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  1. hi mommamartin, don't get stressed over this company, there's plenty of us on here that are having some seriou issues with them, just follow the sound advice and remeber we are all here for you. whta i dont understand that if you having been paying stanley for the past year and half and never missed a payment, how is it they can sell a debt, its not that you have totally ignored it and let it be. my advice to you would be send a letter to stanley, registered post, stating that you have agreed for the past 1.5 years to paying £20 a month, and never missed a payment, and that you want a full explanation of why they have sold this on, and under what law they can do this. i would send a letter to HFO stating that you are going to be bullied into paying them for debt, that you have been paying stanley for the past 1.5 years. hold tight, im sure peeps with more knowledge on what your rights are and where you should go from here. dont worry ul be okay.
  2. Hi Sharon, I am still in the process of waiting for reponses to my requests, yet still nothing and i believe the days are nearly up for my CCA, yet they still have little time left for my SAR. BUt i will be more than happy to go to court over this, not only because we dispute the debt, but also because of the way they have conducted themselves. I dont bellieve for a second this woman is from the solicitors, but if she is, just state that you will not speak to anyone is regards to this over the phone, everything needs to be in writing. Calling you, is just another way to get you to pay up before it goes to court, knowing they are probably going to loose. I know they feeling of wanting to fire of letters and all, but if they have already taken you to court and you are defending this, sit back and wait, as when your day comes, you'll have all the prove of letters sent and they have not by law responded to the information you have needed. Don't stress and don't worry we are all here. Truthfully if our goes to court, i can not wait, as im totally fed up with them and 3G for ignoring all request and only sending copied and i believe forged letters!!! Goodluck all
  3. It sounds like you have a strong case, its time consuming but keep at it. It seems HFO have kept the missing months, maybe it states clearly on them where 3G have gone wrong, why only give you half of the account, they just biding time, and if anything will be advantage to you if it goes further, as they have responded to your original requests fully. Goodluck and i'll let you know if we get anything further from them too in regards to our 3G account....not hopeful
  4. sounds like they are just trying it and possibly know that we are all going up against them, and this is just another way to put us off. If thou their call centre will be india, they still have a base here, so there will always be a way to get to them.
  5. Hi Rubylou. You actually got something back from 3G, we are still waiting, all we've had is reponse to say you have to send it to another department, even thou they kept our payments, and as the address was different, we had to send our signature to verfiy who we were, even thou we have clearly stated our new address. I personally would not pay anything to them, until 3G come back to you with the original dispute. If you truly believe you do not owe them anything, then don't pay. It is a total headache and such a waste of time, but it's your money, and they way they have treated you, they do not deserve your money, unless they can fully prove you do. Let me know if there is anything i can do to help.
  6. Hi Guys, So i havent heard anything back from trading standards, joke huh, after all the crap that has happened, it seems they do not care, i will be writing to them and ask why they have ignored what we reported to them, especially when they said they would be in contact with the following week. Also have not heard anything from 3G or HFO since my last letter sto them, although letters were sent to my husband's parents address, where were kindly asked them to have them resent to sender as they addressee no longer lives there. We have been sending both companies letters since August, and they still can't get the right address, i have since decided i will not repond now to anything unless it comes to our own address as stated on the all previous letters. It has been some time since i sent off the CCA and SAR, and still no response, oh well looks like they dont want there money right now. Hope everyone else is holding up ok against these B*******. Patrickq1 - will be filling that form in below and sending that off too, as our so called local TS doesnt seem to care how these idiots operate.
  7. thanks guys for all advise. Dont worry ive been keeping copies of all letters and also printed off royal mail site the the prove that each letter has been delievered. Cant believe that 3G kept my £1 postalk order for my request of CCA If thou they should know its not mobile contracts are not covered, and cant believe they have kept my £10 payment for sar too and have cheek to send me to the legal department!!!!!, well more photocopies and more letters.... thanks again.
  8. ok so went to Trading Standards yesterday. I told them everything from beginning to end, and they will be contacting 3G and HFO on our behalfs next week. However they didnt seem to concerned about the fake letters!!!!! And were more about that we should come to an agreement with them to pay the money and claim back later if they can not produce anything. I believe they thought we were trying to not pay the debt, but i stated clearly that if it wasours, ofcourse we would pay. The fact that my husband has no paper work from 3years ago to prove whta happened back then. I will however wait until next week and see what happens. They did however take copies of everything i have done so far. In the meantime i have just this morning recieved letters from 3G, dated 29 december 2007. 1st one in response to my C.A.R. ( i think as they have stated in response to you credit agreement), they have tried to contact us by phone, but unable to reach us, to get our account info we should contact HFO!!!!! And if we would like to get a copy of our credit file we should contact Equifax - what have they got to do with it????? Then in response to my S.A.R. they once again tried to call us, but unable to reach us!!!. We need to contact another department to get all conversation noted on our account at a different 3G address, but shouldnt they be sending this on, as why should i pay another 10 pounds for this request!!! And the last paragraph stated that 'we are unable to discuss any account information as the address our new address does not match what they have on record, therefore they request us to call or write to them with the following details: name and signature, address (old and new), account/mobile number and my our request. Once they recieve this info they will action our request.....they obviously need my husbands signature for something!!!!!!!!!!! we have never signed any letters and i do not intend to do so either. Honestly this is beyond a joke. Ive paid payment to them for a c.a.r. and also a s.a.r., but now they want me to chase another department that is part of 3G. I clearly stated all account numbers and mobile numbers. I also stated that the address on the letter is the one they should send all correspondance and that i will only with them in writing....Im tired of the constant run around and they amount we are spending on register post... Should i write back in response to these two letters and state that i am still waiting for my c.a.r, which i sent a postal order of a pound, and still nothing, it was sent on the 13th dec, and responding to their letter about my s.a.r., that i have already sent payment of 10 pounds that should cover this on the 13th, and that they should be sending this to the right department. Also adding that all letters stated the new address and i stated this in previous letters. any advice would be much appreciated.
