knew what was included, was explained etc. Sent 2nd letter asking for full list of differences between self employed and employed cover and quoting the missreprasentation act thingy, also threatening to use anything sent as evidence in court. Today day 56 get a letter offering full refund in the way of £1004.70 clearing arrears on the loan and a cheque for £700, balance on the loan is £2100 so i'm going to ask them to take the lot from the balance and pay the rest off next week. No 8% but tbh i'm in no position to wait any longer and with extra late charges and stuff this is the best way. No admission of liability just on a goodwill basis.
  8. Sorry I see youve got the documents, chances are theres a seperate exclusions paperwork which they didnt give you. I had an old Lloyds loan that was like this.
  9. Ive just today had a reclaim on the self employed, route. My policy claimed to cover self employed but you would have to be in involuntary insolvency which compared to an employed person who would just need to be made redundant doesnt seem a fair deal, this certainly wasnt explained when I took it out. Would say theres a very good chance you were missold but you need an SAR thingy with all the original t&c and exclusions list etc.
  10. This was PPI btw and not bank charges, thought i'd add this to save confusion as its been moved to here. Not in court but still won. Sent 1st letter 8 weeeks ago to the day saying I was didnt want it but was persuaded + I was self employed They Replied saying you knew what was included, was explained etc. Sent 2nd letter asking for full list of differences between self employed and employed cover and quoting the missreprasentation act thingy, also threatening to use anything sent as evidence in court. Today day 56 get a letter offering full refund in the way of £1004.70 clearing arrears on the loan and a cheque for £700, balance on the loan is £2100 so i'm going to ask them to take the lot from the balance and pay the rest off next week. No 8% but tbh i'm in no position to wait any longer and with extra late charges and stuff this is the best way. No admission of liability just on a goodwill basis. Thanks to this site and the other which i'll thank in a mo. This will make such a difference. Contribution on the way next month. :D:D
  11. And even if they do say its covered read it carefully as I found out there are so many things that would make it near impossible to claim.
  12. Thought i'd post again for peoples further reference. I did actually ring them 1st thing and after 5 minutes of dealing with a very nice lady on the phone she told me they had got the letter and it had been booked in on the 22nd which was a bit slow but i'm happy enough with that and it saved me £4. One question if anyone knows, does the 8 weeks they get to sort out my complaint start from when I send the 1st letter, when they recieve(book onto system) or the date on there 1st letter?
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