  9. sorry forgot to ask, who are the Information Commissioners Office? thanks
  10. Happy New Year Guys and BEst wishes for 2008. onecall1 - don't worry cancelled my credit card and asked for new one straight away as i didnt trust what i did when i made that 1st installment. Sillygirl1 - we are now waiting for the court letters, but knowing the fact they can't even get these letters sent to the correct address, they are prob at my husband's parents address, which i have asked him to check. partickq1 - no need for apologises, just annoying and slight stressful when they don't respond to what you have asked for, thanks for coming back to me on this. 1 - i did cca hfo with the £1 payment and i also s.a.r. them to with the £10 payment, i also did the same to 3G....yet no response to the cca, they still have time on the s.a.r. i believe. 2 - all letters were recorded delivery and i have kept all copies and reciepts too. i have also like you said wrote back to turnbells in reponse to there letter and also to state that they are still sending letters to my husbands parents' address and not ours as stated on all correspondance - idiots cant even get that right. 3 - i had someone call me back from OTS - and i am seeing them on fri, as i am def that the letters sent by HFO claminig to be from 3G are not real. 6 - im not stressing now, its just frustrating more than anything, and just been newly married and moved into our new place, it's something we just dont need at the moment. anyways peeps are in worse situations than us. 5 - i'll scan the so-called letterfrom 3G that HFO sent us, im not at work at mo, but will get scanned in and post. But i know this is fake as it is totally different from the one they sent us back in Sept, stating them samething from 3G. thanks all for all your help, i will post the so called letter and also keep you updated what they will say at the OTS on friday.
  11. just so you know i have contacted OFT and logged call with them via phone today. Docman/Partickq1 - you stated earlier HFO would be very quick to commence legal proceedings, would you please let me know what would be the best possible way now. Do we wait and let them serve us court papers and take it from there, or respond to the letter that the Turbull solicitors have sent us??!!!??? letter from solicitors - 'we have been instructed by HFO Services Limited in connection with your outstanding amount of £......... We understand from our client you are refusing to pay your debt. We are instructed to commence legal proceedinsg against you without further notice unless your debt is stettled within 14days of this letter. We intend to sue you for £........, together with court costs and solicitors' costs. We also reserve the right to sue you for part of the balance. When we obtain a county court judgement against you, we will seek to enforce this against your income, assets and property. You should seek advice from your own solicito if you are in any doubt as to the seriousness of your situation. if you would like to discuss your debt or make arrangements to pay, please call our client on ...........' as it is the 28th dec today, im assuming the time is up and they will be obtaining a CCJ. still nothing more from 3G and no reponse to me CCA's or SAR. Not even letters of acknowlegdement. thanks
  12. hi guys, back once again. ok i sent off letters requesting all info that we had right to on the 13th dec....to this date i have nothing from 3G or HFO to our current address. however surprise surprise letter claiming to be from 3G was sent to my husband's parents address, even though it clearly states our new address on the letters i sent. The 3G letter is stating that they have passed on the debt to HFO and all payment should be made to them............no copy of contract. Also they got a letter from Turnbull ( i believe this is HFO solicitors) threatening legal action in next 14 days if we do not pay up, but nothing from my requests of payment or the 1st installment we paid. This letter was dated the 14th DEC, day after we sent the letters by registered post. Also that they will obtain a County Court Judgement if we do not contact them. I have noticed from the 3G letter they have sent this time, claiming to be from 3G is totally different from the one we got back in september when we 1st requested this info from them. I have now several questions, and any help will be much appreciated. 1 - i am def going to the OFT next week we all correspondance, will they beable to do anything? 2 - do i write back in response to these letters or do i ignore and say we never got them has they sent them to my husband's parents address and not ours? 3 - i can scan the letters for you to see. 4 - they have obviously recieved the letters requesting for all contracts etc, but have decided to ignore. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hey Rubylou, I found an address for the headoffice of 3G, here you go, goodluck. 3UK Retail Ltd Albion Wark, 5 Hester Road, Battersea, London SW11 4AN. Mine paper work is going off today to them, goodluck.
  14. so what a classic, i called bank to make sure payment wasn't taken, and surprise surprise they allowed for it to be taken. Can i ask what my cause of action would be now, how do i get my 1st installment back from HFO?
  15. thanks much for your help, much appreciated and can not thank you enough.
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